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Sharia is a Man made Law

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Humble Pakistani


New Recruit

Apr 27, 2013
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Have we every thought why Pakistan is in a state of constant regression. It has been said that Pakistan almost elected, a woman, as its President way back in the fifties, if the elections were not stolen by Ayub Khan. I do not know how much truth there is in this statement; but the fact is that Fatima Jinnah was a practicing dentist and a political leader who played an important role in the independence of Pakistan.

Pakistan has seen and continues to see women play an important role in nation building. Women can be found contributing and excelling in just about every profession in Pakistan. They move step by step with their male counterparts.

Our cricket hero, Shahid Khan Afridi, made a shocking statement during an interview recently. He was simply asked to share his opinion regarding the U19 Women’s Cricket Team. He responded by saying that “Pakistani girls have very good taste in their hands”. Correct me if I am wrong, but to me he was clearly implying that a woman’s place is in the kitchen. This is a “sexist” opinion. Is he free to express his opinion, yes he is, but as a public figure with a large following, he should be very careful of what he says. Am I surprised at Afridi’s statement? No, because it is a reflection of one’s mentality that commonly exists in our society.

Just yesterday I came across a news article from few months ago about a top notch university that has banned girls from wearing jeans. I couldn’t help but scream: Are you serious?

Then comes the news that the council of Islamic Ideology has proclaimed; that ban on underage marriage is un-Islamic. Can you see how ridiculous this sounds? Islam is the most modern of religions. Yet, these so called “scholars” want to drag it back to Stone Age. There are no two opinions about the mentality of these “scholars”.

Let’s not forget that “Sharia” is a “MAN” made law. Men dictate Sharia and expect others to abide. The simple truth is that God has given both men and women equal rights. We must learn to understand and advocate those rights; otherwise, we will be in a constant state of regression.

Source:Sharia is a Man made Law | The Pakistani Spectator
Sharia comes from the Arabic Culture.

Culture are making in the civilzations the Law´s and Rules.
The simple truth is that God has given both men and women equal rights.

You need to rephrase your statement otherwise Mullahs will go mad . You should say `God has not "forbidden" to give equal rights to men and women`

First religious discussion is not allowed on this forum, secondly we do not treat blog as a source, lastly sharia is comprise of Kitab (Quranic Law), Sunna, Ijma (Agreed Law) & Ijtehad , so if you r that much curious to know or to debate about it first read the 'sources' of Sharia and use right platform for discussion

@Aeronaut ...... request u to close this thread ....

These Mullahs are making life more and more difficult for us with every passing day and we are not even allowed to express our disgust about this ????
Have we every thought why Pakistan is in a state of constant regression. It has been said that Pakistan almost elected, a woman, as its President way back in the fifties, if the elections were not stolen by Ayub Khan. I do not know how much truth there is in this statement; but the fact is that Fatima Jinnah was a practicing dentist and a political leader who played an important role in the independence of Pakistan.

Pakistan has seen and continues to see women play an important role in nation building. Women can be found contributing and excelling in just about every profession in Pakistan. They move step by step with their male counterparts.

Our cricket hero, Shahid Khan Afridi, made a shocking statement during an interview recently. He was simply asked to share his opinion regarding the U19 Women’s Cricket Team. He responded by saying that “Pakistani girls have very good taste in their hands”. Correct me if I am wrong, but to me he was clearly implying that a woman’s place is in the kitchen. This is a “sexist” opinion. Is he free to express his opinion, yes he is, but as a public figure with a large following, he should be very careful of what he says. Am I surprised at Afridi’s statement? No, because it is a reflection of one’s mentality that commonly exists in our society.

Just yesterday I came across a news article from few months ago about a top notch university that has banned girls from wearing jeans. I couldn’t help but scream: Are you serious?

Then comes the news that the council of Islamic Ideology has proclaimed; that ban on underage marriage is un-Islamic. Can you see how ridiculous this sounds? Islam is the most modern of religions. Yet, these so called “scholars” want to drag it back to Stone Age. There are no two opinions about the mentality of these “scholars”.

Let’s not forget that “Sharia” is a “MAN” made law. Men dictate Sharia and expect others to abide. The simple truth is that God has given both men and women equal rights. We must learn to understand and advocate those rights; otherwise, we will be in a constant state of regression.

