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Saudis Alarm Pakistan With India Outreach


Aug 2, 2012
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The Washington Post reports that Saudi Arabia hopes to improve ties with India by deporting an Indian national who is accused of involvement in the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attack and planning to extradite another.

“For years, India watched helplessly as many of its most wanted terrorism suspects traveled freely to Saudi Arabia from Pakistan with new identities and passports and without fear of arrest,” the newspaper writes. No more, it seems.

The deportations are part of a charm offensive on the oil kingdom’s part. After Saudi king Abdullah visited New Delhi in 2006, the two countries signed cooperation agreements in 2010 on counterterrorism, energy and narcotics. Last year, Riyadh agreed to double its oil exports to India to help it reduce its reliance on Iran.

Iran looms large over Indian-Saudi ties, writes Walter Russell Mead at The American Interest. The Saudis “want India’s help in putting pressure on Iran and are helping India replace any oil lost as a result of declining purchases from what Saudi thinks of as the hated Persian heretics.”

Western pressure on India to reduce its oil buys from Iran, which is suspected of developing a nuclear weapons capacity, has failed to produce much more than cautious statements of support from New Delhi. India is still highly dependent on Iranian petroleum exports.

As a key American ally in the Persian Gulf region and Sunni power in competition with Shī’ah Iran for regional hegemony, Saudi Arabia fears that a nuclear capable Iran will upset the balance of power in its rival’s favor. Saudi officials have warned that if Iran reaches the ability to build nuclear weapons, their country will seek to attain the same.

India has not been able to escape the deepening fray between Iran and the West, despite its attempts to stay neutral. In February, an assassination attempt on an Israeli diplomat occurred in its capital, one for which Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu publicly blamed Iran.

Helping steer India away from its reflexive “nonaligned” opposition to Western power projection is another reason for Saudi Arabia to seek closer ties with India, writes Mead. It “helps clear the path for what many Saudis deeply hope will be an effective Western military strike that puts Iran in its place.”

The Saudi outreach to India is an embarrassment for Pakistan which India says was involved in orchestrating the Mumbai attacks. American military officials have similarly accused the Pakistanis of deploying Islamic radicals as instruments of their foreign policy which frustrates the NATO war effort in neighboring Afghanistan.

“The Saudis are not turning their backs on Pakistan completely,” however, according to Mead.

Ties between the two countries are extremely deep. These two Sunni Islamic states that were aligned with Washington during the Cold War and that cooperated against the Soviets in Afghanistan have a lot of history together. Many observers believe that the Saudis provided financial support and other assistance in Pakistan’s nuclear program, and there are many indications that a range of prominent Pakistani politicians nurture close links with the Saudis, links from which they derive substantial benefits of various kinds.

All the same, policy makers in Islamabad will regard the Saudi rapprochement with their nemesis warily.

Despite the reopening of NATO supply routes into Afghanistan, American-Pakistani relations continue to unravel under the weight of American drone strikes into Pakistani territory and Pakistan’s reluctance to open more fronts against Islamic insurgents. It must seem in Islamabad that it is being abandoned by its allies
Long live the Ummah!..

Oh wait.. sorry.. that's an archaic term...doesnt exist.

The Saudi's work to help Saudi Arabia, no matter what hand they have to shake.
Pakistani's work against Pakistan, as long as their "Muslim" Conscience is satisfied by whatever alliances they make.. even if those alliances are damaging to Pakistan in the long run in the manner they are laid out.
Long live the Ummah!..

Oh wait.. sorry.. that's an archaic term...doesnt exist.

The Saudi's work to help Saudi Arabia, no matter what hand they have to shake.
Pakistani's work against Pakistan, as long as their "Muslim" Conscience is satisfied by whatever alliances they make.. even if those alliances are damaging to Pakistan in the long run in the manner they are laid out.

sir jee this has nothing to do with ummah..... saudia arabia is not your role model when it comes to matters involving ummah.....but our dear Prophet Muhammad alaih salam is....we are answerable to Almighty Allah what we did for our brothers in faith during times of hardships and calamity in our capacity.

If we look at history its our dumb and coward leaders who have worked against Pakistan...fighting other peoples war in our country for dollars and hence resulting in deaths of fellow Pakistanis......common Pakistani has nothing to do with it....
Long live the Ummah!..

Oh wait.. sorry.. that's an archaic term...doesnt exist.

The Saudi's work to help Saudi Arabia, no matter what hand they have to shake.
Pakistani's work against Pakistan, as long as their "Muslim" Conscience is satisfied by whatever alliances they make.. even if those alliances are damaging to Pakistan in the long run in the manner they are laid out.

so liberal pakistan who arnt dillusined with muslam ummah thing arnt working against pakistan?? and becoming amreeki chamcha??

last i heard USA attacked salala post after every help we granted to them in their WOT and killed our own people and not some ummah country?

saudi arabia is american pawn, didnt you heard it before?
Saudi doing their bit in trying to apprehend international terrorists and mass murderers is only their UN resolution mandated duty. Saudi is just being a reasonably responsible state that opposes terrorism. This simple act being perceived as anti pakistan speaks very little of saudi but a lot about Pakistans own terrorism love affair.
sir jee this has nothing to do with ummah..... saudia arabia is not your role model when it comes to matters involving ummah.....but our dear Prophet Muhammad alaih salam is....we are answerable to Almighty Allah what we did for our brothers in faith during times of hardships and calamity in our capacity.

