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Scrap the MMRCA: buy US F-35s


Jun 17, 2009
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Scrap the MMRCA: buy US F-35s

Broadsword: Scrap the MMRCA: buy US F-35s

By Ajai Shukla
Business Standard, 19th Oct 10

Given the global buzz around the Indian Air Force’s ongoing US $10 billion procurement of 126 medium multi-role combat aircraft (MMRCA), my suggestion to scrap the process and, instead, go in for a straight buy of Lockheed Martin’s F-35 Lightening II fighters is admittedly radical. But consider this: when the F-35 enters service, a couple of years from now, it will comfortably outclass every one of the six fighters that the IAF is currently evaluating. Thereafter, through the entire 30-40 year service life of the selected MMRCA, the IAF will fly a second rung fighter when it could have gotten the best.

The six fighters that the IAF has flight tested over the last year --- Boeing’s F/A-18 Super Hornet; Lockheed Martin’s F-16IN Super Viper; Dassault’s Rafale; the Russian MiG-35; the Swedish Saab Gripen NG; and the Eurofighter --- are categorized, even by their manufacturers, as 4th Generation fighters. In contrast, the F-35 is globally acknowledged as a 5th Generation fighter. The key to its superiority is stealth, making it effectively invisible to radar at longer ranges. This is a battle-winning advantage in aerial combat, where radars are the only way of “seeing” the enemy; the F-35 will detect enemy fighters and launch missiles at them, well before being detected. While attacking ground targets in enemy territory, the F-35 will remain undetected until it is too late to react. Unsurprisingly, each 5th Generation fighter is the battlefield equivalent of 3-4 previous generation aircraft.

Since the IAF knows all this, why is the F-35 not in the MMRCA contest? Because, while framing the specifications for the 126-fighter tender in 2003, the IAF set the bar so low that the F-35 was overqualified. The MoD, still nursing a hangover from the Tehelka sting expose, wanted to avoid potential controversy by having several vendors competing for the MMRCA order. Had the IAF been allowed to keep the long-term in mind, and to demand 5th Generation capabilities, only the F-35 would have met the tender requirement. With that single-vendor situation an MoD bugaboo, the IAF’s specifications were dumbed down to bring in a clutch of 4th Generation fighters.

When Lockheed Martin --- one of the four vendors that received inquiries from the IAF in 2003-04 --- studied the requirement, they offered the F-16 Super Viper, which they estimated met India’s requirements. Offering the overqualified, and pricier, F-35 made little business sense: India’s procurement rules give no credit for exceeding the tender requirements. The Defence Procurement Procedure mandates that the cheapest of the vendors that meet the technical requirements automatically wins a contract.

Price was just one reason for offering the F-16. With the F-35’s prototype not even having flown then (it first flew in 2006), Lockheed Martin knew that the F-35 would not be available for flight-testing in the timeframe that the IAF wanted. Senior IAF officers believe that Lockheed Martin made a strategic decision: to field the F-16 in the MMRCA competition; and later offer the F-35 as a 5th Generation fighter, a logical follow-on to the F-16. But that offer (which officials confirm was made to the IAF later) was a non-starter: India had decided to partner Russia in jointly developing the Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA).

Today, much has changed. The F-35 programme has moved into its production phase and will be flying operationally soon. Senior Lockheed Martin officials confirm that the US is more than keen to sell India the F-35. Meanwhile, a more confident MoD has demonstrated --- through its single-vendor purchases of the C-130J Super Hercules and C-17 Globemaster III transport aircraft --- that it has the political courage to buy American systems when they clearly outclass the competition.

Senior IAF officers, serving and retired, make two arguments against the F-35. Accepting that the F-35 far outclasses the other MMRCA contenders, they apprehend that scrapping the MMRCA purchase risks losing several years that the MoD will surely take for fresh evaluations and financial sanctions for buying the F-35.

This logic does injustice to the MoD, which has demonstrated in the C-130J and C-17 procurements that it is capable of acting decisively. Having shed its post-Kargil, Pakistan-centric mindset, and focusing on building credible offensive-defence capabilities against China, surely the MoD will not spend $10 billion on fighters that will be outclassed with the inevitable appearance of Chinese 5th Generation fighters over the Himalayas.

The other IAF concern is that, with the F-35 still under development, there is little clarity on when it will become available or on what terms. But the announcement last week of Israel’s purchase of 20 F-35s (with another 75 likely to follow) has dispelled much of the mist. Israel, which is not even one of the nine countries that funded the F-35 development, will be buying the fighters for US $96 million each under the Foreign Military Sales programme, for not much more than the Rafale’s and Eurofighter’s estimated cost. Israel will get its F-35s between 2015-2017; several of the MMRCA contenders will need as long.

Significantly, defence analysts believe that Israel has obtained Washington’s okay to integrate a variety of Israeli sensors and weaponry onto the F-35. The US has long resisted this since it involves passing on software source codes to the Israelis. With an order of 126-200 fighters, India too could demand this important concession.

