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Shanghai tops global school tests, UK 'stagnates'

Based on your Chinese logic, we would not be called puppet of U.S. if we pro-Chinese right?

Who beat U.S. in 1975? It was Vietnam, not China. Who humiliated Chinese army in 1979? It was Vietnam. How can we puppet to anyone while we never lost to any and submit to no one? We like to join force with U.S. and Japan, or any country out there but China, you Chinese got problem ? Bring your Chinese army on. Talk is cheap.

I have been hearing you Chinese talk about nuke Vietnam or take over Vietnam in 1 week, this and that but I never see one thing happen. Not even a shot down of Vietnam SU in east Vietnam sea.

I heard U.S., Japan, and even s.Korea challenge you Chinese at whatever zone I forgot the name. Why not shoot down their boats and planes.

I am tired, I want to see some real action and less talk from Chinese.
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lol Shanghai tops the PISA test again. They increased the performance from 2009 too. China as a country will be included in 2015 exam.

In domestic exams, Shanghai is not even the best Chinese province. If China was included as a country, we would still be number 1.

Many poorer provinces have harder working children than the richer provinces.

People predicting that China will do poorly if China as a country was included is in for a helluva shock. I wonder what the excuse will be them lol.
For a developing country, Vietnam is doing exceptionally well. Congrats!

Have you see the reaction of the latest PISA result in Germany? We are far from happy and the whole debate has just started.

At least, I'm glad that we have improved a little bit but I, too, am far from content with our education system. We need to be in the top ten!
Germany has improved a lot in the ranking, too. If you continue the trend as you made in the last 10 years (e.i. investing more in education), I´m sure, Germany will go to the Top 10.

Deutschlands Schüler holen auf | svz.de
Untersucht werden bei Pisa die Leistungen 15-Jähriger. Ergebnis dieses Mal: Erstmals liegen die Deutschen in allen drei Kompetenzgebieten – Mathematik, Naturwissenschaften und Lesen – auf Plätzen im oberen Mittelfeld. Gerade bei Lesen und Textverständnis waren deutsche Schüler bislang deutlich unterdurchschnittlich.

Jetzt landen sie im Mittelfeld des weltgrößten Schulleistungsvergleichs – auf einer Höhe mit Belgiern, Vietnamesen und Österreichern. Der Rückstand auf die diesjährigen Pisa-Spitzenreiter Shanghai, Singapur, Hongkong und Taipeh ist erheblich und entspricht dem Pensum von bis zu drei Schuljahren.

Based on your Chinese logic, we would not be called puppet of U.S. if we pro-Chinese right?

Who beat U.S. in 1975? It was Vietnam, not China. Who humiliated Chinese army in 1979? It was Vietnam. How can we puppet to anyone while we never lost to any and submit to no one? We like to join force with U.S. and Japan, or any country out there but China, you Chinese got problem ? Bring your Chinese army on. Talk is cheap.

I have been hearing you Chinese talk about nuke Vietnam or take over Vietnam in 1 week, this and that but I never see one thing happen. Not even a shot down of Vietnam SU in east Vietnam sea.

I heard U.S., Japan, and even s.Korea challenge you Chinese at whatever zone I forgot the name. Why not shoot down their boats and planes.

I am tired, I want to see some real action and less talk from Chinese.
relax, bro...this is about PISA.
This is the precise reason why PISA tests are not indicative of primary education standards.

There is some truth in your statement, but there is more to it. Indians lack research culture. Best students never go for PhDs or become faculty.

A 15 years old doesn't need to know what is PISA, all he needs to do is to show what he had learnt in school. It's as simple as that. Your ludicrous excuse is proof that Richard Lynn is correct.
LOL, typical indian sour grapes. Every country selects the strongest state/city as the official participant for PISA. India chose the top two states with highest Gross Enrollment (GER) in primary and upper primary, yet Tamil Nadu and Himachal Pradesh came in second last in previous PISA. The weaker Indian states with lesser enrollment rate would have fare even worse.

Rural chinese provinces actually volunteered for PISA and they scored above PISA average.

What sour grapes man?countries not in PISA test is not going to end soon.and it is not worlds end.
Ha all chinese become too excited when some white people from BBC publish some report.If it is
correct then that is good for chinese ,congratulation.
I am sure if this test properly conduct in Kerala ,all students from states will get top place.
You're so right. Nobody in India gives a shyt about the Math and science Olympiad too. India has much tougher tests, no wonder India is nowhere to be seen internationally, be it PISA or academic Olympiad.

