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Shebhaz Sharif Is Insincere In His Condemnation Of Imran Khan’s India Remarks

The Eagle

Oct 15, 2015
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Shebhaz Sharif Is Insincere In His Condemnation Of Imran Khan’s India Remarks

April 2, 2022 NEWS, Fake News, Hybrid War, Pakistan, Regime Change, Russia, US

Shebhaz Sharif is absolutely sincere since Prime Minister Khan has made his condemnation of India’s unilateral abrogation of Article 370 a focal point of his foreign policy on the world stage, even going as far as to include it in his keynote speech to the UN General Assembly a month after that happened in September 2019. Nobody has been a more vocal supporter of Pakistan’s position towards the unresolved Kashmir Conflict than the incumbent leader who Sharif just falsely claimed had insulted the Kashmiris.

Pakistani opposition leader Shebhaz Sharif condemned Prime Minister Imran Khan’s praise of Indian foreign policy after he once again spoke positively about its principled neutrality in the context of Russia’s ongoing special military operation in Ukraine. The wannabe premier, who’s suspected of collaborating with the US as part of that declining unipolar hegemon’s rolling regime change operation, tweeted that he was “Shocked at the way Imran Khan has endangered the global interests of the country. His recurring praise for Modi’s foreign policy is an insult to the sacrifices of valient Kashmiris braving Hindutva. Among other things, the damage done to our foreign policy is incalculable.”

This is absolutely sincere since Prime Minister Khan has made his condemnation of India’s unilateral abrogation of Article 370 a focal point of his foreign policy on the world stage, even going as far as to include it in his keynote speech to the UN General Assembly a month after that happened in September 2019. Nobody has been a more vocal supporter of Pakistan’s position towards the unresolved Kashmir Conflict than the incumbent leader who Sharif just falsely claimed had insulted the Kashmiris. The reason why this politician is so triggered by Prime Minister Khan’s remarks is because he sympathizes with the supremacist “American Exceptionalist” ideology of his suspected US patrons.

The principled neutrality that Pakistan practices is in full alignment with its newly promulgated National Security Policy from January that prohibits bloc politics. Sharif, however, dangerously wants to sacrifice his country’s objective national interests by defying this policy in order to repay America as a quid pro quo for its support in attempting to bring him to power like might happen following Sunday’s no-confidence vote. One can dislike Prime Minister Khan all they want for whatever their reasons may be but they mustn’t compromise on their country’s security for self-serving political reasons like Sharif very strongly suggested that he’s about to do if the US makes him Pakistan’s next premier.

The incumbent Pakistani leader has every right to praise Indian foreign policy since his country’s rival has the best approach towards the New Cold War. New Delhi has made it so that every Great Power is vying for its support, which it’s wisely leveraging for maximum benefit. No matter what one thinks about Prime Minister Narendra Modi and other aspects of his government’s policies, nobody can condemn him for putting his country’s interests before all others. This stands in stark contrast to Sharif, who’s willing to sacrifice Pakistan’s interests in order to advance America’s. His insincere condemnation of Prime Minister Khan’s remarks and subsequent gaslighting are proof of his intentions.

Be that as it is, those who truly support multipolarity should hope that Pakistan’s permanent military, intelligence, and diplomatic bureaucracies (“deep state”, otherwise known as “The Establishment” in Pakistani parlance) will “pragmatically manage” Sharif if he happens to overthrow Prime Minister Khan after Sunday’s no-confidence vote. Patriotic members of the “establishment” mustn’t allow him to sacrifice their country’s objective national interests by blatantly defying the no-bloc policy that was promulgated by its new National Security Policy just several months ago. At all costs, they must ensure that the rapid Pakistani-Russian rapprochement continues proceeding apace despite US meddling.
Shebhaz Sharif Is Insincere In His Condemnation Of Imran Khan’s India Remarks

April 2, 2022 NEWS, Fake News, Hybrid War, Pakistan, Regime Change, Russia, US

Shebhaz Sharif is absolutely sincere since Prime Minister Khan has made his condemnation of India’s unilateral abrogation of Article 370 a focal point of his foreign policy on the world stage, even going as far as to include it in his keynote speech to the UN General Assembly a month after that happened in September 2019. Nobody has been a more vocal supporter of Pakistan’s position towards the unresolved Kashmir Conflict than the incumbent leader who Sharif just falsely claimed had insulted the Kashmiris.

