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Saudi Prince Khaled makes progress with F-35 deal

Mistakes can happen in fog of a war or a potential war, may I remind you even the Americans have shot down airliners.

You appear to get your information from the 80's, Show me what North Korean missiles Iran is parading. I suggest you refrain form commenting on a topic if you have little to no info.

The only missiles Saudi Arabia is proven to have are some old and highly inaccurate Chinese missiles. Comparing your missile capability to Iran's is frankly ludicrous. You're far, and I emphasise far behind Iran. Saudi Arabia has not developed a single ballistic missiles.

Yet you have not tested a single ballistic missile. This is how missile development works. Testing is an integral part of it. There is zero evidence Saudis have developed any working ballistic missile.

You're basically resorting to fantasy instead of facts. You're telling me you actually believe Saudi Arabia has a more advanced missile program than Iran? Show me a single expert/official etc person on the world stage that has made anything close to this assertion. No offence, but you're coming across as rather delusional.

Iran has not only developed highly accurate system, but has tested them in practise multiple times. When was the last time, Saudis even tested a missile, including those old Chinese systems

Your missile defence did not work very well when 50% of your oil capability went offline in Abqaiq not long ago, remember?

Saudi Arabia is barely that much larger than Iran. What are you even talking about?

Depends what your definition of "winning is". Listen to the Israeli expert Uzi Rubin.

Iranian pin point missiles could literally paralyse nations by targeted strikes on oil facilities (Abqaia once again is an example), electrical grids etc.

You do realize that I was replying to one of the "cheerleader" members on PDF who are not party to any of the conflicts/rivalries of the region yet have a habit of trolling.

Mistakes happen but I am yet to see KSA make such a grave mistake even though we have been involved in an actual war in the past 5 + years. A war/conflict mostly fought in mountainous terrain moreover (3000 + meters) where such mistakes occur more frequently due to geography and climate and often a lower visibility.

It is not information from the 1980's it is an open secret that Iran has been cooperating with North Korea who again has been cooperating with the USSR and China. Unless you believe that all of that reserved engineered hardware well down from the sky. This is not any different to KSA's foreign partnerships and strategic projects or Turkey cooperating with NATO countries/Israel etc. It is a pretty standard approach.

That is not even remotely true. In the 1980's alone, KSA acquired various Chinese missiles who were later updated (with a bigger payload than anything Iran has demonstrated to have so far, with a much longer range etc.) and that is pretty much public news and moreover it does not include 30 + years (since the acquisition of those missiles) of building our own ballistic missile program.

Testing is done by KSA's partners and are not done in the open solely for political reasons and the negative backlash that would occur. Iran being in the position it has been in since 1979, do not need to take such actions into account. There have been reports of underground testing within KSA for ages as well, this is hardly a secret.

You should not read too much propaganda. After 100's of failed attempts a tiny portion of the oil facility was destroyed and rebuilt very quickly. Do you think that Iran is/would be immune to such attacks by proxies? It is not. It literally did not alter anything and it was the recklessness that caused this to begin with as the patriots systems (for some reason) were inactive in that area of KSA which is located much further away from Yemen than say Iraq or Iran. Which is why this was most likely the work of some terrorist proxies of the Iranian regime in Southern Iraq. This was actually a blessing as you only learn from mistakes and such incidents only showcase the need for the acceleration of projects like this one;

Saudi Arabia is developing a new counter-drone system


Sure, KSA's missile defense system has been one of the most tested in the modern era (certainly regionally where there is no competition, maybe expect for the Israeli one but the Palestinians don't have ballistic missiles in their arsenal so a comparison makes no sense) and have been proven to be very effective and that is without the THAAD which KSA will receive, the S-400 that KSA will receive and the indigenous work on a missile defense system.

It is very well known that the Royal Strategic Missile Force (as it is now) one of the strongest missile defense forces out there.


KSA is 1/3 times larger than Iran's entire territory. I am not sure if that classifies as "barely" unless you think that 1/3 of Iran's total landmass is a "barely" territorial mass. To put it into perspective that is the size of France which is the third largest country in Europe after Russia and Ukraine.

That ability is not exclusive to Iran and KSA can cause similar damage with its missiles and that is without the RSAF which is lightyears ahead of Iran's air force. The damage will go both ways and anyone thinking otherwise is quite frankly deluded.

