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Shabaz Sharif & PML-N appeasing terrorists?


Aug 23, 2007
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CM Shahbaz wants Taliban to spare Punjab

LAHORE: Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif has said that the Taliban and Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz both opposed former military dictator Pervez Musharraf and, therefore, he is surprised that this common stance has failed to stop the Taliban from carrying out terror attacks in Punjab.

“Gen Musharraf planned a bloodbath of innocent Muslims at the behest of others only to prolong his rule, but we in the PML-N opposed his policies and rejected dictation from abroad and if the Taliban are also fighting for the same cause then they should not carry out acts of terror in Punjab (where the PML-N is ruling),” he said at a seminar held here on Sunday to commemorate the services of late Mufti Muhammad Hussain Naeemi.

The chief minister said that extremism and terrorism were the result of wrong policies of the Musharraf regime and the country was now paying a heavy price for those policies.

The chief minister claimed that the PML-N pursued policies which were not dictated from abroad and said that his party had taken a forceful stand on the Kerry-Lugar bill because it compromised sovereignty, integrity and survival of the country and it still had some reservations over the law.

He criticised US policies in the region and said it was only concerned about its own interests.

He said that although other political parties had also raised their voice against the US law it was the PML-N which had played an active role and made it a serious issue within and outside parliament.

He said that despite the passage of two years, the government had not repealed the 17th amendment and promises made in this regard had not been fulfilled.

He said the PML-N was against any accountability law which helped cover up corruption and such a law would be a grave injustice to the nation.

He said the PML-N believed in promoting democracy and stability of democratic institutions and its chief Nawaz Sharif had asked President Asif Ali Zardari not to address the joint session of parliament before doing away with the 17th amendment.

He said that unity and solidarity were the need of the hour and people would have to shun sectarian and other differences to steer the country out of the difficult time it was facing. He said the country needed a system that would ensure supremacy of justice and equitable distribution of resources among the people.

Without providing justice and basic facilities to the deprived people, he said, a bloody revolution might take place and destroy everything in its path. If justice was not provided and decisions of courts were not respected, people would lose faith in democracy and democratic set-up, he said. Urging Ulema to play a frontline role in promoting unity, harmony and brotherhood and finding a way out of the current mess, Mr Sharif said the country needed collective efforts to counter the daunting challenges of terrorism and extremism.

The Punjab President of Mutahidda Ulema Board, MNA Sahibzada Fazal Karim, Jamia Naeemia administrator Dr Raghib Husain Naeemi, Tanzeem-ul-Madaris Pakistan president Mufti Muneebur Rehman, Pir Syed Khalilur Rehman Chishti, Maulana Intekhab Alam and others also spoke on the occasion.

DAWN.COM | Front Page | CM Shahbaz wants Taliban to spare Punjab
The attacks are simply part of a plan to spread the terror & hit PA ,Intel agencies , GOP at places where it hurts & draws max publicity.

The title of the article is not inn order.
After reading this I actually spent time to go through other online papers to verify if this is exactly how Shahbaz Sharif put it and to my complete shock, this statement is true:

LAHORE: Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif has said that the Taliban and Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz both opposed former military dictator Pervez Musharraf and, therefore, he is surprised that this common stance has failed to stop the Taliban from carrying out terror attacks in Punjab.


So you go and attack everyone you wish to but since both PML-N and Taliban have same stance against Gen. Musharraf so please spare Punjab????

Spare Punjab= bakhs do Punjab ko; maaf kar do Punjab ko

What about the blood of my innocent brothers and sisters?
From Karachi to Peshawer - Pakistanis, both civilians and armed forces of Pakistan lost their lives to TTP and CM Punjab is begging for mercy!!

Resign now!! We, the Pakistanis, not the Punjabis, not the Urdu speakers, not the Pushtoon, not the Sindhis, not the Balochis etc --- No! we the Pakistanis will find an alternate leadership for Punjab.

A leadership who can stand next to our victims and take oath to defend Pakistan!!

These suckers are closet Talibans and belong in hell!!

Let these suckers know that Bajaur operation will wrap up this week insha-Allah, Polio vaccination will start again and academic institution will re-open from today.

Pakistan is close to a complete victory and hopefully we will live to see that day, insha-Allah.

I am Punjabi and Punjab is part of Pakistan, if we fight the Taliban we all fight them. Shahbaz needs to go back to his London flat with aall his black money, because we do not need his useless ideas. Nawaz is an idiot, but Shahbaz is stupidd. WTF are you talking Shabaz, go do your 5th marriage.
CM Shahbaz wants Taliban to spare Punjab

LAHORE: Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif has said that the Taliban and Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz both opposed former military dictator Pervez Musharraf and, therefore, he is surprised that this common stance has failed to stop the Taliban from carrying out terror attacks in Punjab.

What kind of flawed strategy is this. There hate for Musharraf never seizes to amaze me, because it knows no bounds even at the cost of Pakistan.
So basically the CM is saying just because Musharraf started this and they have nothing to do with it so please in the name of God we beg you to stop because otherwise we are too incompetent to stop it ourselves even when we have the intelligence reports.:disagree:

What a shame and people in Lahore still love the guy. How pathetic. What a bunch of loosers we have as our leaders elected by us.:sick:
The PML(N) has to end its vague position on the Taliban and all other sectarian organizations. They have been avoiding this topic since the beginning and now the people of punjab and lahore are paying for it with there lives. This clown needs to wake up and smell the C4 because after they are done with all the provinces they will come after Punjab. No matter who his brother opposed at what time.
Man All our politicians are corrupted and short sightend, Someday the young generation of Pakistan will establish a political party and lead Pakistan.
This news suprised me......
Is CM Shahbaz have any link with Talibans ?
The PML(N) has to end its vague position on the Taliban and all other sectarian organizations. They have been avoiding this topic since the beginning and now the people of punjab and lahore are paying for it with there lives. This clown needs to wake up and smell the C4 because after they are done with all the provinces they will come after Punjab. No matter who his brother opposed at what time.

