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Saudi Arabia warns Iran: Will not tolerate threats to Gulf state

King Solomon

Jun 6, 2011
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Saudi Arabia repeated on Wednesday that it would not tolerate threats to the Gulf Arab states' sovereignty, the latest warning to Iran after President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's visit to an island claimed by both Tehran and the United Arab Emirates.

The warning, the third in as many weeks by a member of the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), comes amid increased nervousness in the region over Iran.

Shi'ite-led unrest is resurgent in Bahrain a year after the ruling Al Khalifa family brought in Saudi and UAE troops to help suppress an uprising seen by Sunni Muslim Gulf rulers as sectarian in nature and driven by Shi'ite giant Iran.

"Any harm that comes across any of our countries is harm that touches us all," Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Nayef said in a speech at a meeting of GCC interior ministers in Riyadh.

Nayef also condemned what he called Iran's "occupation" of the island and its role in events in Bahrain.

"We stress that Saudi Arabia and the rest of the council countries are standing in a unified line with Bahrain and the UAE to protect sovereignty and stability, considering their security a part of the council's security as a whole."

Ahmadinejad made a rare visit on April 11 to Abu Musa, one of three Gulf islands also claimed by the UAE and located near oil shipping routes at the mouth of the Gulf, the Strait of Hormuz.

Bahrain's Formula One race last month drew fresh attention to ongoing clashes between Bahraini security forces and mostly Shi'ite protesters, although the main Shi'ite Islamist Wefaq party denies any links with Iran.

Tensions with Iran have increased since the Gulf Arab countries' western allies tightened sanctions over Iran's suspected nuclear weapons program. Tehran says its nuclear activities are entirely peaceful.

Saudi foreign minister Prince Saud al-Faisal said in a speech over the weekend that Gulf Arab states are pushing ahead with plans for a political union that would involve joint foreign and defense policies, an idea floated by Saudi King Abdullah last December.

After Ahmadinejad's visit to Abu Musa, some 60 km (40 miles) off the UAE coast, the Islamic Republic said its sovereignty over the three islands was not negotiable but it has also called for talks with the UAE to clear up "misunderstandings".

Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi, quoted by the student news agency ISNA, said Iran wanted to "have the best possible relations with the UAE, as our trade and economic relations are significant."
Saudi Arabia warns Iran: Will not tolerate threats to Gulf state - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News
Better not ask for trouble... :azn:

Nah won't be trouble not a single bit. What can they do?? Send a few missile that will be mostly intercepted by our ABM defenses then what?? Send an AirStrike?? Haha fat chance I mean only a glimpse will suffice. Send the navy?? You are more than free to compare GCC navy with that of Iran. Land Forces?? Again you are more than free to compare.

What will Iran do send human waves again?? a 19 century machine gun will do the job then. Really people here Extremely overestimate Iran's capabilities and Extremely underestimate GCC capabilities.

Hell Wikipedia is more than enough to compare. Go and combine the forces of KSA, UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman and Jordan with that of Iran. Feel more than free to indulge yourself to Assault Rifle comparison and then come back and talk then.
I am sure there is going to be lots of arguing in this thread now. :P Anyway as long as Iran's talks with UAE go well & achieve their aim of clearing up those "misunderstandings", I don't think anything is going to happen. Wars should be avoided regardless of whatever side is likely to be the victor, people that usually happen to be fond of wars have never experienced its horrors themselves.
Nah won't be trouble not a single bit. What can they do?? Send a few missile that will be mostly intercepted by our ABM defenses then what?? Send an AirStrike?? Haha fat chance I mean only a glimpse will suffice. Send the navy?? You are more than free to compare GCC navy with that of Iran. Land Forces?? Again you are more than free to compare.

What will Iran do send human waves again?? a 19 century machine gun will do the job then. Really people here Extremely overestimate Iran's capabilities and Extremely underestimate GCC capabilities.

Hell Wikipedia is more than enough to compare. Go and combine the forces of KSA, UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman and Jordan with that of Iran. Feel more than free to indulge yourself to Assault Rifle comparison and then come back and talk then.

You are probably suffering from chronic hysteria at the moment. Take a coffee, cool down then come to discuss. :coffee:
Nah won't be trouble not a single bit. What can they do?? Send a few missile that will be mostly intercepted by our ABM defenses then what?? Send an AirStrike?? Haha fat chance I mean only a glimpse will suffice. Send the navy?? You are more than free to compare GCC navy with that of Iran. Land Forces?? Again you are more than free to compare.

What will Iran do send human waves again?? a 19 century machine gun will do the job then. Really people here Extremely overestimate Iran's capabilities and Extremely underestimate GCC capabilities.

Hell Wikipedia is more than enough to compare. Go and combine the forces of KSA, UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman and Jordan with that of Iran. Feel more than free to indulge yourself to Assault Rifle comparison and then come back and talk then.

Well in one line : Fat Arab Kings have their American masters to protect them. Simple.