Given India’s deteriorating security environment, it must build a 5th Generation air force, one that will remain the pre-eminent power in South Asia the next two decades. The 5th Generation heavy fighter already in the works, in partnership with Russia, will only enter service towards the end of the decade. In the medium fighter segment, a 5th Generation fighter is as essential, with strategic balance maintained by importing from the US. For obvious political reasons, the initiative to scrap the MMRCA and go in for the F-35 must come from the IAF; and the MoD must assure them of minimal delay.
It doesn't hurt to dangle the MMRCA evaluation to learn something from it. Then buy F-35 when it is available. Howeven I think waiting list is too long.
We dont need the best...we already have(considering the air forces of our adversaries). we need the best which can compliment the MKI. Already we have 2 projects underway for 5th gen fighters..and depending on USA for a long term solution is not a good move IMO>
1. We get FGFA, probably earlier that we may get F35

2. No ToT .
3. Strict US Restrictions
4. Not War Tested
5. Very Costly
6. Will make us loose another 6 to 10 years...waiting...
7. We need a good A2G and SH and Rafale are much better...
8. With FGFA in picture it will be utter wastage of MONEY..
9. fgfa + mki + sh is a far deadlier Trio.
Argument might be valid or not. The thing is we are so much into the MMRCA that backing out at this final stage will send out a really really bad signal to all the weapon suppliers around the world.

It might be or might not be in our favour but backing out NOW will not be good.
If this is to be considered even now we could go for f-35vtol. Just order f-16 in limited numbers like 50 to 70 and tell the vendor since he is the one responsible for f-35 to take the other order like some 150 or so for f-35. We get a well potent force in our hands.

I think some times this could be what the MOD is thinking.
Not a valid option for MMRCA.
1) We won't be getting it before 2025.
2) It can carry like 2 bombs compared to huge payload capacity of SH or rafale.
3) Price quoted for Israel is not the final price as Israel will be integrating lots of their weapons, EWS and avionics.
4) One of the main requirement of MMRCA is TOT, which we surely won't be getting for a fifth gen platform.
5) Induction of F-35 in large numbers will make AMCA project useless.

The VTOL version however can be bought for IN.
I do not agree with the author of this article . MMRCA is there to fulfil a very specific role in replacing the aging fleet of IAF.. Besides its way too expensive and i seriously doubt its true capabilities since it is already considered to be a rung lower than F-22 ( the only true fifth generation fighter).

IT is also very expensive as compared to some of the most likely choices for IAF in MMRCA.

Israel and Australia are also seriously debating on the numbers they want since they are not fully satisfied with its capabilities an want F-22

Now lets see how India is going to counter this

PAK FA/FGFA considered to be in the same class as F_22

So all in all it will be a very poor decision if India went with F-35
I dont agree. I think FGFA fills the need for 5th gen fighters which would not be needed before 2025 as none of our neighbours can field one before the Russians.

There would be no industry participation, no to low technology transfer which is not beneficial in the long run.
Not a valid option for MMRCA.
1) We won't be getting it before 2025.
2) It can carry like 2 bombs compared to huge payload capacity of SH or rafale.
3) Price quoted for Israel is not the final price as Israel will be integrating lots of their weapons, EWS and avionics.
4) One of the main requirement of MMRCA is TOT, which we surely won't be getting for a fifth gen platform.
5) Induction of F-35 in large numbers will make AMCA project useless.

The VTOL version however can be bought for IN.

Too many variables to comment whether it is right or wrong to go for F35!However some thoughts based on your post

1) I'd not be so sure about the delivery date of 2025, the current order book for F35 is huge and accomodating appx 126 more in the schedule might not be as difficult as we think.

However, it will certainly be late when compared to MMRCA.

2) The 2 bomb configuration is in internal bays for full stealth. F35 can carry much more on it's external points, compromising stealth ( though still stealthier than any MMRCA)

3) Bang on target! Also note that the systems they want to replace ( like EW, avionics) are the real killers when cost of an aircraft is calculated.

4)ToT will be atricky issue, we cannot comment on what the yankees will share!

5)Nope! We are talking about F35 replacing the MMTCA here, by that logic MMRCA should make AMCA useless.
Too many variables to comment whether it is right or wrong to go for F35!However some thoughts based on your post

1) I'd not be so sure about the delivery date of 2025, the current order book for F35 is huge and accomodating appx 126 more in the schedule might not be as difficult as we think.

However, it will certainly be late when compared to MMRCA.

Delivery of F-35s won't be starting at least till 2013. And if I'm not wrong there is already a demand for over 2000 F-35s. For us to get delivery of F-35 by 2025 the yearly production rate would have to be at least 200.
F-35 will put india in looser position .. It doesnt add any value to the indian inventory now or atleast for another 1.5 decade
Why scrap MMRCA...............let MMRCA remain........FGFA will provide the 5TH gen need..............while Navy is considering F 35...........so why not buy F 35 for Navy ...with gorshkov and indigenious aircraft carrier is coming
Delivery of F-35s won't be starting at least till 2013. And if I'm not wrong there is already a demand for over 2000 F-35s. For us to get delivery of F-35 by 2025 the yearly production rate would have to be at least 200.

The americans wont mind reducing their quota of the yearly production by 5 aircrafts or so and allot it to india. Some of the european nations too would be glad to delay the delivery of their crafts. So even without raising the production they can ensure a supply.

Also, India going for F35 would be a huge vote of confidence in it's favour and a great opportunity for US to gain foothold in indian defence scenario.

However, I don't think India would go for F35 for her AF.

For IN, the F35 almost selects itself!
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