Pakistani opposition leader Shebhaz Sharif condemned Prime Minister Imran Khan’s praise of Indian foreign policy after he once again spoke positively about its principled neutrality in the context of Russia’s ongoing special military operation in Ukraine. The wannabe premier, who’s suspected of collaborating with the US as part of that declining unipolar hegemon’s rolling regime change operation, tweeted that he was “Shocked at the way Imran Khan has endangered the global interests of the country. His recurring praise for Modi’s foreign policy is an insult to the sacrifices of valient Kashmiris braving Hindutva. Among other things, the damage done to our foreign policy is incalculable.”

This is absolutely sincere since Prime Minister Khan has made his condemnation of India’s unilateral abrogation of Article 370 a focal point of his foreign policy on the world stage, even going as far as to include it in his keynote speech to the UN General Assembly a month after that happened in September 2019. Nobody has been a more vocal supporter of Pakistan’s position towards the unresolved Kashmir Conflict than the incumbent leader who Sharif just falsely claimed had insulted the Kashmiris. The reason why this politician is so triggered by Prime Minister Khan’s remarks is because he sympathizes with the supremacist “American Exceptionalist” ideology of his suspected US patrons.

The principled neutrality that Pakistan practices is in full alignment with its newly promulgated National Security Policy from January that prohibits bloc politics. Sharif, however, dangerously wants to sacrifice his country’s objective national interests by defying this policy in order to repay America as a quid pro quo for its support in attempting to bring him to power like might happen following Sunday’s no-confidence vote. One can dislike Prime Minister Khan all they want for whatever their reasons may be but they mustn’t compromise on their country’s security for self-serving political reasons like Sharif very strongly suggested that he’s about to do if the US makes him Pakistan’s next premier.

The incumbent Pakistani leader has every right to praise Indian foreign policy since his country’s rival has the best approach towards the New Cold War. New Delhi has made it so that every Great Power is vying for its support, which it’s wisely leveraging for maximum benefit. No matter what one thinks about Prime Minister Narendra Modi and other aspects of his government’s policies, nobody can condemn him for putting his country’s interests before all others. This stands in stark contrast to Sharif, who’s willing to sacrifice Pakistan’s interests in order to advance America’s. His insincere condemnation of Prime Minister Khan’s remarks and subsequent gaslighting are proof of his intentions.

Be that as it is, those who truly support multipolarity should hope that Pakistan’s permanent military, intelligence, and diplomatic bureaucracies (“deep state”, otherwise known as “The Establishment” in Pakistani parlance) will “pragmatically manage” Sharif if he happens to overthrow Prime Minister Khan after Sunday’s no-confidence vote. Patriotic members of the “establishment” mustn’t allow him to sacrifice their country’s objective national interests by blatantly defying the no-bloc policy that was promulgated by its new National Security Policy just several months ago. At all costs, they must ensure that the rapid Pakistani-Russian rapprochement continues proceeding apace despite US meddling.
Lol IK has been thrown out exactly to reverse all those policies and establishment is not only part of this but in fact the actual driving force behind this policy reversal as it doesn't fit with their own prefabricated framework for the Pakistan. IK can't be subdued, bought and stubborn. So he has to be thrown out.

You are a mod here and might also ban me here for saying the truth.


"Burry the past (Kashmir issue) and move on (with trade, friendship etc)"

That's clearly contradictory to the dozens of statements of PM IK and his NSA where they refused to cooperate with India unless they reverse the August 5 actions of Changing Kashmir's status. Backdoor diplomacy with India failed as NSA said India wasn't serious to address Pakistan's core concern but was instead was aligned with Bajwa's statement of just move on! Be good friends like old times!