You hate Iran more than you hate Israelis and Americans .... You never raise your voice against American military bases present all over the GCC ... An aggressive diplomacy could have probably prevented Iraq-invasion...but you royals just sat back and drank beer while Americans were bombing your neighbor Arabs! ...

No need to 'compare' anything. Iranian engineers built their own missiles, improve them, build their weapons , build navals ships , build ocean liners and what not? Come back when your GCC indigenously build some decent missile force or ship fleet etc ...
You are probably suffering from chronic hysteria at the moment. Take a coffee, cool down then come to discuss. :coffee:

Am I?? Have you done what I asked you to do?? Did you really make a chart a paper a list of distances, missiles capacity, Jet ranges, ammunition comparison, Land forces equipment, Naval ships capabilities?? Because I have. And clearly you didn't. Until you do all those things you can't even begin to judge.

And by the way I was discussing however you are the one who is refusing to discuss in a scientific and objective manner.
Am I?? Have you done what I asked you to do?? Did you really make a chart a paper a list of distances, missiles capacity, Jet ranges, ammunition comparison, Land forces equipment, Naval ships capabilities?? Because I have. And clearly you didn't. Until you do all those things you can't even begin to judge.

And by the way I was discussing however you are the one who is refusing to discuss in a scientific and objective manner.

Last time I compared Iran vs. Saudi Arabia in that thread, you started spouting your usual rubbish and closed that thread, just because the comparison did not go in your favour... :wave: :coffee:
Well in one line : Fat Arab Kings have their American masters to protect them. Simple.

You hate Iran more than you hate Israelis and Americans .... You never raise your voice against American military bases present all over the GCC ... An aggressive diplomacy could have probably prevented Iraq-invasion...but you royals just sat back and drank beer while Americans were bombing your neighbor Arabs! ...

No need to 'compare' anything. Iranian engineers built their own missiles, improve them, build their weapons , build navals ships , build ocean liners and what not? Come back when your GCC indigenously build some decent missile force or ship fleet etc ...

Saudis 'refuse to let America use bases for attacks on Iraq' - Telegraph

And yes actually you need to compare everything. I can go and slave away for hours to make a knife while someone else goes and buys a gun that is the difference. The knife won't turn magical simply because I made it. And I get it you were one of the ones going "OMG so kewl" On the Iranians can redirect missiles thingy which was a complete joke.

Further more. Iran has a nasty habit of lying about its weapons industry so yeah I am not going to believe everything it says like an idiot.

Last time I compared Iran vs. Saudi Arabia in that thread, you started spouting your usual rubbish and closed that thread, just because the comparison did not go in your favour... :wave: :coffee:

Oh really?? Global fire power?? where 4 Mig21s is considered stronger than 2 F-22s. No thanks. And again I told you to compare KSA UAE Kuwait Bahrain Qatar Oman and Jordan together because this is how it is.
I am sure there is going to be lots of arguing in this thread now. :P Anyway as long as Iran's talks with UAE go well & achieve their aim of clearing up those "misunderstandings", I don't think anything is going to happen. Wars should be avoided regardless of whatever side is likely to be the victor, people that usually happen to be fond of wars have never experienced its horrors themselves.

:tup: There is no reason to envision a war over these 3 small islands as some members are assuming. They cannot tolerate peace at all. War is like playing GTA IV for them. :coffee:
Really all I am asking here for you lot to open up a chart and make a decent comparison between the forces based on scientific reasoning. But what do you guys do?? Talk crab like always. That is more than enough I suppose to prove my point.
Oh really?? Global fire power?? where 4 Mig21s is considered stronger than 2 F-22s. No thanks. And again I told you to compare KSA UAE Kuwait Bahrain Qatar Oman and Jordan together because this is how it is.

Stop embarrassing yourself. If that were true, Russia would not rank higher than China.

As for GCC, if Egypt does not come to your help, its no use. Egypt Iran relations are flourishing at the moment after Mubarak has been ousted and there is no reason to believe Egyptians would die for Abdullah, who you consider to be your master. Micro-states like Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar etc can be obliterated by Iran within a few hours.

Anyway, I'm sure Iran is not envisioning any war over it. They approached UN over the issue. Only fanboy Mosamania wants war.
Stop embarrassing yourself. If that were true, Russia would not rank higher than China.

As for GCC, if Egypt does not come to your help, its no use. Egypt Iran relations are flourishing at the moment after Mubarak has been ousted and there is no reason to believe Egyptians would die for Abdullah, who you consider to be your master. Micro-states like Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar etc can be obliterated by Iran within a few hours.

Anyway, I'm sure Iran is not envisioning any war over it. They approached UN over the issue. Only fanboy Mosamania wants war.

I don't want war only idiots go after wars. However there is nothing wrong with science and creating scenarios. You really don't know what the hell you are talking about obviously. I don't blame you. Someone who is his heart only filled with hatred will never understand. Hatred consumes the mind and thus there is nothing there left to reason with.

And again whenever I ask for scientific facts and reason in an argument I never get it out of you lot. Only hatred and condescending approach.

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