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Second big snub for America


Dec 29, 2010
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It’s the second major snub for the US from India which has decided to reject two major defence agreements, CISMOA and LSA, which would have allowed US access to Indian defence communication as well as access to Indian ports and airports. US President Barack Obama had pushed for this proposal during his November visit to India. But Govt sources say that the Union Defence Ministry and the armed forces have decided against the agreements.

The absence of CISMOA restricts US from transferring certain high-tech equipment to India. US wants to enhance the ‘interoperability’ of the Indian and American forces, as also ensure secrecy of its C4ISR (command, control, communications, computer, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance) systems, through CISMOA. Logistics Support Agreement (LSA) envisages Indian and American militaries providing logistic support, refuelling and berthing facilities for each other's warships and aircraft on barter or an equal-value exchange basis.
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Its a well known fact that India will never accept any agreement for buying weapons. Its not like US is the only choice or always supplies the best weapons.
India buys weapons while paying in hard cash not by any donation or aid and we are a sovereign nation no one can force its conditions on us.
xataxsata is true we have options in our hand and we dont get goods for free. It must always be the pitch prepared by India where US must play when it come to Indian Security.
I guess but India will beg the US when time comes for Pakistan and China to attack India...watch
I guess but India will beg the US when time comes for Pakistan and China to attack India...watch

ohh yaa all those strategic thinkers have no brain.... Do you understand what these agreements means? :hitwall::hitwall:
@ axisofevil

India has been factoring in the possibility of China entering into all the conflicts we have have had with Pakistan. A sizable chunk of our air and ground assets are never committed against Pakistan. That is so that we are able to defend against a Chinese attack. We have one full Army Command and most of another one devoted specifically to the China threat. However we depended on USSR in the past to ensure that China does not enter the fray in a Indo-Pak conflict. With the disappearance of the USSR, we have to strengthen components of these Army Commands so they are able to handle a Chinese onslaught and do not let Chinese attack on us impinge on our war effort against Pakistan. That was what an ex-COAS was saying some time back. Some people took it that he was advocating a war against both countries, while, all he said was that we should be prepared for a defensive battle on two fronts, something we have been doing since 1962.

We will surely have to beg the US for spare parts of stuff we buy from them if things become critical. So it will be in our interest to buy from them only what we cant get elsewhere.

It is not in our interest to sign the CISMOA or LSA. Advantages accruing to us will be negligible, while the USA will be hugely benefited. Good, the GOI and the service chiefs have their brains at the right place.
@ axisofevil

India has been factoring in the possibility of China entering into all the conflicts we have have had with Pakistan. A sizable chunk of our air and ground assets are never committed against Pakistan. That is so that we are able to defend against a Chinese attack. We have one full Army Command and most of another one devoted specifically to the China threat. However we depended on USSR in the past to ensure that China does not enter the fray in a Indo-Pak conflict. With the disappearance of the USSR, we have to strengthen components of these Army Commands so they are able to handle a Chinese onslaught and do not let Chinese attack on us impinge on our war effort against Pakistan. That was what an ex-COAS was saying some time back. Some people took it that he was advocating a war against both countries, while, all he said was that we should be prepared for a defensive battle on two fronts, something we have been doing since 1962.

We will surely have to beg the US for spare parts of stuff we buy from them if things become critical. So it will be in our interest to buy from them only what we cant get elsewhere.

It is not in our interest to sign the CISMOA or LSA. Advantages accruing to us will be negligible, while the USA will be hugely benefited. Good, the GOI and the service chiefs have their brains at the right place.

The problem with your argument is that we "depend"...that is the underlying failure. have we not learned since Kargil? We were suffering due to low spares and lack of equipment. Russia could not help much because their supplies were low and factories could not produce at faster rate. We depended on the US to hold the Pakis back and the iSraelis for weapons.....In the 1962 war, America under JFK sent a nuclear AC and escort into the Bay of Bengal to make the Chinese feel the threat of escalation. We should depend on anyone for spares....copy foreign tech and should be a secret priority o that we are not on our knees begging.

Ultimately i agree with CISMOA issues and this was only due to AK Anthony...But the Chinese threat has been around for a lot longer than you think...yet we did nothing till now...why are we so slow.....to even accept the the reality that they are not as friendly as we would wish? Listen you can say we have been preparing for a 2 front battle since 62 but our weapons and strategic planning show something completely different
The problem with your argument is that we "depend"...that is the underlying failure.

I used the word depend in the context of our dependence on the erstwhile USSR to keep USA and China out of active involvement in any Indo-Pak conflict. USSR did this very admirably including sending some nuclear subs shadowing after the USS Enterprise when the US task force 74 came into the Bay of Bengal in support of Pakistan 1971. Yes, and it was Nixon in 1971 and not JFK in 1962 who sent them. The Soviet SSNs forced the US task force to beat a hasty retreat.

Dependence on spares from the OEM is a fact of life as long as we do not become self sufficient in defence production. We are headed that way, greater investment in R & D and defence production infrastructure, better coordination with the private sect and more efficient public sector will take us there. Generally, spares for war time are catered for in what is called 'WWR' or 'War wastage Reserve', which are maintained at all levels. However, with regard to certain spares from Russia, the levels of WWR were at dangerously low levels since the factories making these spares were in countries which had various issues with Russia. That is why we diversified our procurement.

Ultimately i agree with CISMOA issues and this was only due to AK Anthony...

All the three service chiefs were asked for their view and all of them were against it. Mr Anthony just went along with the people entrusted with the defence of the nation. This is indeed a positive way of doing things.

But the Chinese threat has been around for a lot longer than you think...yet we did nothing till now...why are we so slow.....to even accept the the reality that they are not as friendly as we would wish? Listen you can say we have been preparing for a 2 front battle since 62 but our weapons and strategic planning show something completely different

The Chinese threat has existed since 1962, not earlier. The reason that we are not where we would like to be vis-a vis China is that till 1990, we had the USSR to lean on to neutralise the Chinese threat. It was only after 1990, that we went about seriously to give ourselves the means to defend against a possible Chinese attack, that too in conjunction with an attack from the west. All the latest developments one sees are with that in mind. We still have a long way to go. But we do not have plans to attack China, only to prevent China from taking what we hold now and that parity is not difficult to achieve.
Thy knew we wont sign these agreements. But still they walked the blind walk..they thought may be we are too eager to get US goodies and US banked too much on Obama visit. May be they too got fooled by seeing Obama 24/7 in India media. I mean they though Indians are crazy for US so they will surely buy and rest we will do with little arm twisting.. . but IAF wasn't getting things on discount. Now for the next time, i know they will deal like real businessman.
World of today has seen sudden rise in quality of defense equipments and technology in European Union,Russia,Brazil,SOuth Africa,India etc...even SOuth Korea,Japan and China are leading their the wagon of defense technology .....US is not the best anymore..atleast not the only option.
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