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Sharif’s statement on Ahmadis angers clerics

PML-N defends Nawaz’s remarks about Ahmadis

By Amir Wasim
Thursday, 10 Jun, 2010

ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Muslim League-N has rejected criticism of its leader Nawaz Sharif’s remarks about Ahmadis’ rights following the suicide bombings on two mosques in Lahore last month. Mr Sharif upset religious and political circles last week after he said that “Ahmadi brothers and sisters are an asset” of the country. The former prime minister said Ahmadis were citizens of Pakistan.

Mr Sharif may have succeeded in pacifying leaders of the Ahmadi community and other minorities who have been criticising the Punjab government for its failure to provide them protection, but this provided an opportunity to his opponents to launch a campaign against him and his party.

PML-N spokesman Ahsan Iqbal told Dawn that the criticism was “just an act of exploitation”.

“Nawaz Sharif said what the Quaid-i-Azam had already stated that all Pakistanis were brothers irrespective of their religion, language or caste,” he added.

Mr Sharif’s comments drew criticism from Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam, Jamaat-i-Islami, Wafaqul Madaris, Jamiat Ahl-i-Sunnat and Al-Hadith, Jamia Banuria and Khatm-i-Nabuwat Movement, Ulema and PML-Q.

In a statement, leaders of Wafaqul Madaris, an umbrella organisation of over 20,000 Madressahs, urged Mr Sharif to retract his statement and advised him not to “defy religion for petty political gains”.

JUI-F leaders termed the statement a “violation of the Constitution” as it had declared Ahmadis a minority community. “The PML-N chief should seek forgiveness from Muslims all over the world,” they said.

Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi, the PML-Q leader, said Nawaz Sharif had issued the statement to “protect his properties in the UK”.

The participants of a recent Ulema seminar condemned Mr Sharif’s remarks and termed it an attempt to appease the US.

Some religious leaders have even threatened to launch a campaign against the PML-N if Mr Sharif does not withdraw his statement.

Ahsan Iqbal criticised all those who were giving ‘religious colour’ to a statement which, according to him, had been issued in the ‘national perspective’.

He said Mr Sharif had merely emphasised that every Pakistani citizen was entitled to equal respect and rights.

Mr Iqbal was of the opinion that it was wrong to see the remarks in the religious context. He accused Pervaiz Elahi of exploiting the issue for political gains.

DAWN.COM | Front Page | PML-N defends Nawaz?s remarks about Ahmadis


Absolutely the PML-Q is exploiting the issue for petty politics, and in the process endorsing a position of intolerance and bigotry. I hope that the PPP comes out in support of the PML-N on this issue - not only would it strengthen the hands of moderates and liberals, but also improve the relationship between the two parties.
It is indeed sad on part of our politicians that they chose to point scores on the Ahmadi issue rather than see the larger picture. But this is not unusual. That's what politics in Pakistan is all about.

We are sure to be carried away if we overlook the political undertone of these statements. PPP slamming PML-N for links to terrorist outfits while the Governor of Punjab himself was seen canvassing along another such outfit during the by-polls. Mr Sharif on the other hand was first being slammed for silence and now is in the eye of the storm for showing sympathies with the Ahmadis.

It shows the real picture. The division amongst ourselves and the society. This is what the war on terror has done. It has further polarized the society. The radicals have further radicalized while the liberals have gone too far. The moderates are being pulled either way.

As far as the mullahs are concerned, they are divided among themselves. The 1951 Tribunal gave an excellent comment to this effect. When all the heads of religious parties and other mullahs of different sects were asked 'what is the definition of a muslim'?, everyone of them had a different idea.
It is indeed sad on part of our politicians that they chose to point scores on the Ahmadi issue rather than see the larger picture. But this is not unusual. That's what politics in Pakistan is all about.

We are sure to be carried away if we overlook the political undertone of these statements. PPP slamming PML-N for links to terrorist outfits while the Governor of Punjab himself was seen canvassing along another such outfit during the by-polls. Mr Sharif on the other hand was first being slammed for silence and now is in the eye of the storm for showing sympathies with the Ahmadis.

It shows the real picture. The division amongst ourselves and the society. This is what the war on terror has done. It has further polarized the society. The radicals have further radicalized while the liberals have gone too far. The moderates are being pulled either way.

As far as the mullahs are concerned, they are divided among themselves. The 1951 Tribunal gave an excellent comment to this effect. When all the heads of religious parties and other mullahs of different sects were asked 'what is the definition of a muslim'?, everyone of them had a different idea.

