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Shahid Khaqan Abbasi elected as Prime Minister of Pakistan

Right or wrong, this is the democratic process we have, what were you expecting?
The silver lining to the whole fiasco (at least in my eyes) is that the democratic process continued without a reset. This was much needed to for the economic revival to continue and show stability and maturity in our political system and major institutions. One positive I give to NS is that he accepted the court decision without hoo haa and creating any frenzy by inciting his followers.

Overall a good outcome that establishes trust and credibility to our judicial, and political system. Leadership will change only when general people's attitudes and behaviours change and they elect people of integrity on their merit and not on cast, sect or ethnicity.

What a joke or should i say farce. One Idiot left only to let another one in.
Can't really take your words seriously. I guess Punjab police didn't know the difference between armed and unarmed. But hey maybe they'll find out some day.

You don't understand the term of provocation never mind the protocol of police enforcement including the ground reality on North America. Clearly, the explanation on the provocation in regards to armed and unarmed will be wasted on you. On the top of it, your poor language using name-calling suggests you are anything but mature. No offense!
Will he make Pakistan a more secular/tolerant country, will he introduce, freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of religion.... get rid of all blasphemy laws.
Lost all respect for Gadi nashin peer known as Shah mehmood Qureshi, who's father and himself is known to loot poor and uneducated people of south punjab by claiming fake ancestries. Today he refused to hand shake with Abbasi, PM of Pakistan.
very disgraceful act of Mahmood Qureshi naqli guddi nasheen
Will he make Pakistan a more secular/tolerant country, will he introduce, freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of religion.... get rid of all blasphemy laws.

Sure he would... while he is busy doing that...can you guys SOUTH of us ban all the cow lynching, raping, minority massacring and Hindutva extremism please?
You don't understand the term of provocation never mind the protocol of police enforcement including the ground reality on North America. Clearly, the explanation on the provocation in regards to armed and unarmed will be wasted on you. On the top of it, your poor language using name-calling suggests you are anything but mature. No offense!

The ground reality isn't the imagination of an ignorant fellow that chooses to defend a mass murderer; sorry to shed light on that fact you choose to simply ignore. Standing in the darkness and being bombarded with false information such as your theory of "provocation" can't be too good for ones well being and thought processes. No offence!
Right or wrong, this is the democratic process we have, what were you expecting?
The silver lining to the whole fiasco (at least in my eyes) is that the democratic process continued without a reset. This was much needed to for the economic revival to continue and show stability and maturity in our political system and major institutions. One positive I give to NS is that he accepted the court decision without hoo haa and creating any frenzy by inciting his followers.

Overall a good outcome that establishes trust and credibility to our judicial, and political system. Leadership will change only when general people's attitudes and behaviours change and they elect people of integrity on their merit and not on cast, sect or ethnicity.
Democratic process where one corrupt moron and a thief is replaced by another. Please! Lets not hide behind the cover of democracy and expose this sham for what it really is.
The ground reality isn't the imagination of an ignorant fellow that chooses to defend a mass murderer; sorry to shed light on that fact you choose to simply ignore. Standing in the darkness and being bombarded with false information such as your theory of "provocation" can't be too good for ones well being and thought processes. No offence!

As i stand corrected. Immaturity at best given the topic is about police enforcement where the situation could have handled better but still, the situation was forced on the police enforcement to deal with the hostility which happens almost everyday on North America ever since Donald Trump became PM. But whom am i explaining to?

It is funny that you bring about mass murderer when there is no mass murderer terrorist outfit than TTP which Imran Khan maintained pro-stances on TTP for years despite killing children, women and many more calculating up to 50,000 and more.

The question is how can you defend pro-terrorist_outfit aka TTP like Imran Khan?
Sure he would... while he is busy doing that...can you guys SOUTH of us ban all the cow lynching, raping, minority massacring and Hindutva extremism please?
Who you speaking to ? I believe you messaged the wrong poster. I don't live south of you dude.
I am not hiding behind anything, and if have ever followed my posts, I am the biggest and loudest critic of the corrupt politicians. We have seen Martial laws too, but they too are people from the same society and they too become corrupt. Who brought NRO? Musharraf. who started the corrupt practice of writing off loans of politicians? Zia. What other choice is there? bring in a new system from heaven and we will corrupt it too. Had Allah not guaranteed the protection of Quran, we (as a society) would have corrupted it too.

Democratic process where one corrupt moron and a thief is replaced by another. Please! Lets not hide behind the cover of democracy and expose this sham for what it really is.
More shocking jolts come soon specialy for Shahid Masood when he see Talal Daniel etc in cabinet^o^
Well, Nawaz controlling everything.
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