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Sheikh Mujib’s birth history as per affidavit filed in Kolkata in 1923


Dec 14, 2008
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Sheikh Mujib’s birth history as per affidavit filed in Kolkata in 1923

An Appeal sent to the P.M. of Bangladesh

The Minister for Education (of Bangladesh) has instructed that in the new text books Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s life history must be included. It is universally accepted that no one can write history at his will or whims; History always evolves in the natural course of time. Therefore, Madam Prime Minister, appreciating this directive we the people of Bangladesh would humbly appeal with a caution to the Minister that a true and factual history of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman should be incorporated in the text books as the nation deserves to know how we were gifted with a leader of his stature who is being proclaimed as the ‘Father of the Nation’.

To help the Minister in his discourse, I would like to put forward some relevant facts acquired from the preserved documents in the archive of the Indian government not known to many of our countrymen. In those preserved documents, some relevant information is recorded about the birth history of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his childhood.

In early nineteen twenties, one Mr. Chandi Das was a practicing lawyer in the Civil Court at Kolkata. He had a young beautiful daughter named Gouribala Das. One Mr. Aronnyo Kumar Chakravarti was working as a junior assistant to Mr. Chandi Das. Mr. Chakravarti had a free access to Mr. Das’s residence at his will and used to visit the family frequently. In the process he developed intimate personal illicit relationship with Gouribala. Consequentially, Gouribala became pregnant. When pregnancy was confirmed Gouribala and her father started pressing hard on Mr. Chakravarti to get married. But Mr. Chakravarti being a high cast Brahmin was not only outraged and flatly denied his illicit relationship but audaciously refused to marry Gouribala who belonged to a lower cast. He also disowned the claim that the child was sired by him. Such behavior of Mr. Chakravarti came as a rude shock to the entire family particularly to Mr. Das and he became seriously ill thinking about the ill fate of his beloved daughter’s future.

Finally, Gouribala gave birth to a son on 12.12.1920. The son was named after Mr. Aronnyo Kumar Chakravarti as Dev Das Chakravarti. Thereafter, Mr. Das kept on requesting Mr. Aronnyo to accept Gouribala as his wife and Dev Das as his son but of no avail. In this melee the boy became three years old.

At that time, having no way out Mr. Das begged Sheikh Luthfur Rahman, his Muhuri (Document Writer) to marry Gouribala. The obedient Muhuri obliged Mr. Das and married Gouribala after she and begotten son Dev Das, sired by Mr. Chakravarti got converted into Islam taking the Muslim names Sahera Begum and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

An affidavit No118 dated 10.11.1923, was registered with the Kolkata Magistrate Court in this regard.


1. Mr. Abdur Rahman Shafayet, Court Daroga
Police Station (PS): Vandaria
Post Office: Vandaria
District: Erstwhile Barisal

2. Shree Anil Kumar, Court Daroga
District: Erstwhile Barisal
The Real Facts: Was Sheikh Mijib Born a Hindu?
@idune, stop spreading rumors that you know are false. Sk. Mujib was too big comparing to a street man like you. It is very easy to bring out a link which itself was uploaded by the heinous Jamaat guys. These imposters and you yourself should burn in hell for spreading lies.

You guys are against the basic law of Islam, yet you talk as if you guys are the only bonafide paradise-goers, while I can see you are going to hell for distorting a personality's root. Shame on you for degrading the PDF.
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I donno whats the big deal about this. Every one you(bangladeshis) have Hindu ancestry.
Sheikh Mujib’s birth history as per affidavit filed in Kolkata in 1923

An Appeal sent to the P.M. of Bangladesh

The Minister for Education (of Bangladesh) has instructed that in the new text books Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s life history must be included. It is universally accepted that no one can write history at his will or whims; History always evolves in the natural course of time. Therefore, Madam Prime Minister, appreciating this directive we the people of Bangladesh would humbly appeal with a caution to the Minister that a true and factual history of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman should be incorporated in the text books as the nation deserves to know how we were gifted with a leader of his stature who is being proclaimed as the ‘Father of the Nation’.

To help the Minister in his discourse, I would like to put forward some relevant facts acquired from the preserved documents in the archive of the Indian government not known to many of our countrymen. In those preserved documents, some relevant information is recorded about the birth history of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his childhood.