Source:Sharia is a Man made Law | The Pakistani Spectator
Please close this thread. Religion is not the domain of people who are hell bent on criticizing it without any knowledge.
Please close this thread.
First religious discussion is not allowed on this forum, secondly we do not treat blog as a source, lastly sharia is comprise of Kitab (Quranic Law), Sunna, Ijma (Agreed Law) & Ijtehad , so if you r that much curious to know or to debate about it first read the 'sources' of Sharia and use right platform for discussion
@Aeronaut ...... request u to close this thread ....

These Mullahs are making life more and more difficult for us with every passing day and we are not even allowed to express our disgust about this ????

@Aeronaut would request you to take ..... appropriate measures for personal attacks and defaming ....
Religion is not the domain of people who are hell bent on criticizing it without any knowledge.

And those supposed to be with knowledge (i.e Mullahs) are hell bent on destroying Pakistan !!

@Aeronaut would request you to take ..... appropriate measures for personal attacks and defaming ....

I did not call you a Mullah and it was not personal . But good to know that you take word "Mullah" as a insult !!
I did not call you a Mullah and it was not personal . But good to know that you take word "Mullah" as a insult !!

I also consider socialism as abuse .....
I also consider socialism as abuse .....

You can consider anything as abuse . It is a free world . You are free to believe in whatever you want . I hate Mullahs and I hate them because I love my country !!
Lol, look at all these holier than thou Pakistanis demanding mods to close this thread when their religion is questioned, while on the other hand they continually abuse and mock the religious beliefs of others.

On topic: The article is misdirected. The problem is not Shariah, the problems are the mullahs who interpret it. It is all down to interpretation. And I don't understand why Ayub Khan is linked to the fact that Miss Jinnah could not become prime minister together with Sharia? I mean Ayub Khan was well known as a secular ruler. Cmon guys, I'm all for intellectual debates on religion, but linking Ayub Khan with Shariah? That's really clutching at straws here don't you think?
First religious discussion is not allowed on this forum, secondly we do not treat blog as a source, lastly sharia is comprise of Kitab (Quranic Law), Sunna, Ijma (Agreed Law) & Ijtehad , so if you r that much curious to know or to debate about it first read the 'sources' of Sharia and use right platform for discussion

@Aeronaut ...... request u to close this thread ....
religious discussion is not allowed and hence it should be closed.. I agree.
wonder why other islamic thread by revol (in which he posts pseudo scienitific bull about islamic laws) are not closed ever.
blogs can be posted as opinion piece not as a source of news/info.
Why do I believe that sharia is a man-made law? The very fact that we ask “whose Sharia” when we start a discussion on the subject tells us that it cannot be Allah’s law. When we have the Quran which is a complete book to direct our lives (can anyone deny that) why do we need ‘sharia’ to direct us. I will give you an example of one simple law about adultery in the Quran. Chapter 24 (surah An-Noor) talks in detail about this… Allah say that you need four witness to see the act of fornication. He does not say if a woman and a man are coming out of a room together they have committed adultery. You need four witness to see the act. Have we ever thought what Allah is really telling us here? This is what I think HE SWT is saying to the “Believers” that if you commit adultery your punishment is severe. Be HE SWT is also “Rehman and Just” so HE SWT makes the proving of the crime almost impossible, but today by enforcing ‘Sharia’ we Muslims proclaim ourselves judge and thus we see people and mostly “women” being proclaimed the offender and criminal. Allah SWT commands us to ponder over his “Verses in the Quran”. It is a complete code of conduct for all believers. Allah SWT is just and HE SWT has made us all equal but we Muslims like “Bani Israeli” think we are the chosen ones. Get it in your head we are NOT! Allah only like those who are honest, kind and just. “Sharia” can only be Allah’s law if every aspect of “Sharia” is according to Quran. Till that happens it is only a man-made law. Please prove me wrong!
I do not consider this a religious discussion at all. The blog is discussing a "mindset" of our society... “Ayub and sharia” are not being linked together. It is pointing out the contradiction in what we believe and reality. The mindset that is in discussion thinks "men and women" are not created "equal". What I got from the blog is that we blame "sharia" for our own interpretations of what Allah SWT requires from us. If Muslims cannot have a discussion about issues that arises from "religious edicts" than it is a problem. We need to have an open and honest discussion because unless we do so, we will not progress. Even Allah commands us to think and discuss. We have to be civic about it though!
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