Who the hell want west recognition?Some people talk about India without considering enormous diversity.You are right India has international recognition.But our kids doing well in almost all field.
If our kids dont have that IQ.then growth of ISRO and other like CISR is some lie.Hope you can understand.
What sour grapes man?countries not in PISA test is not going to end soon.and it is not worlds end.
Ha all chinese become too excited when some white people from BBC publish some report.If it is
correct then that is good for chinese ,congratulation.
I am sure if this test properly conduct in Kerala ,all students from states will get top place.
Of course ,who knows what mighty kerala students could achieve,they mighty beat down the martians and superman.Lukily they didn't attend to PISA.WARNNING:DON'T COMPARE KERALA SUPERMEN WITH ANY OTHER INDIAN DUMBS.oh,BTW,could someone tell me what or where is the thing or the place called “KERALA”?
This only shows that North East Asia countries put more energy on education, since they are all influenced by Confucian culture, Confucius is an educator not a politburo or religious leaders
Of course ,who knows what mighty kerala students could achieve,they mighty beat down the martians and superman.Lukily they didn't attend to PISA.WARNNING:DON'T COMPARE KERALA SUPERMEN WITH ANY OTHER INDIAN DUMBS.

If you are that to much ignorant then I cant say anything about that .Not only kerala some other states like punjab ,chandigarh maintain high profile.When chinese completely addicted to the benchmark adopted
by white peoples.we make our own way ,Even if our students are that poor .we can't make impressive performance in all science and technology field.I know a kid ,he is a genius in mathematics but questions must be asked in malayalam.So what I am saying some people in the world cant understand India.If Indians I.Q is so poor ,we cant develop a organisation like ISRO ,BARC,NOPL,CISR etc.some kids excellent in English and some other in regional language.
If you are that to much ignorant then I cant say anything about that .Not only kerala some other states like punjab ,chandigarh maintain high profile.When chinese completely addicted to the benchmark adopted
by white peoples.we make our own way ,Even if our students are that poor .we can't make impressive performance in all science and technology field.I know a kid ,he is a genius in mathematics but questions must be asked in malayalam.So what I am saying some people in the world cant understand India.If Indians I.Q is so poor ,we cant develop a organisation like ISRO ,BARC,NOPL,CISR etc.some kids excellent in English and some other in regional language.
Even a small and extremely poor country called North Korea which only have 2% population of india could improve missile and rocket technology independently.
lol Shanghai tops the PISA test again. They increased the performance from 2009 too. China as a country will be included in 2015 exam.

In domestic exams, Shanghai is not even the best Chinese province. If China was included as a country, we would still be number 1.

Many poorer provinces have harder working children than the richer provinces.

People predicting that China will do poorly if China as a country was included is in for a helluva shock. I wonder what the excuse will be them lol.

The question is mhow many Chinese provinces can score better than Shanghai?

Can anyone shed some light on this?

I'd like to see the scores , leaked or not, of all 12 Chinese provinces tested.

Well guys here is what I've found on the net in respect of China's performance in the PISA 2009 test

The OECD average in PISA 2009 was:

Reading 493... Math 496... Science 501


* Twelve provinces including Shanghai, Zhejiang, Beijing, Tianjin, Jiangsu totaling 621 schools, 21,003 students. Results have been released for Shanghai, and later on for Zhejiang (59 schools, 1,800 students – of which 80% were township-village schools) and for the 12-province average.
Credit; .ltaaa.com
Why didn't India participate in the PISA test?
India joined it in 2009,but not a good scores, of the 74 countries tested in the PISA 2009 cycle including the "+" nations, the two Indian states came up 72nd and 73rd out of 74 in both reading and maths, and 73rd and 74th in science
So not join after 2009, In June 2013, the Indian government, still concerned with the future prospect of fairness of PISA testing relating to Indian students, again pulled India out from the 2015 round of PISA testing.
Programme for International Student Assessment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Well guys here is what I've found on the net in respect of China's performance in the PISA 2009 test

The OECD average in PISA 2009 was:

Reading 493... Math 496... Science 501


* Twelve provinces including Shanghai, Zhejiang, Beijing, Tianjin, Jiangsu totaling 621 schools, 21,003 students. Results have been released for Shanghai, and later on for Zhejiang (59 schools, 1,800 students – of which 80% were township-village schools) and for the 12-province average.
Credit; .ltaaa.com


Pls keep us updated if you hear anything new in the future about the scores of these 12 provinces in PISA 2012.
I just checked the scores again. I can't emphasise more that Vietnam rocks this time. It scored just like Germany on all fields.

The result makes me look at Vietnam in a new light. I''d consider Vietnam as 0.7 East Asian country since now.

btw, doesn't 73th-placed knowledge supa powa want to sell Vietnam advanced Martian military technologies such as rifles and Bramos missiles? You'll have a laugh of it.
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