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Shamed? Never again

^^^^ Yeah buddy we too have similar photos from 1971 but what is the point? You are in this just to cheer on your favorite team, right? You are not playing, not in terms of this thread title anyway. All this attempt to insert yourself where you have no role to play, are not wanted and really can make no significant impact is just to show solidarity with the only friend you have left. To that extent, your intentions are laudable and your point well taken. However pls bear in mind that in the event of a future Sino-Indian conflict, Pakistan will have no bearing nor impact. You would do well to keep minding your own business and hope that the war would end soon without the nuclear threshold having been reached and that your country did not have to face wide spread destruction in a war that had nothing to do with you in the first place as a nuclear war between China and India would not leave Pakistan untouched.

Coming to the topic. What the author says is not untrue. There is no sense of bravado, over confidence or macho hype in the ranks of the Indian Army, but at the same time, every one realises that 1962 can never be repeated ever again. We no longer have the great USSR to keep the Chinese at bay, but we have out grown the need for a big brother watching our back. This has happened slowly, over decades but we have a state of equilibrium now where the cost of aggression against India will be so prohibitive that China will really have to hopping mad and crazy to undertake such aggression. We are also much wiser now in that we do not provoke China unnecessarily as we have no intention to go to war with China.

What the media frequently fails to grasp that in order to deter a Chinese aggression (of the 1962 type), it is not necessary for India to match China militarily. We can never do that, the gap is too wide. But the point is that we don't have to do that. We just have to be strong enough to deny a decisive victory to China unless it pulls out substantial resources from their northern and eastern borders. China knows this all too well, China also knows that it can never denude its borders with Russia or weaken its defences in the east to muster up enough infantry divisions or artillery brigades to punch a hole in the Indian defences. On our part we do not give China any reason to think of doing so. All the actions we are taking currently along our northern borders, be it raising of new divisions or reviving old airfields are totally defensive in nature. India has done nothing to acquire capabilities to attack China in Tibet or elsewhere. China therefore does not face any threat from India. All we are doing is to equip ourselves to better handle the Chinese threat.

This is what India has learnt from 1962. We do not provoke China unnecessarily while at the same time we strengthen ourselves to the point that another Chinese aggression is practically ruled out.

The bottom line is that neither India nor China wants a war nor can either country afford one. The humiliation of 1962 will never be forgotten but both countries have really moved on. The media will keep sensationalising minor border incidents which will be duly used by the Indian Army to get more resources from the govt to further strengthen itself and life will go on.
We got Aksai Chin and capture all of South Tibet however due to support problems we had to abandoned South Tibet at the time Askai Chin was more important.
^ Exactly, your army couldn't hold onto the ground it made in the initial days of the war and had to retreat.

If artillery is the queen of war, logistics is the king.

Plus there were 2 divisions of the Indian Army foaming at the mouth that were being rushed to the front, if the war had escalated and the the IAF were called in, the whoopass that would have occurred would have caused China to lose all of Southern Tibet.
^ Exactly, your army couldn't hold onto the ground it made in the initial days of the war and had to retreat.

If artillery is the queen of war, logistics is the king.

Plus there were 2 divisions of the Indian Army foaming at the mouth that were being rushed to the front, if the war had escalated and the the IAF were called in, the whoopass that would have occurred would have caused China to lose all of Southern Tibet.
you should direct a bollywood bharati movie, it will be 'incredible' and 'sensational'
^ Exactly, your army couldn't hold onto the ground it made in the initial days of the war and had to retreat.

If artillery is the queen of war, logistics is the king.

Plus there were 2 divisions of the Indian Army foaming at the mouth that were being rushed to the front, if the war had escalated and the the IAF were called in, the whoopass that would have occurred would have caused China to lose all of Southern Tibet.

Good bollywood movie, You were whooped in Aksai and South Tibet more support and logistics and South Tibet would have been ours however we will have it in the future. :smokin:
Bull srap article. At most a failed face saving attempt at 50 year old humiliation and internal insecurities. Sukhio 30MKI is not a solution for every thing, come over it now.
China is already building railways to Lahore and Kathmandu!

In a time of war, China can deploy our main battle tanks along these railways and roll across the indian plains!

A couple of smileys are worth a thousand words! Your post is so corny that it would be an utter waste of time to respond in any detail.

Now go smell some coffee and make an attempt to get some basic education! That should do you a world of good instead of posting crap.

