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Search Engine targeted for the Muslims



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Jan 25, 2011
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i have found this to be a very important development to the muslim world, i mean there is all this talk about google being a zionist company, the same with facebook, with many articles being told about them supporting the isreali army and so forth.

So why cant the muslim have there own search engine for the muslim people and use the funding to grow the international community?

Seriously if you think about it, its just a matter of telling our people to use it, it does the same thing and more.

I have copied the below text from the site and found some good articles about the owner and the site.

what do youthis

The Conscience Search Engine - taqwa.me

Taqwa is the Islamic concept of constant awareness of Allah (God). In the Qur’an Taqwa is explained as “right conduct”, “piety”, “guarding oneself”, “guarding against evil”(Q 2:197 and 22:37), and “piety of hearts” (Q 22:32).

Taqwa, therefore, is an attribute of a believer inspired by Allah.

There are many misconceptions about the current state and practices of Islam to believers and non-Muslims. Islam is facing one of its greatest tests of faith and the right to exist.

We must distinguish between “pure Islam” and “everyday Islam”; inform and educate ourselves of false interpretations of the Qur’an, which when taken out of context and mixed with cultural traditions results in misunderstandings between Muslims and other non-believers.

From a theological and demographical point of view the “Islamisation of the world” is in many ways an impossible notion, primarily because the Islamic law, “Sharia”, only applies to Muslims, and secondly, belonging to the Islamic religion is and must be voluntary.

Unfortunately, the acceptance of Islam by the world is mixed, and Islamophobia is used as a convenient phrase to allow racial and religious discrimination against Muslims and the belittling of Islam. The world should not be afraid of Islam, rather, countries should be open to receive immigrants from Muslim countries and recognize the citizenship rights of all its citizens. It is comparative the “glass ceiling” effect women have faced in the workplace. However, many Muslims feel that when it comes to their rights, a “concrete ceiling” restricts them.

Taqwa.me provides users one of the most powerful engines to educate, search and research with explicit filters intact geared toward the Muslim market. Users are given the ability to determine whether websites or content within a site is “haram” or “halal”, and are encouraged to discuss their views and opinions in a social manner, as content cannot be dictated on the basis of what one person solely believes. By interacting in this social forum, we are helping one another to understand and consider why certain things are halal or haram.

As taqwa.me evolves, so too does our ability to facilitate and tailor to users’ needs by developing an educational search engine for Muslims, children and concerned parents, and those simply wanting to learn more about Islam.

Taqwa – the Conscience Search Engine

Search and chat website for the modern Muslim

taqwame | Facebook
have to mention that this is not the only source.

needless to say, does it make an actual difference? will you or people actually stop using google, even though there is particular evidence stating many facts?

has the ever been a viable alternative?, no, well not until i came across the search engine i mentioned above

and again who really cares anymore?
I don't think you guys need an 'Islamic' search engine if you're going to be searching this:

No. 1 Nation in Sexy Web Searches? Call it Pornistan - FoxNews.com

They may call it the "Land of the Pure," but Pakistan turns out to be anything but.

The Muslim country, which has banned content on at least 17 websites to block offensive and blasphemous material, is the world's leader in online searches for pornographic material, FoxNews.com has learned.

“You won’t find strip clubs in Islamic countries. Most Islamic countries have certain dress codes,” said Gabriel Said Reynolds, professor of Islamic Studies at the University of Notre Dame. “It would be an irony if they haven’t shown the same vigilance to pornography.”

So here's the irony: Google ranks Pakistan No. 1 in the world in searches for pornographic terms, outranking every other country in the world in searches per person for certain sex-related content.

The country also is tops -- or has been No. 1 -- in searches for "sex," "camel sex," "rape video," "child sex video" and some other searches that can't be printed here.

Google Trends generates data of popular search terms in geographic locations during specific time frames. Google Insights is a more advanced version that allows users to filter a search to geographic locations, time frames and the nature of a search, including web, images, products and news.

Pakistan ranked No. 1 in all the searches listed above on Google Trends, but on only some of them in Google Insights.

“We do our best to provide accurate data and to provide insights into broad search patterns, but the results for a given query may contain inaccuracies due to data sampling issues, approximations, or incomplete data for the terms entered,” Google said in a statement, when asked about the accuracy of its reports.

The Embassy of Islamic Republic of Pakistan did not reply to a request for an interview.

In addition to banning content on 17 websites, including islamexposed.blogspot.com, Pakistan is monitoring seven other sites -- Google, Yahoo, Bing, YouTube, Amazon, MSN and Hotmail -- for anti-Islamic content, the Associated Press reported in June.

But it’s not to censor the Pakistani people, Reynolds said. It’s to shut out the rest of the world.

“[It] could lead to conversion, which would undermine the very order of the state,” he said. “Part of protecting the society is making sure that there is no way it could be undermined in terms of foreign influences.”

Pakistan temporarily banned Facebook in May when Muslim groups protested the “Everybody Draw Muhammad Day” page, where users were encouraged to upload pictures of the Prophet Muhammad. The page remained on Facebook, but Pakistani users were unable to view it, said Andrew Noyes, manager of Facebook’s Public Policy Communication.

And while Pakistan is taking measures to prevent blasphemous material from being viewed by its citizens, pornographic material is “certainly” contradictory to Islam, too, Reynolds said.

The country’s punishment for those charged with blasphemy is execution, but the question remains what -- if anything -- can be done about people who search for **** on the Web.

“It’s a new phenomenon,” Reynolds said.
Pakistan being the leader in **** search is the most rubbish news foxnews has produced.

Think about it, barely 10% of the population has access to internet, out of which most are occasional users.

Whereas the US, India, China have far higher populations. So how could pak have more **** hits than India, US or China??

Beyond me.
smart point, i actually didnt think about it that way.

well according to the most popular search engine in the world, i couldnt find the data for pakistan, i found it for india.

India · Google Zeitgeist 2010

so even now im skeptical about the news article.

could be possible to say, typical for an indian to post that link? ;)

but anyway, governments do need to impose sometype of law or censorship to certain obscene material, i just dont undertstand why google and the jews have to profit when something as good as taqwa.me can be imposed
@twoplustwoisfour: i think we discussed that a zillion times, dont start a flame war here.
another big fail after halal search engine! Its like someone launching the Islamic face book and Islamic Google earlier..or Motorola offering kosher cellphones in Israel..technology and religion have no links..
Pakistan being the leader in **** search is the most rubbish news foxnews has produced.

Think about it, barely 10% of the population has access to internet, out of which most are occasional users.

Whereas the US, India, China have far higher populations. So how could pak have more **** hits than India, US or China??

Beyond me.

It said searches related to sex per-person.
@twoplustwoisfour: i think we discussed that a zillion times, dont start a flame war here.

I'm not trying to start a flame-war. I'm trying to find out the purpose of a muslim search engine.

Will it be a search engine for religious content? Will it only give content which is approved in Islam? Will it censor stuff?

If so, then I'm afraid it won't succeed.

I'm sorry if I offended anyone.
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