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Saudi Arabia slaps Russia in the face

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Jan 8, 2012
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Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
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Saudi Gazette - 23 February, 2012

King Abdullah, Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, has told Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that any dialogue on Syria was “futile”, the official SPA news agency reported Wednesday.

Russia should have “coordinated with the Arabs... before using the veto” to block a resolution on Syria in the UN Security Council, King Abdullah told President Medvedev.

“But now, dialogue about what is happening (in Syria) is futile,” the Monarch told Medvedev in a telephone conversation on the escalating violence that has killed dozens of civilians in recent days.

King Abdullah told Medvedev that Saudi Arabia “will never abandon its religious and moral obligations toward what’s happening.”

The Kremlin released a statement earlier in the day saying the two leaders exchanged views about the situation in the Middle East in light of the events in Syria, but gave no further details. (that really funny kremlin did not know what to say lol)

King Abdullah’s statements came as Syria’s main opposition group urged the international community to create safe havens in the country and said that military intervention might be the “only option” to end a brutal crackdown.

At a news conference in Paris, the Syrian National Council said it would attend a meeting in Tunis on Friday of the countries known as the “Friends of Syria” and ask for safe zones to protect civilians and allow the opposition to organize.

It also called on Russia to force President Bashar Al-Assad’s regime to allow access for humanitarian convoys.

More than 6,000 people have died in the unrest in Syria, activists say, as Assad’s government seeks to snuff out an uprising that began with peaceful protests in March last year but has also seen military deserters take up arms against the regime.

KSA to have field hospital in Jordan to treat Syrians

As a humanitarian gesture, the Saudi government plans to set up a 250-bed mobile field hospital in Jordan to help Syrians injured in their country’s uprising.

The location of the hospital will be chosen soon, Asharq Arabic newspaper quoted a source as saying.

Saudi King Tells Medvedev No Point in Syria Talks After Veto - Businessweek

“The advances within the last decade that Russia made into the GCC, with construction, tourism and energy sectors, may have been swept aside by this one veto,” Theodore Karasik, director of research at the Dubai-based Institute for Near East and Gulf Military Analysis, said in a phone interview. “In Saudi Arabia, there is a society-wide outrage that not only includes clerics but every-day individuals and the leadership.”

i can say i'm proud of my country's stance against the massacres and genocide against the defenceless population of civilians in syria, russians always supproted genocide against muslims, in bosnia, Kosova, Afghanistan, Chychnia...now this should teach them some thing (of course only if they can learn).
I was actually surprised myself by this strong stance. Syrian people will have higher moral due to this.
I only wish King Abdullah displayed his religious and moral obligations to help the oppressed to the Bahraini's, it's really hard to see how he thinks anyone can take him seriously.
I only wish King Abdullah displayed his religious and moral obligations to help the oppressed to the Bahraini's, it's really hard to see how he thinks anyone can take him seriously.

So the 6000 dead Syrian civilians killed by Assad don't deserve anyone to stand for them?? Yeah sure because some 40 Bahrainis died 6000 syrians are fair game for Iran?? Helluva logic people have here in this forum. Oh and by the way in Bahrain the security personnel responsible for this are standing trial and police chief is one of them. Did Assad do this?? No he just shells entire cities to bits.
I only wish King Abdullah displayed his religious and moral obligations to help the oppressed to the Bahraini's, it's really hard to see how he thinks anyone can take him seriously.

Are you comparing bahrain's situation to syria's?? If so then you are completely ignorant of the truth - how many thousands have died in the last year in syria - compare that to not even 50 in Bahrain.
The Bahraini government still uses only non lethal weapons against unauthorized protests and road blocks - they actually let the authorized protests go on without trouble ( trust me there are plenty of those ).
The measures used by the bahraini govt are actually soft when compared to ones used by india in kashmir and china in tibet.
And the protesters are not non violent - only recently a britisher got his fingers chopped off with a sword by these so called peaceful protesters who dont even represent the true majority of the country - the majority just want to go back to their normal lives and are behind the government 100% - you would see that but all the pro government rallies never get any media attention.
Are you comparing bahrain's situation to syria's?? If so then you are completely ignorant of the truth - how many thousands have died in the last year in syria - compare that to not even 50 in Bahrain.
The Bahraini government still uses only non lethal weapons against unauthorized protests and road blocks - they actually let the authorized protests go on without trouble ( trust me there are plenty of those ).
The measures used by the bahraini govt are actually soft when compared to ones used by india in kashmir and china in tibet.
And the protesters are not non violent - only recently a britisher got his fingers chopped off with a sword by these so called peaceful protesters who dont even represent the true majority of the country - the majority just want to go back to their normal lives and are behind the government 100% - you would see that but all the pro government rallies never get any media attention.