Yes, but lets make a distinction between positions that are moral, respect others and their rights, and build a progressive and peaceful Pakistan with equality for all, and those positions that stand for bigotry, intolerance and denial of equal rights for some.
Yes, but lets make a distinction between positions that are moral, respect others and their rights, and build a progressive and peaceful Pakistan with equality for all, and those positions that stand for bigotry, intolerance and denial of equal rights for some.

Agreed. I think the distinction of what is right and what is wrong is very clear. But, this distiction is most of the times clouded by either religious or political sentiments. Either way, drumming up such fervours only serves a particular group's vested interets. That's is where one must be careful and say the right thing.
These mullahs are a pain in the butt. Have to rear their head into everything. What do they suggest the ahmedis are, if not brothers of muslims?
These mullahs are a pain in the butt. Have to rear their head into everything. What do they suggest the ahmedis are, if not brothers of muslims?

my dear brother,

These ''mullahs'' feel they have supreme moral authority over others. They shat on the concept of democracy while they were trying to take over Swat Valley, because they deemed it 'un-Islamic.' They decide who is what and who isn't something. They don't want people to live like humans.

There are a lot of ills in our society, such as corruption and always trying to find an easy way out of things. But to cure these problems, you don't use bombs and violence. That is the only language these so-called ''taleban'' understand.

The Ahmedys are Pakistanis. We really need a leadership that can help instill values into the society, and themselves acting correctly. So are the Christians, the Hindu and other minority groups. These sectarian outfits are ills of society, and aim to divide our society.

We can't let them succeed in carrying out these cruel and ulterior objectives.

Islam does NOT permit this, it does not permit murder of innocents or destruction of holy places.
That's why Prophet Muhammad PBUH once said; the greater number of scholars will be residing in hell.

You are doing same thing, what a misguiding mullah does.. use different hadith for different thing. This comes under big lies.

Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) said many scholars will be go to hell, not because of this. BUT because they don't preach what they have learned.

Next time be care full, in associating anything with Prophet Muhammad (SAWW)
Our self-proclaimed demagogues

It was bad enough that they could not unequivocally condemn the brutal massacre of nearly 100 Ahmadis in Lahore. Yet the temerity of the leaders of 13 religious and political organisations to label the attack a conspiracy aimed at repealing the discriminatory laws against Ahmadis is nothing short of morally repugnant. If ever these so-called religious leaders had any semblance of moral authority, they have ensured that none remains. In essence, what these people are saying is that the Ahmadis deserve no sympathy from their compatriots simply because their views on faith do not conform to the specifics that these so-called clerics deem within the ambit of the religion. Who appointed them the arbiters of God’s mercy? Who told them that they could create a poisonous environment where Ahmadis are barely considered human? Who told them that they could prevent the rest of us from weeping for their tragedy?

Perhaps these so-called clerics need to be reminded that there is no clergy in Islam, no Majesterium. These people often argue against secularism by saying that there is no separation of church and state in Islam, conveniently forgetting that there is no church at all. Their arrogant insistence on becoming the guardians of other people’s faith, when they are so morally depraved that they cannot get themselves to denounce murder, is offensive to people who view Islam as their spiritual guide. Islam’s central tenet is that every human being has a direct connection to God Himself. “We are nearer to thee than thy jugular vein,” says the Holy Quran in Surah 50, verse 16. Who are they to come between man and God when the Creator of the heavens and the Earth Himself declares the need for an intermediary redundant? There is nothing more damaging to Islam and Muslims than these self-proclaimed demagogues.

Our self-proclaimed demagogues – The Express Tribune
Statement about Ahmadis misinterpreted, says Nawaz
Monday, June 14, 2010
By Our Correspondent


PML-N Quaid Mian Nawaz Sharif has said that the constitution guarantees the rights of minorities and it is their obligation to show respect to the sentiments of the majority.

Talking to a delegation of Ulema, Mashaikh, and party members on Sunday, the former prime minister said that his statement regarding Ahmadis had been misinterpreted and rather than wasting time while issuing statements over it, efforts should be made to create unity among people. He said Namoos-e-Risalat and Khatam-e-Nabuwat were the basis of our faith and no compromise could ever be made on these matters. The delegation called on the former PM under the leadership of MPA Dr Saeed Elahi.

Statement about Ahmadis misinterpreted, says Nawaz
flip flopping politicians....

so by re-wording his statement, does he mean that Ahmedis (Pakistanis also) are not his brothers/sisters?
shareef was right..
christian, hindu, sikhs and others are our brothers...
no need for apology..
these mullah braderi should learn islam...
they r mostly uneducated, stupid, ediots and basterds...
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