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Shooting of Iranian Airline demonstration of overwhelming American Power


Sep 8, 2008
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So this guy apparently thinks that shooting down a civilian airliner is demonstration of overwhelming American firepower in the Persian Gulf.All this published in mainstream news paper.

Getting Iran to back down on its nuclear program
By David Ignatius, (Same guy who said it's no big deal that we killed Pakistan Army Soldiers in Salah Border Attack and we should never apologize).

“We are of the opinion that the Iranian regime is a rational actor,” said Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, on CNN on Sunday. That sounds right to me, but his comment raises a tricky question: How much pressure will it take to get this “rational” country to curb its nuclear program?

The answer here isn’t comforting: Recent history shows that the Iranian regime will change behavior only if confronted with overwhelming force and the prospect of an unwinnable war. Short of that, the Iranians seem ready to cruise along on the brink, expecting that the other side will steer away.

I count two clear instances when Iran has backed down, and two more “maybes.” These examples remind us that the Iranian leaders aren’t irrational madmen — and also that they drive a hard bargain. Here are the two documented retreats:

● In July 1988 Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini “drank the cup of poison,” as he put it, and agreed to end the Iraq-Iran war. He accepted a U.N.-sponsored truce but only after eight years of brutal fighting, Iraqi rocket attacks on Iranian cities and the use of poison gas against Iranian troops. Khomeini’s decision followed the shooting down of an Iranian civilian airliner on July 3 by the USS Vincennes — unintended but a demonstration of overwhelming American firepower in the Persian Gulf.

● In the fall of 2003 Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s regime halted its nuclear weapons program because of “international pressure,” according to a 2007 U.S. National Intelligence Estimate. The decision came after the March 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq, which the Iranians apparently feared was the prelude to an attack on their soil. The Iranians also agreed in 2003 to start talks with European nations on limiting their enrichment of uranium — beginning the haggling that continues to this day.

Two other examples are less obvious, but they illustrate the same theme of rational Iranian response to pressure. In both cases the trigger was a strong back-channel message from the United States:

● In March 2008, Iran restrained its Shiite allies in Iraq after a U.S. warning about shelling the Green Zone. The Mahdi Army had been firing heavy rockets and mortars into the enclave, causing rising U.S. casualties. Gen. David Petraeus, then U.S. commander in Baghdad, sent a message — “Stop shooting at the Green Zone” — to Gen. Qassem Suleimani, head of the Quds Force. The intermediary was Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, who had close relations with both generals. The shelling tapered off.

● Last month, Iran toned down its threats to close the Strait of Hormuz after a U.S. back-channel warning that any such action would trigger a punishing U.S. response. The private message paralleled a public U.S. statement: “The United States and the international community have a strong interest in the free flow of commerce and freedom of navigation in all international waterways.” Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi subsequently offered reassurance: “Iran has never in its history tried to prevent, to put any obstacles in the way of this important maritime route.”

The Iranians’ behavior in negotiations, too, has seemed to wax and wane based on their perception of the West’s seriousness. When Russia and China supported U.N. sanctions in 2010, the Iranians got nervous. When India and China reduced oil purchases recently, Tehran took notice.

Clear messaging to Iran — and to Israel, too — is important as the tension mounts over a possible Israeli attack on Iranian nuclear targets. The most direct public message yet came from Dempsey in his appearance on Fareed Zakaria’s show, “GPS.” It’s worth looking carefully at just what the nation’s top military officer said.

“The Iranian regime has not decided that they will embark on the effort to weaponize their nuclear capability,” Dempsey said, thereby offering Tehran a chance to save face in any deal. He argued that because Iran isn’t yet building a weapon, it would be “premature” and “not prudent” for Israel to attack. “A strike at this time would be destabilizing and wouldn’t achieve their long-term objectives,” he cautioned. But he conceded that the U.S. hasn’t yet persuaded Israel to hold off.

The signal to Israel is very clear: Don’t attack!