Bajwa in Islamabad security dialogue recently condemned/criticized Russia to please the US contrary to the Pakistani Govt's stance of abstaining and staying away from this sticky topic.

Bajwa in the same conference answered a question that I would explain in my own words. US is our 1st love and always have been our 1st love. PAK Army born and spent it's life with the US, played with US given toys. China is just a compulsion due to the absence of our true the US darling. I am still awaiting for you my 1st love, my abusive hubby!
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Another bitter truth and hard to digest for most!

The true reasons for the demise of almost any democratic Govt is explained by a University Professor Doctor of LUMS university. I am of the same view but the way he has summarized it all and explained clearly as well is remarkable.

The true power lies with the military establishment and there are 3 core redlines of the establishment which can never be breached without facing any consequences.

1. Foreign Policy (must be tilted towards west and the US)

2. Economics (must be tilted towards west and the US (IMF))

3. Army's internal matters (No bloody civilian PM/President allowed to ever interfere in Army's appointments, transfers, promotions or any sorts of accountability).

IK breached all those 3 redlines and got the results what he deserved according to the military establishment.

Every party and political player is establishment's pawn and are used in a fashion of musical chair. No one should get powerful enough to challenge the absolute authority of the military establishment.

No political player is criminal, corrupt or traitor enough to be not utilized by the military as and when required. They are all under the protection umbrella of the establishment. That's why they never get severely convicted under any heinous criminal charges like corruption, money laundering, assassinations, rapes, murders etc etc.

So stop asking any ethical questions from them about the characters of any player. Is hamaam me sb nangay hen

The video links:

Nothing can be achieved in the fields of local political setup, foreign policy or economic framework unless this unholy status quo remains intact.
Another bitter truth and hard to digest for most!

The true reasons for the demise of almost any democratic Govt is explained by a University Professor Doctor of LUMS university. I am of the same view but the way he has summarized it all and explained clearly as well is remarkable.

The true power lies with the military establishment and there are 3 core redlines of the establishment which can never be breached without facing any consequences.

1. Foreign Policy (must be tilted towards west and the US)

2. Economics (must be tilted towards west and the US (IMF))

3. Army's internal matters (No bloody civilian PM/President allowed to ever interfere in Army's appointments, transfers, promotions or any sorts of accountability).

IK breached all those 3 redlines and got the results what he deserved according to the military establishment.

Every party and political player is establishment's pawn and are used in a fashion of musical chair. No one should get powerful enough to challenge the absolute authority of the military establishment.

No political player is criminal, corrupt or traitor enough to be not utilized by the military as and when required. They are all under the protection umbrella of the establishment. That's why they never get severely convicted under any heinous criminal charges like corruption, money laundering, assassinations, rapes, murders etc etc.

So stop asking any ethical questions from them about the characters of any player. Is hamaam me sb nangay hen

The video links:

Nothing can be achieved in the fields of local political setup, foreign policy or economic framework unless this unholy status quo remains intact.

Although he is a Marxist and I follow the rule that all Marxists are trash, he is correct here.
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I apologize from everyone whose heart been broken or hurt by my posts here. But that's just my opinion and the truth in which I believe. So have shared here! You might remove it if you can't bear it.
Although he is a Marxists and I follow the rule that all Marxists are trash, he is correct here.
Yes he openly acknowledges that he is a leftist. And in my opinion being a leftist to voice for the poor/deprived/oppressed is far better than being a lap dog/mouthpiece of some big power as a rightist.

I don't really understand his leftist ideas and don't really agree to his theories but still it's good to hear some counter narrative, just food for thought as we already living and breathing in capatalist system.

I think a hybrid Islamic falahi riyasat is far better than those 2 extreme ideas opposite to each other.

