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Saudi Man Trained Others, US Says Suspect In ‘Underwear Bomb Plots’

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Saudi Man Trained Others, US Says
Suspect In ‘Underwear Bomb Plots’
ASPEN, Colo., July 20, (RTRS): The United States believes the Saudi man suspected of designing underwear bombs for al-Qaeda’s Yemeni affiliate has trained a small number of people on his advanced bomb-making techniques, a senior US official said on Friday.
The remarks by John Pistole, who heads the US Transportation Security Administration, were some of the most detailed public comments to date about Ibrahim Hassan al-Asiri and the thwarted May 2012 plot by al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, or AQAP, to blow up a plane with an underwear bomb.
“There is intelligence that he has unfortunately trained others and there’s a lot of effort to identify those folks,” Pistole told the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado.
Asked by Reuters afterward about the nature of that intelligence, Pistole said Asiri was believed to have trained a small number of people. He added that the intelligence was “credible.”

Believed to be in his early 30s, Asiri, who survived a US drone missile attack in 2011, has drawn scrutiny for his skill at fashioning hard-to-detect bombs and hiding them in clothing or equipment.
He became an urgent priority for Western counterterrorism officials after his suspected role in planning strikes on the United States in 2009 and 2010, plots that included the failed bombing of a Detroit-bound airliner on Christmas Day in 2009.
The Detroit plot was discovered only when the explosive sewn into the bomber’s underwear misfired as the airliner flew over US territory.
Pistole said Asiri’s 2012 attempt utilized a more sophisticated device using a new type of explosive the United States had not seen previously.
Asiri also used a double-initiation system for igniting the bomb and enclosed the device in caulk to prevent leakage of any explosive vapors that could be detected by airport equipment or bomb-sniffing dogs, Pistole said.
“He gave (the presumed attacker) instructions to get on the plane ... and fly to the US and blow himself up over the US,” he said.
“Fortunately, that terrorist was a double agent,” Pistole said, referring to the US-British-Saudi undercover counterterrorism operation.
Saudi man trained others, US says
Saudi Man Trained Others, US Says
Suspect In ‘Underwear Bomb Plots’
ASPEN, Colo., July 20, (RTRS): The United States believes the Saudi man suspected of designing underwear bombs for al-Qaeda’s Yemeni affiliate has trained a small number of people on his advanced bomb-making techniques, a senior US official said on Friday.
The remarks by John Pistole, who heads the US Transportation Security Administration, were some of the most detailed public comments to date about Ibrahim Hassan al-Asiri and the thwarted May 2012 plot by al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, or AQAP, to blow up a plane with an underwear bomb.
“There is intelligence that he has unfortunately trained others and there’s a lot of effort to identify those folks,” Pistole told the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado.
Asked by Reuters afterward about the nature of that intelligence, Pistole said Asiri was believed to have trained a small number of people. He added that the intelligence was “credible.”

Believed to be in his early 30s, Asiri, who survived a US drone missile attack in 2011, has drawn scrutiny for his skill at fashioning hard-to-detect bombs and hiding them in clothing or equipment.
He became an urgent priority for Western counterterrorism officials after his suspected role in planning strikes on the United States in 2009 and 2010, plots that included the failed bombing of a Detroit-bound airliner on Christmas Day in 2009.
The Detroit plot was discovered only when the explosive sewn into the bomber’s underwear misfired as the airliner flew over US territory.
Pistole said Asiri’s 2012 attempt utilized a more sophisticated device using a new type of explosive the United States had not seen previously.
Asiri also used a double-initiation system for igniting the bomb and enclosed the device in caulk to prevent leakage of any explosive vapors that could be detected by airport equipment or bomb-sniffing dogs, Pistole said.
“He gave (the presumed attacker) instructions to get on the plane ... and fly to the US and blow himself up over the US,” he said.
“Fortunately, that terrorist was a double agent,” Pistole said, referring to the US-British-Saudi undercover counterterrorism operation.
Saudi man trained others, US says

Do you daily search news about Saudi Arabia? Than how come you missed the news about good works of Saudi Arabia?
Do you daily search news about Saudi Arabia? Than how come you missed the news about good works of Saudi Arabia?

1st of all i dont search for news about Saudia Arabia, the news i posted is from the ArabTimes which happens to be a daily english newspaper in Kuwait, which i happen to read on daily basis, i hope this reply of mine will satisfy you :woot:
haahaha SAUDI again damn they are make us look bad

By taking a look at your signature I find your comments hilarious!

Is this forum controled by Khumeni?

:lol: the Safavids and their stooges are plight to the mankind.

Rubbish, the underwear bomber was Anwar Al-Awlaki's student.
Saudi Man Trained Others, US Says
Suspect In ‘Underwear Bomb Plots’
ASPEN, Colo., July 20, (RTRS): The United States believes the Saudi man suspected of designing underwear bombs for al-Qaeda’s Yemeni affiliate has trained a small number of people on his advanced bomb-making techniques, a senior US official said on Friday.
The remarks by John Pistole, who heads the US Transportation Security Administration, were some of the most detailed public comments to date about Ibrahim Hassan al-Asiri and the thwarted May 2012 plot by al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, or AQAP, to blow up a plane with an underwear bomb.
“There is intelligence that he has unfortunately trained others and there’s a lot of effort to identify those folks,” Pistole told the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado.
Asked by Reuters afterward about the nature of that intelligence, Pistole said Asiri was believed to have trained a small number of people. He added that the intelligence was “credible.”