In any case there is no point derailing this thread with KSA-Iran mudslinging as the likeliness of a KSA/Arab-Iran conflict is low and there would be no winner. The only regional winners would be Israel and Turkey and both KSA and Iran are well aware of this reality.

Just rationalizing those guys a bit..

There were more vehement oppositions from Usrael and the US Congress in the case of the F-15s in the 80s and KSA got it anyway..the same will happen with the F-35..eventhough KSA is now a partner with the UK in the new 5th and even 6th generation fighter planes' projects.. there is the UAE working with Russia on a lightweight 5th Generation fighter .. and there is obviously China that has an advanced 5th Generation fighters program.. so all is good..no worries there..

This is all correct brother but as we know there is uncertain involved with such long-term projects while nobody can deny that the F-35 is the most powerful fighter jet that any country can buy right now. Getting such a potent fighter would alter the power dynamics of the region. The point of a military (in today's world) is not to engage in imperial pursuits (we Arabs already did that as one of the few people in history) but to safeguard your lands. We Arabs don't lack land, resources or anything, in fact in the modern era it has been foreigners that have been obsessing/attacking/interfering in our lands so the regimes in power have been forced to invest in this sector. If KSA had a military arsenal equivalent of say Lebanon, we would have been in deep trouble ages ago. As long as the neighborhood is as it is and as long as we as Arabs are not united, this will not change. That is why it is of almost importance for the GCC to unite into a single Arabian federal state and for other regional Arab blocs to do the same eventually to turn the Arab League into an EU like organization. We all know why this has not been done already and we all know how superpowers (USA), Russia, Israel and others have been preventing Arab integration and how certain regional countries are exploiting civil wars in certain Arab countries etc. No sane/educated Arab is blind to this, neither the leaderships but currently their hands are tied like that of any Muslim leadership. It is a complicated topic that requires a lot of long posts.
Modern ballistic missiles are an extremely potent threat. Listen to the actual officials and experts.

Yes of course.. but KSA has electromagnetic weapons in the the form of an electronic bomb on MK84


A single EMP attack against even a country the size of the Israel or Iran would have a devastating effect. The explosion itself might not pose much danger to those below, but the EMP would damage or destroy phones, power grids, communications networks, computers, laptops, smart cards, vehicle electronics, fuel pumps, medical equipment, industrial robots, and just about anything else that has a microchip or even a slightly advanced electrical circuit.

According to early U.S. government report about a potential electromagnetic pulse weapon attack, an EMP would cause instantaneous and simultaneous loss of many technologies reliant on electrical power and computer circuit boards, such as cell phones and GPS devices in civil or mlitary segment.

Military and commercial jets would be degraded, bases would be cut off, and power and GPS would go dark making defense and counter-attacks virtually impossible.

The massed application of these weapons will produce substantial paralysis in any target system, thus providing a decisive advantage in the conduct of Electronic Combat, Offensive Counter Air and Strategic Air Attack.

*This is a very potent threat and deterrent too..
You do realize that I was replying to one of the "cheerleader" squads on PDF who are not party to any of the conflicts/rivalries of the region.

If we were tailoring the positivity/negativity of our comments based on who we're replying to, then we would keep flip flopping from nice comments towards a nation to angry ones. You'll come across genuine people here and trolls, so it's best to just remain consistent and not get angry towards a whole nation based on individual comments.

Mistakes happen but I am yet to see KSA make such a grave mistake even though we have been involved in an actual war in the past 5 + years. A war/conflict mostly thought in mountainous terrain moreover (3000 + meters) where such mistakes occur more frequently.

You're not being very fair in your assessment. Iran attacked an American base and it expected a retaliation from the Americans (strongest nation on earth), during that period a few error led to that tragedy. You cannot compare that situation to your conflict with the Houthis. It's not the same thing.

It is not information from the 1980's it is an open secret that Iran has been cooperating with North Korea who again has been cooperating with the USSR and China. Unless you believe that all of that reserved engineered hardware well down from the sky

I used the 1980's term not randomly. Because the only missiles Iran from the North Koreans was the Scuds in the 80's. Today, the experts believe if there is any cooperation, it is going from Iran to North Korea, not the other way around. In terms quality, Iran is far more advanced than North Korea. For example, compare this new Iranian missiles called Ra'ad 500. This relatively small missile has a range of more than 500km and has pin point accuracy, it is made entirely (body) from carbon fiber. It is far more advanced than anything the Koreans have.






