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Seven Pakistani soldiers killed in bomb attack, firefight.

So you disagree with him on this.
You don't believe India is behind anti-Pakistan activities.
And you want anyone expressing that opinion IN A PAKISTANI FORUM banned.

Neither is he Indian nor Pakistani, but a 'tamashbeen'. Giving too much favour, we're impressed!
Funniest comment ever. Are u really american??:rofl:
That will mean india intelligence services are really powerful/skilled. In fact even more than the best U S,U.K/Western and russian intel services. Lool. In fact it will also mean that pakistan is a weak/fragile semi failed state where a middle power like india can call the shots in the country and manipulate groups within the country like puppets and make them do what it wants without anybody beibg able to do anything to stop the might Elephant. :lol:

So much for justifying islamists terror groups actions:astagh::lol:

I'm against Islamic terror group. But the nation of Pakistan as a whole is a victim of terror as much as the west. There are Pakistani that are sympathetic to terrorist. But the real backer of terror in Pakistan is Pakistan's natural enemy. I hope that everyone in Pakistan knows who really back the terrorists in Pakistan. This one country benefit the most as this country seek to be the master of South Asia. Only Pakistan stand in its way of hegemony.
A lot depends upon how you handle the problem also. If you come straight down to my home and kick open the door, there is a very high possibility that I will try to fight you back.

But, if you build a school in my locality, roads, a well to fetch water, then, may be you will not need to kick open all the doors.

Your government should have done the same with the Sikhs movement in punjab. Instead of sending in an entire division to slaughter your own countrymen. Only because they wanted to be classified as Sikhs instead of hindus and retain their own identity, which article 25 of your constitution did not permit. Your history is filled with the blood of your own by your hand.

Anyhow on a more contemporary note, It would be wise for you guys to focus on reconciling and negotiating with Naxalites first, instead of preaching lessons to other governments. :)
I'm against Islamic terror group. But the nation of Pakistan as a whole is a victim of terror as much as the west. There are Pakistani that are sympathetic to terrorist. But the real backer of terror in Pakistan is Pakistan's natural enemy. I hope that everyone in Pakistan knows who really back the terrorists in Pakistan. This one country benefit the most as this country seek to be the master of South Asia. Only Pakistan stand in its way of hegemony.
ok Pakistani point noted
Shame on you if you think dropping them from helicopters or killing their families will solve your problems. It's about time you get real and know how these operations are conducted.
they are f***ing child killers...i would pay to see these scum drop to death.
I want to know who is this @Luca1 . Lagai bujhai wali aurat.

@WebMaster not only she deserves negative rating but also short tour to ban cell.

Salik why u always give the feel of a sullen sulky aunt. Grow up.

What does mean 'Might have been' ? This is standard forum or some third class newspaper. Post any proof you have or show your identity to worth your statement.

Else it is fire and rock and roll.
Learn the meaning of word forum first. That means a place where ideas are exchanged. Duh
Very sad news. Condolences to friends and families of the soldiers. RIP
A lot depends upon how you handle the problem also. If you come straight down to my home and kick open the door, there is a very high possibility that I will try to fight you back.

But, if you build a school in my locality, roads, a well to fetch water, then, may be you will not need to kick open all the doors.
maybe I will still need to kick open the door if you blow up the schools and continue to kill teachers, poor labourers and doctors and medical staff

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