I don't know much about his ideas but have just today seen his video for Marxist haters answers by him. I would share it with you here. And you would be the better judge as I am not into those irreligious ideas of the economy either capitalism or socialism or whatever!
Our religion is balanced. Never been rightist or leftist
Yes he openly acknowledges that he is a leftist. And in my opinion being a leftist to voice for the poor/deprived/oppressed is far better than being a lap dog/mouthpiece of some big power as a rightist.

I don't really understand his leftist ideas and don't really agree to his theories but still it's good to hear some counter narrative, just food for thought as we already living and breathing in capatalist system.

I think a hybrid Islamic falahi riyasat is far better than those 2 extreme ideas opposite to each other.

I don't know much about his ideas but have just today seen his video for Marxist haters answers by him. I would share it with you here. And you would be the better judge as I am not into those irreligious ideas of the economy either capitalism or socialism or whatever!

There is an inherent extreme inequality when it comes to stuff like landlords, feudalism, and wealth gap that was being addressed by PTI. For example, the Sehat card was a step to universal healthcare. I wouldn't consider myself a "leftist" as that term usually brings an aurat march/woke mindset

I am socially right wing but favor left wing economics especially tackling stuff such as Sehat card and langar khaana.
Lol IK has been thrown out exactly to reverse all those policies and establishment is not only part of this but in fact the actual driving force behind this policy reversal as it doesn't fit with their own prefabricated framework for the Pakistan. IK can't be subdued, bought and stubborn. So he has to be thrown out.

You are a mod here and might also ban me here for saying the truth.

View attachment 839225

"Burry the past (Kashmir issue) and move on (with trade, friendship etc)"

That's clearly contradictory to the dozens of statements of PM IK and his NSA where they refused to cooperate with India unless they reverse the August 5 actions of Changing Kashmir's status. Backdoor diplomacy with India failed as NSA said India wasn't serious to address Pakistan's core concern but was instead was aligned with Bajwa's statement of just move on! Be good friends like old times!

Bajwa in Islamabad security dialogue recently condemned/criticized Russia to please the US contrary to the Pakistani Govt's stance of abstaining and staying away from this sticky topic.

Bajwa in the same conference answered a question that I would explain in my own words. US is our 1st love and always have been our 1st love. PAK Army born and spent it's life with the US, played with US given toys. China is just a compulsion due to the absence of our true the US darling. I am still awaiting for you my 1st love, my abusive hubby!
For me, this is heart breaking. It all makes sense now, whilst Imran Khan was drawing worlds attention to Kashmir,
Our COAS wanted to bury the past and move forward with our nemesis. He has undermined IK throughout his tenure.
I want to see Bajwa face treason charges now.
If our Military is unwilling or incapable or lacks the balls to stand up to India,
Then it's pointless that they have such a strangle hold over Pakistan.

The time has come to hold the Pak Military Top brass to account.
We need to stand up to the dangerous ideology across the border.
They hate us with a passion, even in the UK its clear.
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For me, this is heart breaking. It all makes sense now, whilst Imran Khan was drawing worlds attention to Kashmir,
Our COAS wanted to bury the past and move forward with our nemesis. He has undermined IK throughout his tenure.
I want to see Bajwa face treason charges now.
If our Military is unwilling or incapable or lacks the balls to stand up to India,
Then it's pointless that they have such a strangle hold over Pakistan.

The time has come to hold the Pak Military Top brass to account.
We need to stand up to the dangerous ideology across the border.
They hate us with a passion, even in the UK its clear.
It's just not about India. It's a weird love triangle or what should I say.

US needs India badly and we (our decision makers) can't leave USA whatsoever.

India is big market but above all most importantly India is the only balancing power against China in the region. But in current situation, majority of India's military assets and political capital is facing towards Pakistan and China's borders are left open. US needs its quad ally India to focus all it's energies to counter China. So for that matter Pakistan needs to be friendly and neutralized against India.

