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Should India resort to Propaganda and Deceptive warfare on Large Scale?

How does that change China is a paper tiger and is doing propaganda to fool its citizens they have tech they don't?
Ummmm.....no. The ONLY people this sort of deception would fool is some keyboard warriors on the internet.

Experts and nations would know the truth. Like China's exaggerations/lies have been caught out so would India's. India is not a communist state that needs propaganda, it is a free open democracy end of story.
We cant and we will not resorted in such tactics .Admit our own failure will give us good result in future.All of this world criticize our LCA program and that is the one and only reason I trust that small aircraft.
And considering behaviour of our DRDO such tactics will back fire because we know the delaying of these organisation.
Deception is everything. CHina, US, Israel and Pakistan have major budgets solely devoted to changing perceptions across the globe. The fact that is even being debated, menas we are not doing it which is a major blunder on our part. I can go on for yrs blaming politics, but there is no excsue nowadays with all the social media and tech that allows us to interact and question these BS politicans and their decisive ways.

I am terribly saddened to learn that India does not engage in such activities in a major way. The lack of it doesn;t just concern security but investments as well. Every penny counts,....

Ummmm.....no. The ONLY people this sort of deception would fool is some keyboard warriors on the internet.

Experts and nations would know the truth. Like China's exaggerations/lies have been caught out so would India's. India is not a communist state that needs propaganda, it is a free open democracy end of story.

You are wrong. Look around the globe. How many ppl have access to the net? Even then, you have ppl from all countries taking note on China's rise and their media aids it. Everybody lies but if you do it correctly, you can reap major benefits.

We cant and we will not resorted in such tactics .Admit our own failure will give us good result in future.All of this world criticize our LCA program and that is the one and only reason I trust that small aircraft.
And considering behaviour of our DRDO such tactics will back fire because we know the delaying of these organisation.

YOu are comparing two different issues. Our problems should be acknowledged and not hidden, but it should be held within the agency itself and not on the net/media. While we work tirelessly to effectively change the status quo, the perception should be we ae movin ahead. Nobody questions China's progess or its failures. It never stopped the US or other nations from succeeding.

This is an inherent problem I see in Indians. This sort of warped sense of honor and being truthful is not a tactic that canbe used in warfare with shady enemies. ITs partly why we blundered in many battles....
To some extent, India are already doing this. Whatever China says it has, India will try to come up with a reply of its own. However, I don't think anyone outside of India buys into any of India's hype. India's replies to China's latest military developments, like Kaveri engine, Tejas fighter, etc. are token gestures of military indigenization and won't be keeping anyone, in Beijing, from sleeping well at night. China knows India just doesn't possess the research and manufacturing resources to develop anything that would concern China at this point in time. I know this hurts Indian pride but that's just the way things stand at the moment. The gap will only get wider if India don't honestly appraise the shortfalls in their procurement system. India need to follow through with genuine commitment to indigenous projects and not just paying lip service to them as token gestures of national pride.

India does honestly appraise its shortfalls, the problems is the politicans who waste our money and chang eour direction. Add to that are some scientists who chew more than they can swallow.....
No need to boast ourselves these things indeed will become reality in this decade.

India needs nuclear deterrent and we are progressing well in that field with AGNI 5,AGNI 6 and INS Arihanth.

All we need to do is form alliances with Japan and other like minded countries and develop military tech and economy.



To all Indian members.

We know that China has huge propaganda machinery and is playing deception too.

But we can do so too, on large scale.

We can pretend that we have successfully developed AURA and AMCA, make fake but real size models of them, take their photos and post them on net, through anonymous bloggers.

Then we can spread rumors that they already have been deployed on selected bases.

We can also pretend that we have developed hyper sonic cruise missile with 1,000 KM range.

Such tactics even if not fully successful, will have impact on psyche of our enemies.

It will benefit us hugely I think.

Discuss this idea guys.
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