This is not any different to KSA's foreign partnerships and strategic projects or Turkey cooperating with NATO countries/Israel etc. It is a pretty standard approach.

But from your comment, it appeared you insinuated Iran missile's today are based on that cooperation, hence why I said that would be true in the 80's. If we're talking about Iran's missile (specifically ballistic) then from design stage to mass production they're indigenously done today.

That is not even remotely true. In the 1980's alone, KSA acquired various Chinese missiles who were later updated (with a bigger payload than anything Iran has demonstrated to have so far, with a much longer reach etc.)

Let start by saying no one even knows the range of Iranian missiles. Iran just put a satellite in orbit. This is basically an ICBM technology, any missile that can put a satellite in orbit, can put a warhead anywhere on the planet. So I am quite unsure where you're getting your information regarding your missiles having longer ranges.

When it comes to ballistic missiles accuracy is a major determinant, unless we're talking about WMDs. When I say your missiles are relatively old, that includes the fact they have very high CEP. Unless you're using them for WMDsm what is their value?

and that is pretty much public news and moreover it does not include 30 + years of building our own ballistic missile program.

I have seen intelligence reports that Saudis are working on their missiles force, however we're talking about your specific comment regarding Saudi Arabia being more advanced than Iran in this sector. There is a huge difference between saying Saudis are working on a missile program and that Saudis are more advanced than Iran. Iran has also been developing missile since 30 years and it has much to show for it. Unless you can show me actual quality and quantity aspects, then it is very premature to compare your missiles to Iran. It is extremely unlikely you will have a force close to Iran in terms of for example number. No organisation, intelligence sources etc have made anything close to that statement.

Testing is done by KSA's partners and are not done in the open solely for political reasons and the negative backlash that would occur.

So at best you are importing missiles then? Then how are you comparing your program to something indigenous like Iran's? Like I said earlier, minus your claims on range and payload, you have nothing else to do a proper comparison with. I am more than happy to do a unbiased comparison.

underground testing within KSA for ages as well, this is hardly a secret.

There is only so much you can test underground, unless you have tested the missile system many times, then it will not and cannot go into production.

You should not read too much propaganda. After 100's of failed attempts a tiny portion of the oil facility was destroyed and rebuilt very quickly.

Many of those attempts were by scud type missiles. The Abqaiq attack was quite a sophisticated attack in terms of planning. The actual system used were quite cheap, i.e UAV's and cheap cruise missiles, but the point of that statement was to show you how defences will not make you immune to attacks. There is always ways around it.

Do you think that Iran is/would be immune to such attacks by proxies?

No, but from where would such an attack come to Iran?

as the patriots systems (for some reason) were inactive.

And you seriously buy into that excuse?

This was actually a blessing as you only learn from mistakes and such incidents only showcase the need for the acceleration of projects like this one;

Saudi Arabia is developing a new counter-drone system


That's only assuming the next attack will be done with same systems. Like I told you above, the point was to show these defensive systems are all vulnerable.

Sure, KSA's missile defense system has been one of the most tested in the modern era (certainly regionally where there is no competition, maybe expect for the Israeli one but the Palestinians don't have ballistic missiles in their arsenal so a comparison makes no sense) and have been proven to be very effective and that is without the THAAD which KSA will receive, the S-400 that KSA will receive and the indigenous work on a missile defense system.

The true test for these system will come during a full conflict when the other side can fire many missiles simultaneously. In the case of Israel, its most likely Hezbollah, in the case of Saudi Arabia, it will be with a conflict with Iran. I am not surprised that the Saudi defences could intercept the Scuds by the Yemenis. Scuds follow a purely ballistic trajectory. They have no MaRV etc. That missile I showed you above for example (Ra'ad 500) used a MaRV that can "fool" the defences.

(as it is now) one of the strongest missile defense forces out there.

According to whom is this the case? The missile program from what we know is actually quite limited. From your own source, both the variety of missiles and quantity is frankly not that impressive. The DF-21 purchase is still cloudy. No information out there. This is exactly why I am quite confused why you not only compare your program to Iran's but boldly say it is much more advanced. Iran, which not only has an impressive variety but very large numbers.

As far as official claims are concerned, minus Iran's own statement, the Americans and Israeli have made it clear Iran has the largest missile force in the region. These are not my claims, but official ones.

