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Should Pakistan build Kalabagh dam to overcome electrical issues

Do you favoure the construction of Kalabagh dam

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Dec 7, 2005
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Considering the recent Electricity crisis in Pakistan, would you guyz support the construction of Kalabagh Dam. Support your opinion with reasons and useful suggestions. Be reminded that the construction could help Pakistan alot to fulfill electricity needs, as well as can result in providing and enhance more job oppertunities and can result a fair boost in economy.
We can't afford to lose more time, we've already waited three decades since Tarbela was built and the lost time is starting to take toll.

Hydroresources are huge in Pakistan, not only we can produce enough electricity but even export it if this particular resource is materialised.
Does the government have enough resources to built such dams?

What about the community which is vastly uneducated, who is gonna make them to realise the importance?

Few more issues:blink: ........
AsSalam O Alaikum,
Brothers, our so called politicians have had a field day discussing Kalabagh to the hilt and have repeatedly used it as a political ploy. There are some issues regarding kalabagh however which need to be discusssed.
Firstly, there is the feeling in NWFP that the dam is being built to facilitate growth and benefit for the people of Punjab and the brunt of the sacrifices will be borne by the people of NWFP. This is entirely wrong and this seed of discord should be rooted out.
Secondly, the issue of mass migration for a lot of people whose villages would be flooded and therefore compensation to them(both financial and emotional).
Thirdly, there is the issue of royalty for NWFP, which at the end of the day may be the most complicated issue, as I have read that there have been differences over it.
Fourthly, there have been issues regarding the position of the Dam and the overall benefit vs cost issue. I gather there have been reports from UN (if I remember correctly) which suggest that there may be serious problems building the Dam at its proposed site.
Fifth, the problem and perception in Sindh that reduction in the down flow would seriously affect the water supply to the province and affect the land that is presently cultivated.
Lastly there is the inherent problem with all dams of rising levels of silt with eventual reduction in energy production and associated waterlogging.
The problem with all things in Pakistan is that everything is shrouded in such mystery that no one ever knows what the true state of affairs is. If we had open enquiry and all concerns were answered, I think people would be able to take a ogical decision rather than a blind leap of conviction.The fact remains ,we need water and energyfor our growing economy.We also need to sort out why earlier dams have not been producing as much energy as before and what we can do to restore their productivity(perhaps dredge the bed, ove raise the level of the reservoire etc.). Please feel free to correct any of the points I have raised.
melb4aust said:
Does the government have enough resources to built such dams?

What about the community which is vastly uneducated, who is gonna make them to realise the importance?

Few more issues:blink: ........

Yes, we have allocated budget for these projects and we have support from both WB and ADB.
Private and foreign investments are also sought to finance these mega projects.
araz said:
Fourthly, there have been issues regarding the position of the Dam and the overall benefit vs cost issue. I gather there have been reports from UN (if I remember correctly) which suggest that there may be serious problems building the Dam at its proposed site.

The problem with all things in Pakistan is that everything is shrouded in such mystery that no one ever knows what the true state of affairs is. If we had open enquiry and all concerns were answered, I think people would be able to take a ogical decision rather than a blind leap of conviction.

The U.N. always has objections to a lot of Dams even if they are good. If China listened to the U.N. half its dams wouldnt be built.

I dont support shrouding things but I disagree that people would make a logical decision. The reason is that such committee and public hearings become hostage to special interest groups. In India hardly enough dams are built because locals stop them because the compensation they are supposed to receive is eaten all by the officials. These public meetings are good only as window dressing, to dupe people into thinking they matter but decisions have to be made for the benenfit of the nation.
sigatoka said:
I dont support shrouding things but I disagree that people would make a logical decision. The reason is that such committee and public hearings become hostage to special interest groups. In India hardly enough dams are built because locals stop them because the compensation they are supposed to receive is eaten all by the officials. These public meetings are good only as window dressing, to dupe people into thinking they matter but decisions have to be made for the benenfit of the nation.

Yeah ur right, the people are afraid that, they are not gonna get what they suppose to get, a compensation package. Mostly offcial do try to take advantages of situations like these. But with Kalabagh dam there are so many other issues involved as well. Like "Bugtii", those people dont like developement as they are afraid, as they will lose the power and control. They see the murder of their personal benefits.

This is where the good goverment has to compare both the loss and the benefits they are gonna get out, keeping in mind the interest of people along with their reasons to support or unsupport such projects. Then they can make their decisions by considering which sides weighs more.
Almost 100% people want Kalabagh dam on this forum then Y the hell politicians creating problems for the nation and the country
Almost 100% people want Kalabagh dam on this forum then Y the hell politicians creating problems for the nation and the country

It is imperative that Pakistan build Dams not only to Genrate Electricity but also for the Storage and Supply of Water.

Kalabagh is not being built for any particular Pakistani State-Province but for the whole of Pakistan.

As such Pakistan cannot afford not to build the Kalabagh along with many other Dams.
Almost 100% people want Kalabagh dam on this forum then Y the hell politicians creating problems for the nation and the country

Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa are against building the dam.
We can't go ahead with it unless everybody agrees on it.
Kalabagh should have been built 20 years ago. Now i guess its too late and we should focus on diamer-bhasha and dasu dams :)

+ Bunji for hydropower projects and later on we will think about Kalabagh too
should be we suffer all togather sind pakhtoonkha people one day relise they was dimmy look at thread its 5 years old. crisiss is going more deep next 5 years there is no power 24-7 then we relise.
Dam are much needed and Pakistan should build them only keep in mind the disputed areas.

Moreover, large number of check dams are required immediately to stop the wastage of water flowing waste into the sea.
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