If we look at history its our dumb and coward leaders who have worked against Pakistan...fighting other peoples war in our country for dollars and hence resulting in deaths of fellow Pakistanis......common Pakistani has nothing to do with it....

But we take them as our role models, our leadership swears by them.
The prophets time cannot be replicated here, for starters.. The Ummah has lost its way.
far from being a political Ummah.. its not even a Religious one..

With accusations of either Liberal, Shirk Bidah..etc spat out at the slightest whim.. What unity is there?

[:::~Spartacus~:::];3294310 said:
so liberal pakistan who arnt dillusined with muslam ummah thing arnt working against pakistan?? and becoming amreeki chamcha??

last i heard USA attacked salala post after every help we granted to them in their WOT and killed our own people and not some ummah country?

saudi arabia is american pawn, didnt you heard it before?

Liberal Facist, Shia, Sunni, Pathan,Punjabi, Sindi, Mohjajir ,Azad baloch,Chitrali, Hanafi, Salafi, Sufi ,Wahabbi etc etc etc ..
all these stood by when Musharraf sold us out..
Yet you are only interested in accusing one section.. supposedly trying to make a point?

The Saudi's are Saudi Pawns.. They serve the Kingdom of Saud and whatever benefits their rule.
Americans, Pakistanis, Indians , Israelis.. etc.
Saudi doing their bit in trying to apprehend international terrorists and mass murderers is only their UN resolution mandated duty. Saudi is just being a reasonably responsible state that opposes terrorism. This simple act being perceived as anti pakistan speaks very little of saudi but a lot about Pakistans own terrorism love affair.

so all of the sudden that oppressive islamic state who oppresses women wearing burka and epicenter of wahabism and terrorists of 9/11, mullahs who give fatwah of breast feeding men to let them drive in their country and badname islam all over the world with their fatwas are suddenly becoming responsible just as they increase friendly relations with india?
International diplomacy works very different then what Pakistan perceives, for a responsible state like Saudi religion is the last thing when it comes to deciding their external affair's, on the other hand why many of the people here are considering this move anti-Pakistani, when the last time I heard Pakistan do not had any kind of involvement in 2008 Mumbai attacks.
after screwing Pakistan by all means now shifting focus to new lands :bad:
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3294350 said:
so all of the sudden that oppressive islamic state who oppresses women wearing burka and epicenter of wahabism and terrorists of 9/11, mullahs who give fatwah of breast feeding men to let them drive in their country and badname islam all over the world with their fatwas are suddenly becoming responsible just as they increase friendly relations with india?

With respect to terrorism - YES. If they catch international terrorists recruiting and fund raising in their country, then they are only doing their basic national and international duty.

I hope pakistan understood this and followed suit, instead of getting angry at saudi arabia. I will call Pakistan a responsible state WRT terrorism too if they did the same.
Its not a deveopment on, about or around Ummah so keep discussion of Ummah separate from this.
But we take them as our role models, our leadership swears by them.
The prophets time cannot be replicated here, for starters.. The Ummah has lost its way.
far from being a political Ummah.. its not even a Religious one..

With accusations of either Liberal, Shirk Bidah..etc spat out at the slightest whim.. What unity is there?

Liberal Facist, Shia, Sunni, Pathan,Punjabi, Sindi, Mohjajir ,Azad baloch,Chitrali, Hanafi, Salafi, Sufi ,Wahabbi etc etc etc ..
all these stood by when Musharraf sold us out..
Yet you are only interested in accusing one section.. supposedly trying to make a point?

The Saudi's are Saudi Pawns.. They serve the Kingdom of Saud and whatever benefits their rule.
Americans, Pakistanis, Indians , Israelis.. etc.

sir the ummah hasnt lost its way.......

in Holy Quran Almighty Allah tells us "You (Muslims) are the best ummat who has been created for the whole mankind . (You) order for ma'ruf (good) and forbid wrong (Munkar)."

our leaders have surely lost their way...they have always let us down....we cant blame others cause we ourselves elect corrupt leaders....for our powerful leaders their term,tenure,,their careers,..friends in foreign lands and futures of their children..,their bank accounts,,,and protocol is everything....and since they are slaves of their greedy and worldly conscience they will make such policies that will hurt the muslims in return ....

Saudis have been helpful to Pakistan in almost all of our difficult times......we cant deny the fact that their cargo planes are the first ones to land when ever there is flood or earthquake......plus the good thing about their aid is that it trickes down to the common man...since they provide no cash....but ,canned food,water,dates,tents,field hospitals,dry rations,schools, and almost all the Saudi Ambassadors to Pakistan are on field during the natural disaster i.e monitoring the relief efforts and distributing the rations.
sir the ummah hasnt lost its way.......

in Holy Quran Almighty Allah tells us "You (Muslims) are the best ummat who has been created for the whole mankind . (You) order for ma'ruf (good) and forbid wrong (Munkar)."

Yes.. but only when you meet the conditions for being that Ummah.
Unless we act like an Ummah, we Are NOT an Ummah.
Your being born a Muslim has no guarantee of salvation.
There are no chosen people here, it is how you are unto yourself and onto others.. that judges you as a Muslim.
Your supplication to Allah has nothing to do with your bloodline.
That is what makes you part of an Ummah.
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