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Saudi king recalls ambassador and demands end to Syria bloodshed

I HATE your opinion of KSA, but admire how you make a white heron out of a crow and vice versa with your debating skills and how you argue your case like a pro. Too bad you’re anti arab/wahabi while I’m pro arab/wahabi.

I really respect that - appreciate it.

And now to bidnes:

Arbi friends say repression in Syria is bad, but repression in Arabia is good, Arbis say Syria burning is good Arabia burning is bad - Arbi friends also claim not to know the meaning of the word hypocrisy ---- But lets recognize a very important element - the Arab spring is not about democracy, it is about dignity -- Arbis say no problem in Arabia, well, they are well fed and well paid and hopeful, so what if the government is a religious tyranny, Syria on the other hand is a Republic (of fear), it has a rich history of civilization and urban life, but the economy is down the tubes -- so the difference is that in Arabia you are pushed around and handed money, whereas in Syria you are pushed around and they want money from you -- Conscience


Syria`s Ambassador at UN: UK riots are only 1% of Syria`s

(Dp-news) UN- United Nations Security Council met on Wednesday to discuss the deteriorating situation in Syria. But Syria's ambassador to the United Nations Bashar Ja'afari, back in New York from meetings with President al-Assad government officials in Damascus, has sparked diplomatic furor by comparing the unrest in his country to the riots in Britain, adding that anti-government groups had killed 500 Syrian security forces.

ABC news reported that UN Security Council has met to discuss the crisis. Britain's representative Philip Parham says tougher measures against Damascus are on the cards “So we need the Syrian regime to heed the calls that have come now from the Security Council and from the region. And you saw the presidential statement which the Security Council issued last week which gave a clear, a strong and a united message to the Syrian regime about what they needed to do.”
Parham added “And if they continue nevertheless along their current path and they fail to heed those calls then we believe the council must look at taking further steps to keep up the pressure on the Syrian regime to get things onto a better track.”

For his part, Syria's UN ambassador Bashar Ja'afari has caused a diplomatic stir of his own. He claims anti-government troops have killed 500 Syrian security forces and he's drawn a comparison with the unrest in Britain.

Ja'afari said ” It's very indicative and informative to hear the prime minister of England describing the riots and the rioters in England as by using the terms gangs while they don't allow us to use the same term for the armed groups and the terrorist groups in my country. This is hypocrisy.”

Bashar Ja'afari says the country's sovereignty "is a red line that must not be crossed".

"We know our commitments, our obligations but at the same time we know what our rights are. And our rights do not stem from any political pressure. They stem from our own political will," he said after sessions at the United Nations Security Council in New York.

He criticised Western nations for accepting the British government's denunciation of rioters as members of gangs, while denouncing Syria for its crackdown on anti-government elements.

"They don't allow us to use the same term for the armed groups and the terrorist groups in my country. This is hypocrisy, this is arrogance," he said.

"They tried to manipulate the truth and to hide important facts and elements related to the so-called situation in Syria," said Ja'afari.

While some Western envoys at the UN are speaking with one voice Russia's UN ambassador says sanctions won't help end the crackdown that human rights groups say has claimed at least 1,700 civilians since the uprising against Syria's regime erupted in March, according to Human Rights groups and International bodies
Assalam alaikum

Bashar and his ppl lie a lot, many soldiers have said on videos it is the regime who is killing the soldiers who refuse to oppress ( or fire at ) the ppl.

I wish if this regime appoint some independent panel to investigate who is behind the killing of the soldiers however i doubt this 500 figure

Yesterday i posted a video where a masjid minarah was brought down by these animals.

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I’ve been going through your posts in most threads & I must say that I’ve found it very interesting & quite impressive. You seem to have a balanced & a logical mind.
Venu, I appreciate that unfortunately our resident Arbi and their apologists, generally persons who by misfortune have to work there and live among the arbi, choose to be defensive with us and not see us as friends - their unfortunate arrogance masks a deeper insecurity, they know they have made a bargain with the devil, they have traded their conscience for money --but you know "cognitive dissonance" will get them -- deep down they are decent people but they have been conditioned by the religious tyranny they live under and one day - their liberation will come, they will bring it themselves.
I read the news about Ahmedi Nejad condemning the use of force by the police force in UK agaisnt what he (Ahmedi Nejad) called "protestors" and later Syrian officials used the same words

Later yesterday evening on syrian TV, they were saying that UK is misleading the media and the world by using the word 'gangsters" for the "protestors" and at the same time the international media is misleading the world by calling our the "gangsters" in Syria as "anti government" protestors. :D

Whatever Iran says Syria follows blindly :tdown:
Venu, I appreciate that unfortunately our resident Arbi and their apologists, generally persons who by misfortune have to work there and live among the arbi, choose to be defensive with us and not see us as friends - their unfortunate arrogance masks a deeper insecurity, they know they have made a bargain with the devil, they have traded their conscience for money --but you know "cognitive dissonance" will get them -- deep down they are decent people but they have been conditioned by the religious tyranny they live under and one day - their liberation will come, they will bring it themselves.

It is all part of our evil plan to wreck havoc on the world
Say it ain't so:

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Arbi thinks shooting Quran is Ok --- and islamicans agree - :smitten:
It is all part of our evil plan to wreck havoc on the world

No, you are a small element of an evil plan of the USA, if there is any such plan. How can Saudis have any geographic significance w.o the help of the west? Without the help of the west, Saudi would a 3rd world country. And lastly, Iran would be the leading middle east region,if US had not backed the Saudis.
Someone in this forum once pointed out that Saudis are not capable of making a refrigerator, let alone nukes. Leaving all rhetoric and sarcasm aside, it is a correct observation as Saudis, militarily, depend heavily on imports.
Islamists would be all over condemning the shooting of the Quran, if it had been done by the US or UK or anyone else, especially Pakistan - but Arbis shooting at Quran is "funny"

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