That's why our already outnumbered military is going to be cut down in size in future as Bajwa explained his vision of the military's future of Pakistan to downsize our forces in the same conference. We currently have limited offensive capability or plans against India in case a war breaks out. By further cutting down our forces. PAK military would essentially be a defensive only force and it's fangs get removed to bite India effectively in any future conflict. That's really tragic.

On the other hand why do you think China tossing up all it's military machines towards us at dirt cheap prices that too on soft loans. Keeping our armed forces potent and upto date to keep India engaged and frustrated here so it could never think of competing with China. All those frigates, submarines, SAMs, latest artillery platforms, advanced fighters and latest missiles coming to Pakistan to make Pakistan strong enough against India that India just gets tied down/bogged down right into it's tracks. Almost all the developmental projects are financed by China. It's another matter that greedy Chinese private firms and our corrupt to the core leadership are digging us deep into hell by their two way collaboration. But Chinese Govt has given Pakistan a blank check to spend on its development. Wisely or unwisely it's upto the Pakistani regimes. And we would have to return that money someday too.

Two great powers US/China and 2 pawns India/Pakistan are up against each other.

I would still side with the China. China is a reliable trusted partner. And annoying a super power right next door wouldn't be a good idea. Our national security against India is guaranteed by the Chinese cooperation. US can't be entrusted with our national security as it's been well known for backstabbing again and again. Their arrogant behavior and huge lists of do more is intolerable. Bit our elite's 1st and only love is the US!

We must balance it as much as we can while not destroying ourselves in the process. Serve as less those powers as we can and gain as much from them as we can. Build ourselves up again. But eventually the time will come where we would have to take a side. I don't know when!
That's why our already outnumbered military is going to be cut down in size in future as Bajwa explained his vision of the military's future of Pakistan to downsize our forces in the same conference. We currently have limited offensive capability or plans against India in case a war breaks out. By further cutting down our forces. PAK military would essentially be a defensive only force and it's fangs get removed to bite India effectively in any future conflict. That's really tragic.

They hate us with a passion, even in the UK its clear.
I have been abroad too. There I observed that Indians are truly 1 united nation. They have literally flooded some companies and Pakistanis can't even get jobs there easily.

And it breaks my heart to realize that we Pakistanis are just a bunch of people with our own little personal egos and interests being of prime importance to us. We don't even hesitate to pull each other's leg to surpass each other let alone cooperate for the collective prosperity. But our Pathans are entirely a different breed. They are all fearless, proud of themselves and are seen united, tightly knit together regardless of which part of the world they are living in.
US has been so blunt about our country that they didn't even tried to hide or disguise their plans for the Pakistan. Everything is in public domain and Bajwa seems to be the US spokesperson/Ambassador in Pakistan! Follow him and you would know more about their plans
US has been so blunt about our country that they didn't even tried to hide or disguise their plans for the Pakistan. Everything is in public domain and Bajwa seems to be the US spokesperson/Ambassador in Pakistan! Follow him and you would know more about their plans

So you are saying Army has no spine???? Wtf wtf wtF
I have been abroad too. There I observed that Indians are truly 1 united nation. They have literally flooded some companies and Pakistanis can't even get jobs there easily.

And it breaks my heart to realize that we Pakistanis are just a bunch of people with our own little personal egos and interests being of prime importance to us. We don't even hesitate to pull each other's leg to surpass each other let alone cooperate for the collective prosperity. But our Pathans are entirely a different breed. They are all fearless, proud of themselves and are seen united, tightly knit together regardless of which part of the world they are living in.

I have seen this too

The truth regardless of whatever nationalist tries to tell you, is that Pakistan is a country with no historical basis. It was just created in 1947 (3 generations ago). To think somehow people have anything in common with each other from before that time and try to concoct a nationality along with Islam and Urdu is just ridiculous.

Pakistan is unnatural which results in Pakistanis being unnatural with each other. We have lost.....maybe we lost from the start.
It's just not about India. It's a weird love triangle or what should I say.