Why do Indians go off topic. Cant you guys handle the truth. You got whacked and you will again if it proves necessary. Now stop going of topic and eat some humble pie and don't go on a forward policy again.

you are replying to your own post?
^^^^ Yeah buddy we too have similar photos from 1971 but what is the point? You are in this just to cheer on your favorite team, right? You are not playing, not in terms of this thread title anyway. All this attempt to insert yourself where you have no role to play, are not wanted and really can make no significant impact is just to show solidarity with the only friend you have left. To that extent, your intentions are laudable and your point well taken. However pls bear in mind that in the event of a future Sino-Indian conflict, Pakistan will have no bearing nor impact. You would do well to keep minding your own business and hope that the war would end soon without the nuclear threshold having been reached and that your country did not have to face wide spread destruction in a war that had nothing to do with you in the first place as a nuclear war between China and India would not leave Pakistan untouched.

Coming to the topic. What the author says is not untrue. There is no sense of bravado, over confidence or macho hype in the ranks of the Indian Army, but at the same time, every one realises that 1962 can never be repeated ever again. We no longer have the great USSR to keep the Chinese at bay, but we have out grown the need for a big brother watching our back. This has happened slowly, over decades but we have a state of equilibrium now where the cost of aggression against India will be so prohibitive that China will really have to hopping mad and crazy to undertake such aggression. We are also much wiser now in that we do not provoke China unnecessarily as we have no intention to go to war with China.

What the media frequently fails to grasp that in order to deter a Chinese aggression (of the 1962 type), it is not necessary for India to match China militarily. We can never do that, the gap is too wide. But the point is that we don't have to do that. We just have to be strong enough to deny a decisive victory to China unless it pulls out substantial resources from their northern and eastern borders. China knows this all too well, China also knows that it can never denude its borders with Russia or weaken its defences in the east to muster up enough infantry divisions or artillery brigades to punch a hole in the Indian defences. On our part we do not give China any reason to think of doing so. All the actions we are taking currently along our northern borders, be it raising of new divisions or reviving old airfields are totally defensive in nature. India has done nothing to acquire capabilities to attack China in Tibet or elsewhere. China therefore does not face any threat from India. All we are doing is to equip ourselves to better handle the Chinese threat.

This is what India has learnt from 1962. We do not provoke China unnecessarily while at the same time we strengthen ourselves to the point that another Chinese aggression is practically ruled out.

The bottom line is that neither India nor China wants a war nor can either country afford one. The humiliation of 1962 will never be forgotten but both countries have really moved on. The media will keep sensationalising minor border incidents which will be duly used by the Indian Army to get more resources from the govt to further strengthen itself and life will go on.

10,000% true

The media will keep sensationalising minor border incidents which will be duly used by the Indian Army to get more resources from the govt to further strengthen itself and life will go on.

that's natural. armies around the world use the same trick
Well for My Pakistani Friends and Chinese Friends ......

A) Pakistani Friends : always crying about 1962 war but always forget 1971 humiliation that Pakistan got which is far more bigger then what we can get from Chinese. before you remind us please remember 71 and previous war also.

War is now not a problem with Pakistan, as India has enough military power to match pakistan, thats why pakistan always start ringing western and chinese capital to help to avert any indian possible attack. See all the Western, saudi, chinese capital diplomats stated that pakistan asked stop india from attacking. Any strong country would never ask this kind of help. This is when the parliament attacked.

b) Chinese Friends: We have learned from our mistakes, that why you will see the result in 71 war with pakistan. Well we never under-estimated the chinese, that why now our military focus is now on china because we got what ever we need to counter pakistan already.

you wil lot of western planes/ supporting planes are now comming and mind it , these equipment are not going to be used against Pakistan. these are all for China only.
Its retarded to see Chinese and indians in a pissing contest because of a tiny border war that happened half a century ago.
From my own experience as a Chinese, I got along fine with Indians back at Uni and found them reliable and worthwhile group mates (with the exception of one dude but he was from Fiji). Shouldnt we work together, or even join forces to fook over the western powers who fooked us up in the last 2 centuries?

-or at least cooperation.
War against bharatis is a dharma yuddha, right?

The thing is "Zhong Guo Ren" Bharati for Indian is used only by Pakistanis in this world, we Indians uses word Bharatiya and Bangladeshi guys Bharatiyo. We use word "Bharati" as the name of person, not to define our nationality, so it sound really awkward when anyone uses such words for Indian.
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