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Seriously, what?! Kerry tells Russia 'you don't invade a country on completely phony pretexts'

What does Ukraine offer to make military intervention worthwhile? It's a simple question, the US is not as concerned about loosing face that's a Chinese malady.

So this part was a lie then? Obviously.

As to how the US would benefit, I already mentioned it several posts before. :lol:

America's friends and allies like Georgia and South Korea might start believing once again that America might be able to help them.

Otherwise, no one will believe America is capable of standing up to Russia on their own turf, even if their friends are under direct military assault.

The countries in Eastern Europe in particular.
So this part was a lie then? Obviously.

As to how the US would benefit, I already mentioned it several posts before. :lol:

America's friends and allies like Georgia and South Korea might start believing once again that America might be able to help them.

Otherwise, no one will believe America is capable of standing up to Russia on their own turf, even if their friends are under direct military assault.

South Korea is a US ally, Georgia isn't. The US is treaty bound to assist S.Korea militarily but no such treaty exists between the US and Georgia or US and Ukraine.The US can engage and defeat Russia in Ukraine but at great costs. Costs that demands significant rewards.In the absence of defense treaty why should the US help the Ukraine? And I circle back to the reward from such an intervention. Why should the US intervene militarily, whats in it for us?

And why do you believe Georgia expected the US to intervene in a war Georgia started?
Yes, it did benefit us "indirectly", by taking American attention off us, and focusing their attention on the Middle East, while wrecking the American economy with insurmountable debts and deficits.

It gave us a window of about a decade to grow without harassment.

However, that only further serves to show the utter stupidity of the Iraq War. Since America obviously did not intend for their major strategic rivals to benefit from it. In fact, all of America's major rivals benefited from it.

Russia is being treated as has been, China wasn't even considered a threat.
Kind of rich after
the recent invasion of Afghanistan,
the recent invasion of Iraq,
the recent invasion of Lybia,
the recent threats of invasion and funding of terrorism against Syria,
the recent threats of invasion and funding of terrorism against Iran
by the U.S.A. all under not just phony but completely false pretext.
I want to see Soviet union rise again + Chinese and Pakistan alliance with Soviets too. We must admit that making bad relations with soviet were the worst things happen to us.

Yeah, it would be great to build a giant wall to keep the people in. IDIOT !!

Cut off oil and gas supplies to all of Europe and see what happens to Europe. Russia has China to buy the oil & gas. Who will supply all of Europe?

And all the oil and gas china was getting will go to Europe.
Why Russia doesn't take the mediterranean part of Turkey and Cyprus? Russia truly deserve hot water.
Sort of like invading Iraq on the pretext of nonexistent WMD's?

Where are those WMD's by the way?

And what happened to the "so-called" connection between Saddam and Al-qaeda? It turns out that Saddam actually hated Al-qaeda, and persecuted them ruthlessly!

Was there even a grain of truth to America's invasion of Iraq?

And has terrorism increased or decreased since the Iraq war? If you check the statistics, incidents of terrorism around the globe have increased exponentially since then.

The only ones who benefited from the Iraq war were the global terrorist groups themselves, it was the best recruiting platform they could ever hope for!

Certainly the one million dead Iraqi citizens did not benefit from it, nor did the subsequent victims of the exponential growth in terrorism all around the world benefit from it.
Kerry is practicing his stand up comedic routine when he's finished with politics sooner than later.
US Secretary of State spoke today of the unacceptability of invading a sovereign country on phony pretexts

What does Ukraine offer to make military intervention worthwhile? It's a simple question, the US is not as concerned about loosing face that's a Chinese malady.
Wheat, steel and Aluminium, but sorry no oil.... looks like thats the only "worthwhile" commodity these days for the state dept... right?
The US has become the laughingstock of the world。

It is THE last country in the world which is qualified to utter such utter nonsense。

Where there is the US,there is war and human sufferings。Endless sufferings。
No you don't, I don't want to derail this thread but I want to speak with you elsewhere maybe in the members club we'll have a showdown me and you. :P
You don't remember that we voted in favor of Palestine in UN... Does that make us anti Israel latter on?? This would answer your speculation....

Well you spoke of 'guts' obviously you expect the US /NATO to use force to dislodge the Russians from Crimea.
Then you turned the discussion to the US whining about Russian aggression. You really expect important decisions particularly a decision that has the potential to escalate to nuclear conflict to be made on the basis of guts and loss of face?

You obviously are hopelessly out of touch with reality OR you lack the maturity to think rationally.

You can redeem yourself by answering a simple question.How does the US or EU or NATO benefit from military action?
What did they benefited from Military action in Iraq.. Perhaps oil isn't that??? WMD my @$$..
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South Korea is a US ally, Georgia isn't. The US is treaty bound to assist S.Korea militarily but no such treaty exists between the US and Georgia or US and Ukraine.The US can engage and defeat Russia in Ukraine but at great costs. Costs that demands significant rewards.In the absence of defense treaty why should the US help the Ukraine? And I circle back to the reward from such an intervention. Why should the US intervene militarily, whats in it for us?

And why do you believe Georgia expected the US to intervene in a war Georgia started?
Then why US is whining about it?? The actions/words of your secretary of state does not justify above argument of yours....
mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa
The US has become the laughingstock of the world。

It is THE last country in the world which is qualified to utter such utter nonsense。

Where there is the US,there is war and human sufferings。Endless sufferings。

Until the last remaining global empire (America) is put into the scrapheap of history, people from developing countries will continue to suffer.
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