US needs India badly and we (our decision makers) can't leave USA whatsoever.

India is big market but above all most importantly India is the only balancing power against China in the region. But in current situation, majority of India's military assets and political capital is facing towards Pakistan and China's borders are left open. US needs its quad ally India to focus all it's energies to counter China. So for that matter Pakistan needs to be friendly and neutralized against India.

That's why our already outnumbered military is going to be cut down in size in future as Bajwa explained his vision of the military's future of Pakistan to downsize our forces in the same conference. We currently have limited offensive capability or plans against India in case a war breaks out. By further cutting down our forces. PAK military would essentially be a defensive only force and it's fangs get removed to bite India effectively in any future conflict. That's really tragic.

On the other hand why do you think China tossing up all it's military machines towards us at dirt cheap prices that too on soft loans. Keeping our armed forces potent and upto date to keep India engaged and frustrated here so it could never think of competing with China. All those frigates, submarines, SAMs, latest artillery platforms, advanced fighters and latest missiles coming to Pakistan to make Pakistan strong enough against India that India just gets tied down/bogged down right into it's tracks. Almost all the developmental projects are financed by China. It's another matter that greedy Chinese private firms and our corrupt to the core leadership are digging us deep into hell by their two way collaboration. But Chinese Govt has given Pakistan a blank check to spend on its development. Wisely or unwisely it's upto the Pakistani regimes. And we would have to return that money someday too.

Two great powers US/China and 2 pawns India/Pakistan are up against each other.

I would still side with the China. China is a reliable trusted partner. And annoying a super power right next door wouldn't be a good idea. Our national security against India is guaranteed by the Chinese cooperation. US can't be entrusted with our national security as it's been well known for backstabbing again and again. Their arrogant behavior and huge lists of do more is intolerable. Bit our elite's 1st and only love is the US!

We must balance it as much as we can while not destroying ourselves in the process. Serve as less those powers as we can and gain as much from them as we can. Build ourselves up again. But eventually the time will come where we would have to take a side. I don't know when!
I understand we can't decisively beat India in straight one on one fight.
But circumstances change and events happen.

India saw its chance in 1971 and took it.

When our chance comes, we must take it.

We have to bank on an assumption that India and China will face off again soon and potentially go at it.
ISI should even covertly engineer this scenario.

Modi has a fragile ego and is liable to do stupid things and miscalculate.
I give it a 30% to 40% probability of conflict between China and India, in the near future.

We should make it clear to China, if this does happen, we are ready to go for the kill and destroy India, as long as we get strong support,
With massive Chinese's air cover and a full land attack in Ladakh and the Northeast of India.
If they gave us all the JF17,J10C, VT4, etc we needed, it will be a very different war to the past India Pak wars.

We need to the ability to go onto the attack, in India and really hit them hard and absorb whatever punishment they can hit us with.
The USA will support India but let them down or backstab them.
We should not trust China 100% but they be better than USA in this scenario.

This is the most probable way for us to Liberate Kashmir, Khalistan, the seven sisters,
correct the border to include whatever we can annex, enlarge Nepal and Bangladesh and force another partition of India.
That would lead to India disintegrating further ( south India ) and finally get these devils off our back, once and for all.

I have been abroad too. There I observed that Indians are truly 1 united nation. They have literally flooded some companies and Pakistanis can't even get jobs there easily.

And it breaks my heart to realize that we Pakistanis are just a bunch of people with our own little personal egos and interests being of prime importance to us. We don't even hesitate to pull each other's leg to surpass each other let alone cooperate for the collective prosperity. But our Pathans are entirely a different breed. They are all fearless, proud of themselves and are seen united, tightly knit together regardless of which part of the world they are living in.
I don't see them as so united, but they are very proud and think they are a superpower. I find their egos are there downfall.

Under Imran Khan Pakistan was going in the right direction and under Modi India is going the wrong direction.
Perception of India was changing for the worse in the west and they admire Imran Khan even if they don't like him.
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