I think Punjab has suffered a lot and so even if this rascal associates himself with Punjab only (instead of our motherland Pakistan), he should realize what the Taliban have done to Punjab.
I hope and pray that PML-N dies the same political death as JI...they deserve it...
I would never have thought that despite having Zardari as their co chairperson, i would like PPP more than PML-N...

Lahore is the heart of Pakistan and has been targeted the most along with Peshawar...still PML-N is apologetic to the Taliban because they are a bunch of cowards and do not want to face any danger, it is their impotent stance that makes Taliban brave...otherwise any leader worth his salt would have used this terrorist brutality to unify the nation against militancy...

I am almost amused at their party symbol which is a tiger...they are the exact opposite of it...they **** in their pants because they just want to rule like Mughal princes and have no stomach to be leaders of men in times of danger...down with the Sharif brothers i say...:tdown:
I think Punjab has suffered a lot and so even if this rascal associates himself with Punjab only (instead of our motherland Pakistan), he should realize what the Taliban have done to Punjab.
I hope and pray that PML-N dies the same political death as JI...they deserve it...
I would never have thought that despite having Zardari as their co chairperson, i would like PPP more than PML-N...

Lahore is the heart of Pakistan and has been targeted the most along with Peshawar...still PML-N is apologetic to the Taliban because they are a bunch of cowards and do not want to face any danger, it is their impotent stance that makes Taliban brave...otherwise any leader worth his salt would have used this terrorist brutality to unify the nation against militancy...

I am almost amused at their party symbol which is a tiger...they are the exact opposite of it...they **** in their pants because they just want to rule like Mughal princes and have no stomach to be leaders of men in times of danger...down with the Sharif brothers i say...:tdown:

I completely agree with you. The PPP has shown balls and has stood up to these terrorists. The PML(N) is playing with fire and they dont know it yet. Havnt they learnt the lesson that these crazy people are loyal to no one and they cannot be persuaded by logic. The only thing they worship is their egos and the egos of their masters.
It gives such great pain to see Lahore suffer at the hand of these incompetent freaks. I have such fond memories of that city.
i often used to say this to my friends that thank God that PML N is not in power. at this crucial stage they would have failed miserably. that is the only reason why they want PPP to stay in gov for now until this terrorism issue dies.
pml n doesnt have the will to take such strong decisions and that also against terrorists who call themselves 'muslims' and how can we fight muslims?? this is wat pml n mentality is.

as far as punjabis are concerned, they will live and die for their fellow countrymen. including me ;)
I won't go with which province to be heart lung kidneys of Pakistan to me all provinces are the same..
N.W.F.P has suffered the most if anyone claims Punjab has suffered i agree but not to the extend as much as N.W.F.P alone has suffered both in terms of lives and economically. Pak Army has brought this con man Nawaz and his associates it is now on the shoulder of Pak Army to eradicate this Party from its roots just like what Pak Army has done to talibans!
i often used to say this to my friends that thank God that PML N is not in power. at this crucial stage they would have failed miserably. that is the only reason why they want PPP to stay in gov for now until this terrorism issue dies.
pml n doesnt have the will to take such strong decisions and that also against terrorists who call themselves 'muslims' and how can we fight muslims?? this is wat pml n mentality is.

as far as punjabis are concerned, they will live and die for their fellow countrymen. including me ;)

Without any doubt, the issue of Punjabi, Pathan, Sindhi, Balochi etc etc is just a creation of our politicians to cover up their own incompetency and dirty game. Ordinary people have no issue to that.
I won't go with which province to be heart lung kidneys of Pakistan to me all provinces are the same..
N.W.F.P has suffered the most if anyone claims Punjab has suffered i agree but not to the extend as much as N.W.F.P alone has suffered both in terms of lives and economically. Pak Army has brought this con man Nawaz and his associates it is now on the shoulder of Pak Army to eradicate this Party from its roots just like what Pak Army has done to talibans!

If you are implying about my comment regarding Lahore then it is not out of any provincial affiliation as such, i traveled/lived in all provinces and love all part of Pakistan.
It is a commonly known fact that Lahore is the heart of Pakistan because here there is a very healthy mix of all communities and in perfect harmony without any tension.
Surely all cities are precious to us be it in any part of the country.
However to attack Lahore is important to the terrorists because of the famed spirit in this city which they want to conquer.
I think they are digging their graves because people here hate the Taliban apologists more than ever.

Do not say Pakistan Army but rather Zia ul Haq, indeed he was the chief architect of political career of Nawaz Sharif.
Most in the army disliked Zia except few of his close generals so it was not the wish of the army, rather Zia.

However we should see that the nation let down Bhutto when they did not start any movement to free him, we need to learn our lessons.
Bhutto may have wronged but he was a genuine leader in many aspects and everyone knew that his case was politically driven.
Had he been freed, Zia would have been hanged instead on charge of treason...we let our usurpers off the hook and expect political maturity?
The nation abandoned a most gifted leader to his cruel fate...we pay the price for such acts eventually where we condemn a man for some failings and let him fall in hope for a perfect leader...there is no such thing as a perfect leader.

The eradication of the party is our responsibility, we do not want Army to be a political musical chairs host...that much is clear that this is not an option anymore.
With such retarded policies PML-N is bound to fail unless it gets rid of the Sharif Brothers.
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