KSA is 1/3 times larger than Iran's entire territory. I am not sure if that classifies as "barely" unless you think that 1/3 of Iran's total landmass is a "barely" territorial mass. To put it into perspective that is the size of France which is the third largest country in Europe after Russia and Ukraine.

In the context of nations, yes, 1/3 is indeed barely. I mean why is that significant in your mind? It's not like we're comparing something the size of Israel to Iran.

That ability is not exclusive to Iran and KSA can cause similar damage with its missiles (or worse)

Saudi missiles are not only limited in numbers, but the missiles we have proof Saudis have, have very poor CEP. How you think those can cause worse damage than 1000's of Iranians missiles (many of which are highly accurate) is frankly beyond me.

and that is without the RSAF which is lightyears ahead of Iran's air force.

That's a different discussion. However, airforce is much easier to defend against compared to missiles. But I do agree Saudi airforce is more advanced than Irans.

In any case there is no point derailing this thread with KSA-Iran mudslinging as the likeliness of a KSA/Arab-Iran conflict is low and there would be no winner.

To clarify, I have no interest in a conflict between Iran and any region state. I only commented due to the claims you made regarding Iran's missiles.
German components with its own.. including the engine and transmission.... so everything is there..only thing left is the nuclear bomb.. lol..but some US intelligence said long time ago that KSA most likely has 7 or 8 of them..:cheers:[/QUOTE]
Didn't know that having a vision for your own country is a selfish attitude..
Saudi has presents its self as a leader for the Muslim world. Leadership means bringing a group together and looking out for interests as a group. With Saudi fighting with other Arab countries standing down when it comes to Kashmir and being hot and cold on Palestine issue tells you they’re not acting like leaders
Shaky until only recently in the last 10-12 years, Yet the spending is greater than $20-50Bn
Russian GDP went down to half due to drop in oil prices in last decade. They have to scale back many defense projects. Just imagine what would happen to GCC if oil prices remain low. Defense would be last of their worry with in few months.
Your leadership thinks otherwise. Your government is receiving money from Saudi Arabia and you military is in Saudi Arabia to help fight Iran and Turkey.
Pakistani army has been in Saudi since the beginning. Saudi military desperately needs the support of Pakistanis. I can this because I know Pakistanis stationed in Saudi. it’s either American or Pakistanis running much of the vital components. Many Pakistanis are working there privately.
Also Saudi is losing influence in Pakistan this is mostly because of trickery on the Kashmir issue
Yes of course.. but KSA has electromagnetic weapons in the the form of an electronic bomb on MK84

Unless these EM are causes by a nuclear explosion, then these non-Nuclear EMP devices are very very limited in terms of range.

A single EMP attack against even a country the size of the Israel or Iran would have a devastating effect. The explosion itself might not pose much danger to those below, but the EMP would damage or destroy phones, power grids, communications networks, computers, laptops, smart cards, vehicle electronics, fuel pumps, medical equipment, industrial robots, and just about anything else that has a microchip or even a slightly advanced electrical circuit.

Once again, this scenario you're referring to is using a nuclear weapon EMP.

According to early U.S. government report about a potential electromagnetic pulse weapon attack, an EMP would cause instantaneous and simultaneous loss of many technologies reliant on electrical power and computer circuit boards, such as cell phones and GPS devices in civil or mlitary segment.

Military and commercial jets would be degraded, bases would be cut off, and power and GPS would go dark making defense and counter-attacks virtually impossible.

Yes, but that report was focused on a potential nuclear EMP explosion above the US.

*This is a very potent threat and deterrent too..

Yes, but once again, only if you cause wide enough attack. Using current technology only a nuclear weapon delivers that. Those weapons the EW on MK84 can have their uses but they're not "game changing". For the record, Iran is also developing these types of systems too.
Actually the GCC is one of the less shaky financially in the world along with the US, China and very few others like Germany and Japan.. the fact is the GCC countries have been buying shares lately in most prominent world class companies be it in Europe or the US..The investment in Europe and the US are mainly state bonds.. so their ROI is pretty secure..

How are the secure when county that own them cannot even access them in time of need or grantees their security.