But what about the message to Iran? History shows that the clerics in Tehran won’t accept a deal unless they conclude that there’s no alternative but a punishing war. Somehow, the United States must convince Iran that this confrontation is deadly serious — and then work to find the rational pathway toward agreement.

Getting Iran to back down - The Washington Post
America is a nation which can strike when they want wherever they want and cause as much damage as they want and no one should underestimate them. iranians think they have a big bunker...congrats. But they should also understand the same enemies they deal with can drop enough bombs to not only disrupt the air filtration systems of bunkers or the power generators of bunkers but wipe out those sand cushioned bunkers at will. Iranians sometimes are too bold but through lessons we learn is that not correct?
Khomeini’s decision followed the shooting down of an Iranian civilian airliner on July 3 by the USS Vincennes — unintended but a demonstration of overwhelming American firepower in the Persian Gulf.
Good Job U.S.you have shown your true power to 290 defenseless innocents whom among them there were 66 babies.You are truly a superpower.

Unintended?They awarded a medal to the captain of USS Vincennes for killing 290 innocent people.Their excuse was that they mistaken and Airbus A-300 with a F-14 Tomcat(Yeah they are either too idiot or see other people too idiot for believing this BS)

America is a nation which can strike when they want wherever they want and cause as much damage as they want and no one should underestimate them. iranians think they have a big bunker...congrats. But they should also understand the same enemies they deal with can drop enough bombs to not only disrupt the air filtration systems of bunkers or the power generators of bunkers but wipe out those sand cushioned bunkers at will. Iranians sometimes are too bold but through lessons we learn is that not correct?
Indeed,they are so powerful that they can kill as many people as they want.We never wanted a war with U.S and we never claimed that we are more powerful,but if attacked,we will hit them as hard as we can.
America is a nation which can strike when they want wherever they want and cause as much damage as they want and no one should underestimate them.

lol. The following American Soldiers had forgotten that above 'facts' , I guess. Someone should have reminded them, before starting operation eagle claw.

Operation Eagle Claw - WikiPedia



You lost it when you excluded God from your equations. (And replaced it with amnesia)

If Americans ever believed that they can inflict serious damage on Iran through military action, and get away with it, they wouldn't have hesitated a second.
One problem with David Ignatius's "argument" is that he doesn't seem to be able to tell the difference between Strategies and tactics of the Iranian government.
Occupied Palestine is a top priority for them. They can't back off. No matter what.
America is a nation which can strike when they want wherever they want and cause as much damage as they want and no one should underestimate them. Iranians think they have a big bunker...congrats. But they should also understand the same enemies they deal with can drop enough bombs to not only disrupt the air filtration systems of bunkers or the power generators of bunkers but wipe out those sand cushioned bunkers at will. Iranians sometimes are too bold but through lessons we learn is that not correct?

Americans can for sure attack any where on the planet no doubt but nations have the right to defend themselves are you suggesting All bend back wards to please the Americans?

The only way one can make sure that its country wont be attacked by the Americans or Israelis is having Nukes and means to deliver it as soon as one can return the favor off an attack Americans will simply go on to bully some one new.
Punishing Iranian public for the conduct of regime is stupid notion and criminal.

This news reflects my fear that in any sort of tension Iranian public will be looser, Mullahs will flee to their safe heaven France.
Punishing Iranian public for the conduct of regime is stupid notion and criminal.

This news reflects my fear that in any sort of tension Iranian public will be looser, Mullahs will flee to their safe heaven France.
Have you ever noticed no one buys all your bs about Iran anymore?
It's about vaporizing nearly 300 people in the sky who had nothing to do with war and other things,but only morons mix these things up.
It was clear that the guy that shooted the plane knew it was civil plane.
What is horrible to know is the guy got a medal for this !

Problems sometimes USA forget to apologize and don't want to see the truth of the horror made by some compatriots:
from Mossadegh to this airliner :cry:
Iran can also shoot down civil airliners... are we now superpower of the world ? what a freaks man... waste of oxygen

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