Believed to be in his early 30s, Asiri, who survived a US drone missile attack in 2011, has drawn scrutiny for his skill at fashioning hard-to-detect bombs and hiding them in clothing or equipment.
He became an urgent priority for Western counterterrorism officials after his suspected role in planning strikes on the United States in 2009 and 2010, plots that included the failed bombing of a Detroit-bound airliner on Christmas Day in 2009.
The Detroit plot was discovered only when the explosive sewn into the bomber’s underwear misfired as the airliner flew over US territory.
Pistole said Asiri’s 2012 attempt utilized a more sophisticated device using a new type of explosive the United States had not seen previously.
Asiri also used a double-initiation system for igniting the bomb and enclosed the device in caulk to prevent leakage of any explosive vapors that could be detected by airport equipment or bomb-sniffing dogs, Pistole said.
“He gave (the presumed attacker) instructions to get on the plane ... and fly to the US and blow himself up over the US,” he said.
“Fortunately, that terrorist was a double agent,” Pistole said, referring to the US-British-Saudi undercover counterterrorism operation.
Saudi man trained others, US says
Saudi student freed after Mo. charges dropped

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - A student from Saudi Arabia is free for the first time in nearly a year after murder charges against him were dropped in the U.S.

Ziyad Abid was briefly taken into custody Friday by immigration officials then released after prosecutors dismissed all charges.

The 24-year-old Abid had been in jail since September, when detectives said his roommate, Reginald Singletary Jr., admitted killing a local bar owner but said Abid had paid him to do it.

Abid's case gained national attention after the Saudi government posted $2 million bond in April but a judge called him a flight risk and refused to release him.

The charges were dropped after Singletary refused to answer questions during a deposition Tuesday, leaving the state with insufficient evidence to prosecute Abid.

Singletary remains in jail on $1 million bond and has pleaded not guilty.

Abid had been studying aviation and had planned to become a pilot like his father.

US prosecutor drops case against Saudi student accused of paying roommate to kill bar owner
:blah: Underwear bomber :blah:
@JUBA @Arabian Legend @al-Hasani @BLACKEAGLE @Bubblegum Crisis @tyrant @Devil Soul @Pakistanisage @Aeronaut

Anwar Al Awlaki Role In Prepping Underwear Bomber Revealed By Feds

Anwar Al Awlaki Role In Prepping Underwear Bomber Revealed By Feds

The United States on Friday submitted a memorandum to a Michigan federal judge revealing that terrorist leader Anwar al Awlaki had more direct involvement that previously known in the so-called underwear bomber's preparations to blow up Northwest Flight 253 on Christmas Day 2009.

Awlaki, a Yemeni American member of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) who is credited with inspiring the would-be Christmas Day bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, and Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan to carry out terrorist acts on American soil, was killed in a drone strike in northwest Yemen this past September.

A White House official, speaking on background, said the details disclosed in the memo, which were gained from Abdulmutallab through debriefing statements made to FBI agents in April 2010, help show that military detentions are unnecessary to combat terrorism. Law enforcement officials had read Abdulmutallab his Miranda rights shortly after he was arrested, prompting criticism from Republicans who argue that the federal courts cannot properly handle terrorist cases.

According to the memo, Awlaki personally vetted Abdulmutallab, helped him film a "martyrdom video," and directed the underwear bomber to carry out his suicide mission on a U.S. airliner over U.S. soil.

The memo recounts Awlaki's hands-on approval of Abdulmutallab for a "martyrdom mission" and his facilitation of the underwear bomber's "instruction in weapons and indoctrination in jihad" at an AQAP camp.

Abdulmutallab filmed a video with Awlaki's assistance. According to the memo, "Awlaki arranged for a professional film crew to film the video. Awlaki assisted defendant in writing his martyrdom statement, and it was filmed over a period of two to three days. The full video was approximately five minutes in length."

Perhaps most important, the memo states, "Awlaki instructed defendant not to fly directly from Yemen to Europe, as that could attract suspicion. Prior to defendant's departure from Yemen, Awlaki's last instructions to him were to wait until the airplane was over the United States and then to take the plane down."

Abdulmutallab has been charged with eight criminal counts, including attempted use of a criminal weapon and attempted murder of the 289 people on board Flight 253, and is currently being held in a federal prison in Michigan. The memo asks Judge Nancy Edmunds of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan to apply the maximum sentences for each of the eight counts, which would result in five life terms and 60 years in prison.
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WTF man why are you posting IDF bull$hit and regarding your palestinian should be brothers as terrorists? Some of you Saudis sunk really low.

ي اصحاب الفتنة ي عوملاة لا امريكا اللة يهديكو
You don't understand the point that I was trying to make, no smoke without fire..
WTF man why are you posting IDF bull$hit and regarding your palestinian should be brothers as terrorists? Some of you Saudis sunk really low.

ي اصحاب الفتنة ي عوملاة لا امريكا اللة يهديكو

Actually I'm not an American agent, I'm an American myself.
You don't understand the point that I was trying to make, no smoke without fire..

Actually I'm not an American agent, I'm an American myself.

You're really getting me to start believing the Iranians. You really don't know what you want. I really don't know what you stand for either.

It's making me really suspicious. I'm an American too and I left that devilish shithole and I hope my family doesn't make me go back to it. I don't know how you'd live under a pathetic system and not feel embarrassed of your oppressive military or your pathetic media and garbage journalism.
:ashamed: you aren't a part of the axis of evil, relax.

You're really getting me to start believing the Iranians. You really don't know what you want. I really don't know what you stand for either.

Please go and believe them. But remember, Hamas is a threat to world peace as much as the Israeli regime is.
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