“ Saudis may not have ready access to their $750 billion. America’s Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act was passed by Congress in 2016. The law now allows families to file a case against Saudi Arabia for “supporting” terrorism. On 20 March, 1,500 survivors and 850 relatives of victims of the 9/11 attacks filed a class action lawsuit against the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The plaintiffs allege that the government of Saudi Arabia had prior knowledge that some of its officials and employees were Al-Qaeda operatives or sympathisers. The government in Riyadh has denied any such involvement and asked the court to reject the $100 billion lawsuit. CNBC reported that official data from the US government is suggesting that Saudi does not have immediate access to the Treasury securities, pending the result of the legal action. In short, coupled with the downward trend of its economy, this move has left Saudi Arabia with little choice but to approach the IMF.
Pakistani army has been in Saudi since the beginning. Saudi military desperately needs the support of Pakistanis. I can this because I know Pakistanis stationed in Saudi. it’s either American or Pakistanis running much of the vital components. Many Pakistanis are working there privately.
Also Saudi is losing influence in Pakistan this is mostly because of trickery on the Kashmir issue

Why are you lying? Pakistan was funded in 1947. KSA air force pilots were already training with European powers as early as the 1920's.


"The Saudi pilots training in Italy 1935"—a scene from 'Our Eagles', one of four video wall shows made for the Royal Saudi Air Force Museum.​

KSA does not need Pakistani military assistance either. Can you mention a single war/conflict where this was needed in recorded history? Pakistan took part in the Gulf War (which was an international coalition where even the likes of the Al-Assad regime and KSA thought on the same side) and that was an overall tiny part of the international coalition that hardly saw much combat just compared to the US, UK, KSA, Egypt etc.

That has never been the case. Those are military trainers (often retired) who have taken up jobs (due to a wide experience) as advisers and they are based in Saudi Arabian bases that are also open to Pakistani military personal and the Pakistani air force. All this started in the 1980's mainly.

And don't create some absurd and pathetic lies of some imaginary "running", lol. It is an insult to us, yourself and common intelligence.

Using such language, I can state that if not for KSA's financial and political aid, Pakistan would be an Indian colony today and your nuclear weapons program would never have occurred either without KSA's help. Can you realize how such bombastic claims (even if there are some half-truths in them) can be used the other way around?


I believe that there is not much to discuss. I might be underestimating Iran's missile arsenal and you might be doing the same thing with Saudi Arabia's equivalent.

When I write (throughout this thread) that a mutual conflict would be damaging for both parties and not in the interest of either party, I directly acknowledge that Iran has things in its arsenal to damage KSA and vice versa.

As for North Korean/foreign contribution to the Iranian missile program, let us agree to disagree on that front. I think that North Korea, courtesy of direct Chinese support and earlier USSR support, is ahead here and that is no secret given that they have actually become a de facto nuclear power and their missiles seem to have a much longer reach as well. Iranian and North Korean support and friendship is widely known and neither side have ever hidden this relationship. It would be very natural for them to work together given that they face the same enemy (USA). I don't see any problem with such a cooperation either, as I wrote, it is fairly standard, I am not claiming that KSA's strategic projects or future ones are 100% indigenous even though they might be made inside KSA and later paraded by the army. Also we don't really know the full details, KSA is a notoriously secret entity on this front, Iran is likewise not telling everything, so such discussions will always have a lot of assumptions.
I believe that there is not much to discuss. I might be underestimating Iran's missile arsenal and you might be doing the same thing with Saudi Arabia's equivalent.

There is a large difference in our position. The comments you made regarding Iran can be countered using available information, however what you have claimed cannot be verified using any OSINT regarding the capability of the Saudi Missiles Forces. So even if I am underestimating Saudi capability, it is certainly not deliberately.

When I write (throughout this thread) that a mutual conflict would be damaging for both parties and not in the interest of either party, I directly acknowledge that Iran has things in its arsenal to damage KSA and vice versa.


As for North Korean/foreign contribution to the Iranian missile program, let us agree to disagree here.

Well if you feel like my comment did not do justice to my claims, then we can continue this discussion elsewhere. Feel free to tag me somewhere else so we can continue. But yes, this is not the place for that as the topic is regarding the Saudi F-35 purchase.
Why are you lying? Pakistan was funded in 1947. KSA air force pilots were already training with European powers as early as the 1920's.


"The Saudi pilots training in Italy 1935"—a scene from 'Our Eagles', one of four video wall shows made for the Royal Saudi Air Force Museum.​

KSA does not need Pakistani military assistance either. Can you mention a single war/conflict where this was needed in recorded history? Pakistan took part in the Gulf War (which was an international coalition where even the likes of the Al-Assad regime and KSA thought on the same side) and that was an overall tiny part of the international coalition that hardly saw much combat just compared to the US, UK, KSA, Egypt etc.

