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Should Sri lanka withdraw from SAARC?


Jan 5, 2011
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I think Sri lanka is wasting its time and money by being a member SAARC.

If you look at it, all the SAARC countries are 3rd world and most of them are low income countries. How are you suppose to become 'good' when you hang around the 'bad'? we are wasting Billions of Rs to be part of this lethargic Association that is destined to fail. "dont they tell you not hang around the 'bad' kids when your little? as they will be bad influence on you"

I don't see the point in enhancing relations with neighbors, we're living in the 21st century. Distance is not a problem, any place around world is only few hours away. Why not enhance ties with 1st world countries.

Their been making this colossal wastes of money by arranging a summit every 2 years, now their' apparently doing it every year. what the hell?

Why not go with Colombo plan? work on better ties there? thier are great countries in that group that we can learn alot from.

And i don't see why, northern and eastern parts of sri lanka have leech from lines of credit from Colombo for apparently 'development' If they made a war for 30 years, not not my god dam problem for their so called lack of 'development'. Why is Colombo throwing 215 Billion Rs every year into the security of that no future crap hole? that's over $100 million USD a week to apparently provide security so they don't kill themselves! Why does my tax have to foot the bill for that? Why not just build a fence like they did in Israel? I'm sure you can build a fence for a one off payment of 215 Billion Rs, not throwing my hard earned money to stop them killing themselves. If i was president i would do things a lot different, but likely i have some contacts which gives me some good influence with the president :P Hopefully I will be able to change all this, and turn this country back into business.

Looking forward to hearing your opinions.

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Thanks :) a friend suggested it me. I think this forum is much better than the Bangladesh defence forum. The Bangladesh forum wouldn't even let me view their topics without paying them money. crazy :S :S

I know this going a bit off topic, but can some tell me how I can update the details of my profile? like my avatar?
Just because SAARC isnt widely known outside asia doesnt mean that the group is utter waste, and if srilanka wants to join hi-profile groups like BRIC it will have to work harder.
whats BRIC?

We need to be part of a group like NATO, that do things so efficiently.

EDIT: No not BRIC, we need to make a group with countries like, USA, Australia, Canada, UK, New Zealand. But they already have a group among themselves.I think the UKUSA community and NATO are by far the best things that ever happend.

If i were to make a perfect union it would be the following countries.

New zeland
South Korea
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Welcome to forum

But I think you post your first post as a thread :cheesy:

I this feature off only for Indians ????
BRIC consists of Brazil,Russia,China and India. This group consists of the 4 major and fastest growing economies of the world,South Africa is also likely to join this group in near future, as for NATO i dont think your government is interested to join it.
I'm not saying join NATO. Just quit SAARC first, then count your options.
I'm not saying join NATO. Just quit SAARC first, then count your options.

Country not running on personal opinion

What your government think about this matter is more important
Country not running on personal opinion

What your government think about this matter is more important

What!!:hitwall: My taxes pay for thier 2 Billion and 1.5 Billion Rs tax free pay cheques with free dental and medical!!!

My opinion sure does matter!!!:flame::flame:
Thats because Sri Lanka is also a low income country.With such income you cant join the G4 or G8 or BRIC or G20 because to joint then you should have a large economy.
Being a member of SAARC is always a good for Sri Lanka even china is intrested in becoming a member of SAARC
Its really funny,:lol:
you consider India,China,Russia,Brasil(BRIC nations),Pakistan,Afghanistan,Nepal,Bhutan,Bangladesh 'BAD' and argue that if you want to get improved you need to hang around with 'GOOD' like US,UK,Australia. then by the same logic why would those 'GOOD' will hang around with 'BAD'/3rd world (read Sri Lanka).:woot:
@mahinda18 : half of the countries you mentioned are no more the world leaders India and China have overshadowed them as for USA, she continue to be in a dillema over how to react when it comes to emerging nations, believe it or not we are now emerging to be the new world leaders, the sun has set in the west and has rised in the east.
Thats because Sri Lanka is also a low income country.With such income you cant join the G4 or G8 or BRIC or G20 because to joint then you should have a large economy.
Being a member of SAARC is always a good for Sri Lanka even china is intrested in becoming a member of SAARC

Size of economy is irrelevant, when measuring low income.

You can collnozie and entire planet fill with 1000 trillion people, and feed them 10 Rs worth of rice daily. then have an economy of $10 trillion USD which means nothing, as its still low income.

Sri lanka is middle income.
Its really funny,:lol:
you consider India,China,Russia,Brasil(BRIC nations),Pakistan,Afghanistan,Nepal,Bhutan,Bangladesh 'BAD' and argue that if you want to get improved you need to hang around with 'GOOD' like US,UK,Australia. then by the same logic why would those 'GOOD' will hang around with 'BAD'/3rd world (read Sri Lanka).:woot:

I'm not saying we should join 1st world countries, I'm just saying quit SAARC first then, count your options. Seriously, who actually thinks SAARC has a future? you have to be out of mind. SAARC is more like a holiday for Mahinda, to go around party then sit around listening to some guy at summit nod his head and come back to sri lanka to deal with this opposition party.
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