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Shia Houthi rebels push toward Yemeni capital


May 30, 2013
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
38 dead in three-day Shiite rebel push towards Yemen capital

29 January 2014 21:23 GMT

Pro-government tribes battled Shiite rebels north of the Yemeni capital on Wednesday taking the death toll from three days of heavy clashes to 38, tribal and medical sources said.

The deadliest fighting raged in the Arhab region just 40 kilometres (25 miles) north of Sanaa, where tribesmen said they had recaptured high ground overlooking the international airport.

The rebels have been pushing out from their stronghold in the mountains of the far north to other areas nearer the capital, where most of the population follow the Zaidi branch of Shiite Islam, to lay a stake to their own autonomous unit in a promised federal Yemen, political sources say.

But their fighters, know as Huthis from the name of the rebels' leading family, have faced stiff resistance from pro-government Zaidi tribes, as well as from Sunni hardliners from elsewhere in Yemen who have established religious schools in parts of the north.

"The men of the Arhab tribe pushed the Huthis back from Mount Nisr and three adjacent hills in fighting that erupted on Tuesday evening, inflicting 10 dead in Huthi ranks and at the cost of seven dead among our own men," a tribal spokesman said.

A little farther north in Omran, which borders Sanaa province, fighting between the rebels and pro-government tribesmen on Wednesday left nine people dead, tribal and medical sources said.

President Abdrabuh Mansur Hadi has pledged that Yemen will adopt a federal constitution to tackle the grievances of its disparate regions.

But at a ceremony on Saturday to mark the conclusion of a troubled 10-month national dialogue, he put off any decision on the thorny issue of how many component units it will have, promising that a special commission will decide.

The prospect of a federal Yemen, originally mooted as a solution to the grievances of the formerly independent south where secessionist violence has been on the increase, has spawned demands for autonomy from other discontented regions, including the rebel-held far north.
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I thought they accepted a truce with Saudia? :woot:

this is my response after hasani calls Iran weak
When was the last major wars Saudia fought against a sovereign nation? Is it on modernized, fully equipped and last man standing wars or the middle age?
Iraq and Iran plot oil revolution in challenge to Saudi Arabia | Page 2

hasani's replies
Against the Houthi cult that your fake wannabe Arab Mullah's supported politically a few years ago. They got a severe beating.

Today little Kuwait has a more impressive air force than your failed country.
Iraq and Iran plot oil revolution in challenge to Saudi Arabia | Page 3

He recognize this as a major war against some rebel in Yemen. :omghaha:
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Whats the Shia percentage in Yemen? I thought Yemen was predominantly a Sunni country.
Thanks, but some of them are pro government. Are the Houthis pushing for a separate country or just more autonomy?
The situation is very complicated there, and it has got even more complicated. As far as I know, all types of thoughts exists amoung yemenites in these regards, from hardcore Shias to more moderate ones, and even from some socialist/communist ones who want to separate a part of yemen to some foreigners lap dogs. So, answering your question is very difficult. Houthies wanted their basic rights at the first place, but they elevated their expectations as Yemenite government tried to oppress them with the help of Saudis and failed. So, now, they want more than before ;)

Shia in Yemen don't exceed 20% in which 19% are Zaidi who don't agree with the Twelver Shia cult aka Khoamine invention.

The situation is very complicated there, and it has got even more complicated. As far as I know, all types of thoughts exists amoung yemenites in these regards, from hardcore Shias to more moderate ones, and even from some socialist/communist ones who want to separate a part of yemen to some foreigners lap dogs. So, answering your question is very difficult. Houthies wanted their basic rights at the first place, but they elevated their expectations as Yemenite government tried to oppress them with the help of Saudis and failed. So, now, they want more than before ;)

Yes Sir, We will crush their skulls, we are already doing so anyway. If they don't like it they can swim to Muallahstan. :guns::guns:
The situation is very complicated there, and it has got even more complicated. As far as I know, all types of thoughts exists amoung yemenites in these regards, from hardcore Shias to more moderate ones, and even from some socialist/communist ones who want to separate a part of yemen to some foreigners lap dogs. So, answering your question is very difficult. Houthies wanted their basic rights at the first place, but they elevated their expectations as Yemenite government tried to oppress them with the help of Saudis and failed. So, now, they want more than before ;)

Just great! As if there weren't enough flashpoints in the middle east already. :fie:

Just great! As if there weren't enough flashpoints in the middle east already. :fie:

Exactly right. Syria has got boring for them. They need more fresh blood and flesh.:disagree:
Shia in Yemen don't exceed 20% in which 19% are Zaidi who don't agree with the Twelver Shia cult aka Khoamine invention.


But the UN document clearly says that Shias are 45%. Out of which 30% are rebels, and the rest are pro government.
Shia in Yemen don't exceed 20% in which 19% are Zaidi who don't agree with the Twelver Shia cult aka Khoamine invention.
I think in the next few hours, you would say:
No, they are 0.00000001% and the Twelver Shia is not even been invented yet. :lol::lol::lol:
Yes Sir, We will crush their skulls, we are already doing so anyway. If they don't like it they can swim to Muallahstan. :guns::guns:
Good job for you to get defeated multiple times by a tribal army who does not have any weapons. BTW, have fun in killing more of your arab brothers.
I think in the next few hours, you would say:
No, they are 0.00000001% and the Twelver Shia is not even been invented yet. :lol::lol::lol:

Good job for you to get defeated multiple times by a tribal army who does not have any weapons. BTW, have fun in killing more of your arab brothers.

To get defeated? Last time we left no one alive, their leader begged for ceasefire after we bombed all houthis villages and captured his son.

Please watch this to know what kind of bombs we dropped over them.

There you said it, Arabs not Persian. You should worry about your failed state who are killing people for being enemy of God. Iran doesn't allow Sunni to build their places of worship, persecuting Baloch, Kurds and Arabs. Doesn't allow them to be taught in their own language… etc

As I said before, We will **** the shit out of them wherever we find them.
To get defeated? Last time we left no one alive, their leader begged for ceasefire after we bombed all houthis villages and captured his son.
Please watch this to know what kind of bombs we dropped over them.
haha, so with the same logic, what Assad is doing, in barrel bombing cities, is also legitimate.
There you said it, Arabs not Persian. You should worry about your failed state who are killing people for being enemy of God. Iran doesn't allow Sunni to build their places of worship, persecuting Baloch, Kurds and Arabs. Doesn't allow them to be taught in their own language… etc
As I said before, We will **** the shit out of them wherever we find them.
Not your business, be worried about your women who can't even drive, and about Shias who live on your oil reserves and are ready to revolt. give shias more rights such as independency if you are sincere, other wise do not throw stones when you live in a glass house. BTW, @Surenas can help you with kurds opinions about KSA, if you want.:lol::lol::lol:
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