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Should India resort to Propaganda and Deceptive warfare on Large Scale?


Oct 25, 2010
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To all Indian members.

We know that China has huge propaganda machinery and is playing deception too.

But we can do so too, on large scale.

We can pretend that we have successfully developed AURA and AMCA, make fake but real size models of them, take their photos and post them on net, through anonymous bloggers.

Then we can spread rumors that they already have been deployed on selected bases.

We can also pretend that we have developed hyper sonic cruise missile with 1,000 KM range.

Such tactics even if not fully successful, will have impact on psyche of our enemies.

It will benefit us hugely I think.

Discuss this idea guys.
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To all Indian members.

We know that China has huge propaganda machinery and is playing deception too.

But we can do so too, on large scale.

We can pretend that we have successfully developed AURA and AMCA, make fake but real size models of them, take their photos and post them on net, through anonymous bloggers.

Then we can spread rumors that they already have been deployed on selected bases.

We can also pretend that we have developed hyper sonic cruise missile with 1,000 KM range.

Such tactics even if not fully successful, will have impact on psyche of our enemies.

It will benefit us hugely I think.

Discuss this idea guys.

LOL.... No.
To some extent, India are already doing this. Whatever China says it has, India will try to come up with a reply of its own. However, I don't think anyone outside of India buys into any of India's hype. India's replies to China's latest military developments, like Kaveri engine, Tejas fighter, etc. are token gestures of military indigenization and won't be keeping anyone, in Beijing, from sleeping well at night. China knows India just doesn't possess the research and manufacturing resources to develop anything that would concern China at this point in time. I know this hurts Indian pride but that's just the way things stand at the moment. The gap will only get wider if India don't honestly appraise the shortfalls in their procurement system. India need to follow through with genuine commitment to indigenous projects and not just paying lip service to them as token gestures of national pride.

China shows CGIs and images of several weapon platforms in many defense expos; do you think all of them do exist/ under development?

LOL, and make a laughing stock of us similar to China's lofty defense claims?

For what purpose?
Propaganda and deceptive warfare? See the issue of Kashmir and Siachan. You've been doing it for decades.:coffee:

Kashmir and Siachin belong to us.

And read carefully. You missed the Large Scale part.

To some extent, India are already doing this. Whatever China says it has, India will try to come up with a reply of its own. However, I don't think anyone outside of India buys into any of India's hype. India's replies to China's latest military developments, like Kaveri engine, Tejas fighter, etc. are token gestures of military indigenization and won't be keeping anyone, in Beijing, from sleeping well at night. China knows India just doesn't possess the research and manufacturing resources to develop anything that would concern China at this point in time. I know this hurts Indian pride but that's just the way things stand at the moment. The gap will only get wider if India don't honestly appraise the shortfalls in their procurement system. India need to follow through with genuine commitment to indigenous projects and not just paying lip service to them as token gestures of national pride.

Thanks for contribution.

China knows India just doesn't possess the research and manufacturing resources to develop anything that would concern China at this point in time.

Not completely true. The Agni 5 and IRNSS are definitely concerns for China.

This are only some examples. I haven't even counted Agni 6, K 4, Vikramaditya etc.
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Kashmir and Siachin belong to us.

And read carefully. You missed the Large Scale part.

Thanks for contribution.

Yes, they do due to the overwhelming military might of India compared to Pakistan. It is just another example of a larger nation enveloping the rights of a smaller nation all in the name of justice and national pride. India isn't the first to practise this, so I don't blame you.

China shows CGIs and images of several weapon platforms in many defense expos; do you think all of them do exist/ under development?

CGI is mostly fan art of enthusiasts. However, China are putting hulls in the water and jets in the sky, whereas India is busy backbiting and saying they'll make this and make that, without any end product. Also Chinese missiles, tanks, planes, ships are being sold around the World and being used successfully, so if you want to believe everything coming out of China is just hot air and propaganda, then suit yourself. I think China won't mind if Indians keep believing this.
CGI is mostly fan art of enthusiasts. However, China are putting hulls in the water and jets in the sky, whereas India is busy backbiting and saying they'll make this and make that, without any end product. Also Chinese missiles, tanks, planes, ships are being sold around the World and being used successfully, so if you want to believe everything coming out of China is just hot air and propaganda, then suit yourself. I think China won't mind if Indians keep believing this.

I do not think so.

However several platforms which China claims they have exist on paper at moment.
I do not think so.

However several platforms which China claims they have exist on paper at moment.

The thing is with the Chinese, they have a habit of revealing almost complete systems of rumoured projects. You have to admire the no-nonsense way the Chinese get things done. Call them whatever you want...liars, cheaters, copycats, etc. but they get things done, which when it comes to national defence, is all that matters. Being the good guy or taking the moral high road don't mean jack if you can't make the systems you need to protect your country. China can pretty much meet all their own defence requirements now. Even the pesky jet engine problem is easing as WS-10 starts rolling out on Chinese jets. Being self-sufficient is what all countries should strive for.


To all Indian members.

We know that China has huge propaganda machinery and is playing deception too.

But we can do so too, on large scale.

We can pretend that we have successfully developed AURA and AMCA, make fake but real size models of them, take their photos and post them on net, through anonymous bloggers.

Then we can spread rumors that they already have been deployed on selected bases.

We can also pretend that we have developed hyper sonic cruise missile with 1,000 KM range.

Such tactics even if not fully successful, will have impact on psyche of our enemies.

It will benefit us hugely I think.

Discuss this idea guys.

Get a life. How do you know that they are fake planes? Any source?
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