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Do you think we should ally with Russia? (Pakistani members only)

  • Yes

    Votes: 21 46.7%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 3 6.7%
  • No

    Votes: 8 17.8%
  • Don't Know

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  • I'm not Pakistani...

    Votes: 13 28.9%

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Apr 27, 2012
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After everything we have suffered from so called 'War of Terror', should we start thinking about allying with Russia or even have good relations with them?


Russia and Pakistan are counted as one of the most important countries in Asia. But relations between both countries have seen ups and down in different periods.


Russia lost its super power title after dissolution of Soviet Union and became regional power. Russia has almost half of nukes of the world. Russia is the largest country with huge oil and gas reserves.Russia can also help Pakistan is education sector. Pakistan has good relations with almost every other Muslim country. This can benefit Russia maintaining good relations with Muslim world.

Pakistan is famous for its geopolitical importance as it can become bridge between Central Asia, South Asia, the Middle East, and even East Asia (through the Sino-Pakistani border). Pakistan can get benefit from Russia in different sectors. Pakistan has suffered from almost similar security issues Russia have in its territory. Creating Pakistan a transit hub will benefit China as well as Russia too.

There are many reasons why Russia and Pakistan should good relations:-
  1. Friendship with US has become a Frankenstein monster for Pakistan. Instances are strikes on our check posts and Drone Attack Game have made situation worst. We are still trying to figure out how to counter these issues and now we have started peace talks.
  2. Tri-Polarity-US,China & Russia, instead of usually uni-polar(US) dependence; would be an addition to the might of Pakistan Foreign Policy. Moreover Friendship with Russia would not cause any opportunity cost of time tested friendship with China.
  3. Friendship with Russian so far has not gained any resentment from any quarter of our society as we always have in relation to US and I believe we wouldn't have any towards.
  4. Russia is the fastest growing economy in G8 and she enjoys an average growth of 7% since 2003 and it is really commendable and For Pakistan, being friend with such pacer would be beneficial.
  5. Pakistan too has important place in Russian foreign policy as Pakistan is the sole Muslim Nuclear Power in the Muslim World and has an influential position in nexus to its geo-strategic significance and the current global and regional scenario makes the interests of Pakistan and Russian converge.
  6. Considering the energy crunch of Pakistan the relation with Russia would hopefully be any sort of remedy for our ailing economy. As Russia has emerged as the world's leading natural gas exporter and second largest oil producer after Saudi Arabia. Moreover Russia has vital experience in mining coal and in generation of coal power plants.
  7. Pakistan foreign policy is now inclining towards Central Asian Countries which are rich in oil and natural resources and Russia would be rich dividend in that angle.
  8. Islamabad-Moscow relation would assist in acquiring full membership of SCO.
  9. Pakistan Steel Mill is the hall mark of Pakistan-Russia relationship and re-union and re-start of such relationship would attract future prosperity via pipelines,railways and agriculture etc.
  10. Last but not the least. For more than 3 decades the relation between Pakistan and Russia have remained cool, even antagonistic. In such scenario India started to take the advantage of that opportunity and extended relations and cooperation to the big power Russia. Such increasing relations create concerns for Pakistan and right now it has become very imperative to have good relations with Russia so the balance of power may be maintained in the region.
It is said that USSR came to Afghanistan for accessing warm water. If Pakistan make himself root hub, there will be no need to invade any country and it will also help warming relations. Many people on this forum say that Russia will not ally with Pakistan as they have India as their KEY ally. They also have good relations with China and India has some problem with China too.

Just imagine if we start fighting with our neighbours and start cooperating with them, Asia can become more powerful militarily and economically. We can create Asian union and we may become successful than European Union.

Cooperation between Pakistan, China, Russia, Sri Lanka, India, Afghanistan, Iran, Bangladesh etc. can be the future.
We should ally with Russia. And I totally agreed to all points that u have pointed out.
At least pak-Russia alliance will be better than Pak USA alliance
Yes, you are right. But there is some mistake made by us. We, from start, always wanted military help. Russia refused to give it. However, US know the geo-political importance of Pakistan and start giving what we asked them for.
Yes we should ally with Russia! I always liked Russia....Their History is ermmm interesting :angel:

Plus US has not lived up to its end as an ally so why bother continuing?
Yes we should ally with Russia! I always liked Russia....Their History is ermmm interesting :angel:

Plus US has not lived up to its end as an ally so why bother continuing?
We have done so much for US in past decade. US have to solve its own problem and we should not jump in US created war ever.
We have done so much for US in past decade. US have to solve its own problem and we should not jump in US created war ever.
agreed! :tup:

All I am saying is we did soo much for them but they have not proven to be a good ally..It is about time it is about Pakistan than about the US or Saudi or Iran or anyone else unless they are an advantage to Pakistan and its people! The 2 are non negotiable terms!
agreed! :tup:

All I am saying is we did soo much for them but they have not proven to be a good ally..It is about time it is about Pakistan than about the US or Saudi or Iran or anyone else unless they are an advantage to Pakistan and its people! The 2 are non negotiable terms!
US gave us what we expected from them. We always expected military help. You may know that military aid from US is higher than civilian aid..


Because we asked them for that in past. But USSR refused to gave us or help us in it, so we choose US as our ally in past.

US, on the other hand has dragged us in its wars which have directly hurt us more than them. Also when we expected help from them, they put embargo on us.

Why not stand on your own feet
You didn't learn everything before coming to the world and neither did I.

Russia can act as big brother in region for Pakistan.
We need to learn to adapt neutral policy for all nations. There is no point allying with one nation and sidelining another. Just be neutral, have a strong foreign policy and make your friends based on mutual interests.

Be it Russia, USA, UK or any nation in the world
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