That has never been the case. Those are military trainers (often retired) who have taken up jobs (due to a wide experience) as advisers and they are based in Saudi Arabian bases that are also open to Pakistani military personal and the Pakistani air force. All this started in the 1980's mainly.

And don't create some absurd and pathetic lies of some imaginary "running", lol. It is an insult to us, yourself and common intelligence.

Using such language, I can state that if not for KSA's financial and political aid, Pakistan would be an Indian colony today and your nuclear weapons program would never have occurred either without KSA's help. Can you realize how such bombastic claims (even if there are some half-truths in them) can be used the other way around?


I believe that there is not much to discuss. I might be underestimating Iran's missile arsenal and you might be doing the same thing with Saudi Arabia's equivalent.

When I write (throughout this thread) that a mutual conflict would be damaging for both parties and not in the interest of either party, I directly acknowledge that Iran has things in its arsenal to damage KSA and vice versa.

As for North Korean/foreign contribution to the Iranian missile program, let us agree to disagree on that front. I think that North Korea, courtesy of direct Chinese support and earlier USSR support, is ahead here and that is no secret given that they have actually become a de facto nuclear power and their missiles seem to have a much longer reach as well. Iranian and North Korean support and friendship is widely known and neither side have ever hidden this relationship. It would be very natural for them to work together given that they face the same enemy (USA). I don't see any problem with such a cooperation either, as I wrote, it is fairly standard, I am not claiming that KSA's strategic projects or future ones are 100% indigenous even though they might be made inside KSA and later paraded by the army. Also we don't really know the full details, KSA is a notoriously secret entity on this front, Iran is likewise not telling everything, so such discussions will always have a lot of assumptions.
Russian GDP went down to half due to drop in oil prices in last decade. They have to scale back many defense projects. Just imagine what would happen to GCC if oil prices remain low. Defense would be last of their worry with in few months.
Ultimately, Defense will someday be the Biggest worry for them, They have to prepare for it.

The sides they have chosen, Won’t benefit in the long term given the benefits are only because they can throw money at them.

But remember, Gold diggers aren’t loyal !!! US is an enemy of Arabs, The islamophobia and 9/11 weren’t directed on Islam, They were directed on Arabs specifically.

Arabs should have instead tried to interfere in Pakistan’s politics when Bhutto and his goons and successors plagues this country, So that they could have had a backup in the shape of Pakistan, As a defence industry and all sorts of supplies.

If someday God Forbid, Arab is under attack massively, Not USA, Not Russia, Not China, Not India, Not France, But One and Only, Pakistan and allies would step in to fight side by side, That is for sure.
How are the secure when county that own them cannot even access them in time of need or grantees their security.

“ Saudis may not have ready access to their $750 billion. America’s Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act was passed by Congress in 2016. The law now allows families to file a case against Saudi Arabia for “supporting” terrorism. On 20 March, 1,500 survivors and 850 relatives of victims of the 9/11 attacks filed a class action lawsuit against the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The plaintiffs allege that the government of Saudi Arabia had prior knowledge that some of its officials and employees were Al-Qaeda operatives or sympathisers. The government in Riyadh has denied any such involvement and asked the court to reject the $100 billion lawsuit. CNBC reported that official data from the US government is suggesting that Saudi does not have immediate access to the Treasury securities, pending the result of the legal action. In short, coupled with the downward trend of its economy, this move has left Saudi Arabia with little choice but to approach the IMF.
That is long gone now..KSA was innocented of that.. do you live on this planet..
Unless these EM are causes by a nuclear explosion, then these non-Nuclear EMP devices are very very limited in terms of range.

Once again, this scenario you're referring to is using a nuclear weapon EMP.

Yes, but that report was focused on a potential nuclear EMP explosion above the US.

Yes, but once again, only if you cause wide enough attack. Using current technology only a nuclear weapon delivers that. Those weapons the EW on MK84 can have their uses but they're not "game changing". For the record, Iran is also developing these types of systems too.
The massed application of these weapons will produce substantial paralysis in any target system, thus providing a decisive advantage in the conduct of Electronic Combat, Offensive Counter Air and Strategic Air Attack.

I hope that instead of purchasing we Muslims make our own! 1 billion Muslims and utterly failed to make a jet engine. would be nice if aviation industry is established because we are getting pummelled.
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