In early nineteen twenties, one Mr. Chandi Das was a practicing lawyer in the Civil Court at Kolkata. He had a young beautiful daughter named Gouribala Das. One Mr. Aronnyo Kumar Chakravarti was working as a junior assistant to Mr. Chandi Das. Mr. Chakravarti had a free access to Mr. Das’s residence at his will and used to visit the family frequently. In the process he developed intimate personal illicit relationship with Gouribala. Consequentially, Gouribala became pregnant. When pregnancy was confirmed Gouribala and her father started pressing hard on Mr. Chakravarti to get married. But Mr. Chakravarti being a high cast Brahmin was not only outraged and flatly denied his illicit relationship but audaciously refused to marry Gouribala who belonged to a lower cast. He also disowned the claim that the child was sired by him. Such behavior of Mr. Chakravarti came as a rude shock to the entire family particularly to Mr. Das and he became seriously ill thinking about the ill fate of his beloved daughter’s future.

Finally, Gouribala gave birth to a son on 12.12.1920. The son was named after Mr. Aronnyo Kumar Chakravarti as Dev Das Chakravarti. Thereafter, Mr. Das kept on requesting Mr. Aronnyo to accept Gouribala as his wife and Dev Das as his son but of no avail. In this melee the boy became three years old.

At that time, having no way out Mr. Das begged Sheikh Luthfur Rahman, his Muhuri (Document Writer) to marry Gouribala. The obedient Muhuri obliged Mr. Das and married Gouribala after she and begotten son Dev Das, sired by Mr. Chakravarti got converted into Islam taking the Muslim names Sahera Begum and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

An affidavit No118 dated 10.11.1923, was registered with the Kolkata Magistrate Court in this regard.


1. Mr. Abdur Rahman Shafayet, Court Daroga
Police Station (PS): Vandaria
Post Office: Vandaria
District: Erstwhile Barisal

2. Shree Anil Kumar, Court Daroga
District: Erstwhile Barisal
The Real Facts: Was Sheikh Mijib Born a Hindu?

If you have some basic knowledge about Islam than you should have known that born from non Muslim parents or out of wedlock doesn't make a person lesser Muslim. Accusing one Muslim about his lineage is a serious sin.

Abu Hurayrah (radhi allahu anhu) narrated, 'The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu aliahi wa-sallam) said, 'Two matters are signs of disbelief on the part of those who indulge in them; defaming and speaking evil of a person's lineage, and wailing over the dead.'' [Saheeh Muslim]
@idune, stop spreading rumors that you know are false. Sk. Mujib was too big comparing to a street man like you. It is very easy to bring out a link which itself was uploaded by the heinous Jamaat guys. These imposters and you yourself should burn in hell for spreading lies.

You guys are against the basic law of Islam, yet you talk as if you guys are the only bonafide paradise-goers, while I can see you are going to hell for distorting a personality's root. Shame on you for degrading the PDF.

aside from your rubbish rant, Sheikh Mujib claimed larger than life figure and and every one like him or dislike him has right to know what was in the affidavit No118 dated 10.11.1923. This is for constructive discussion not for garbage talk.
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If you have some basic knowledge about Islam than you should have known that born from non Muslim parents or out of wedlock doesn't make a person lesser Muslim. Accusing one Muslim about his lineage is a serious sin.

If you want to act as true Awami League creature than there is nothing can be said. BUT NO ONE made claim Sheikh Mujib was "lesser Muslim". Question raised about his family background and biography. Now rather than inventing deceptive spin or as MP Rehana Akhther Ranu said without doing chudur budur seek the real answer - why Awami League had not made content of the affidavit No118 public and get it over with?
aside from your rubbish rant, Sheikh Mujib claimed larger than life figure and and every one like him or dislike him has right to know what was in the affidavit No118 dated 10.11.1923. This is for constructive discussion not for garbage talk.

He was born whatever is NOT the issue. But the affidavit must be discusses?

who filed it? why?
Good to know that, But a man is judged based on his deeds not by his birth. :cheers:
He was born whatever is NOT the issue. But the affidavit must be discusses?

who filed it? why?

That is something only be known if Awami League (indian for that matter) release content of that affidavit, it was dated 10.11.1923, was registered with the Kolkata Magistrate Court.
Good to know that, But a man is judged based on his deeds not by his birth. :cheers:

what he was born or his deeds are not of interest in this thread BUT the affidavit. why it was filed ?

That is something only be known if Awami League (indian for that matter) release content of that affidavit, it was dated 10.11.1923, was registered with the Kolkata Magistrate Court.

can a private entity ask for information from Indian govt?
If you want to act as true Awami League creature than there is not can be said. BUT NO ONE made claim Sheikh Mujib was "lesser Muslim". Question raised about his family background and biography. Now rather than inventing deceptive argument or as MP Rehana Akhther Ranu said without doing chudur budur seek the real answer why Awami League had not made content of the affidavit No118 public and get it over with?

I had no idea that Muslim were so "liberal" back in 1920s. They open there arm to a three year old illegal son of Hindu to their family as their own son :blink:.

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