You live in Bahrain so you know better than anyone here the situation there.
You live in Bahrain so you know better than anyone here the situation there.

No currently I dont - am in college in India but I grew up there and was there during the holidays - so my first hand knowledge is about a month old - but I have friends there and the ground reality is that the govt is actually trying to help the people - recently all the people who took part in protests and were fired were rehired by their companies - the king has repeatedly called for talks - he carried out an investiagtion into his own troops and broadcasted the report on live TV even though the report indicated some abuse by the police - he put the dirty cops on the stand. In fact if you read about his rule - the first thing he did when he came to power was to release all the political prisoners who had been arrested during his fathers reign - he formed the parliament and gave voting powers to the people.
These protests are probably instigated by Iran.
i can say i'm proud of my country's stance against the massacres and genocide against the defenceless population of civilians in syria, russians always supproted genocide against muslims, in bosnia, Kosova, Afghanistan, Chychnia...now this should teach them some thing (of course only if they can learn).[/COLOR]

You probably don't have any idea what Genocide means.Is there any dictionary in KSA?
Your king,with his left hand is suppressing people of Bahrain and with his right hand is begging democracy for Syria.Seems legit.

No currently I dont - am in college in India but I grew up there and was there during the holidays - so my first hand knowledge is about a month old - but I have friends there and the ground reality is that the govt is actually trying to help the people - recently all the people who took part in protests and were fired were rehired by their companies - the king has repeatedly called for talks - he carried out an investiagtion into his own troops and broadcasted the report on live TV even though the report indicated some abuse by the police - he put the dirty cops on the stand. In fact if you read about his rule - the first thing he did when he came to power was to release all the political prisoners who had been arrested during his fathers reign - he formed the parliament and gave voting powers to the people.
These protests are probably instigated by Iran.

If Iran has been able to make 75% of Bahrain population to rise against Sunni minority in charge,then i should say bravo Iran.You are doing it right.

Seriously what they teach you in the childhood that you see every single of your problems coming from Iran?Do you have any 'Iran Paranoia' book in elementary school in Bahrain?
i have reported racist, offensive out of topic & rude remarks, i just hope the rules are the same for every one.

Russia are trying so hard to have relations with the muslim world and GCC specially, if they don't stop supporting genociding muslims in syria, they will pay a dear price for it, they already became the black sheep of this world any way.

also i'm suprised by those who call them selves humans, then they start supporting massacres against women & children and defenceless people.

I'm happy and proud as a muslim that my moral standards and values resent that totally, it is what islam taught us Alhamdu Lillah
You probably don't have any idea what Genocide means.Is there any dictionary in KSA?
Your king,with his left hand is suppressing people of Bahrain and with his right hand is begging democracy for Syria.Seems legit.

If Iran have been able to make 75% of Bahrain population to rise against Sunni minority in charge,then i should say bravo Iran.You are doing it right.

Seriously what they teach you in the childhood that you see every single of your problems coming from Iran?Do you have any 'Iran Paranoia' book in elementary school in Bahrain?
I said probably - You should know that the Iranians would like nothing better than to see a regime change in Bahrain which would kick out the US 5th fleet which is currently residing there. Also there is the Shia Sunni angle.
What 75% are you talking about?? There has not been a single protest where the opposition could muster up more than a couple of thousand people - and there are people unhappy with the govt in every country ,doesnt mean that its the majority.
There is a reason that the king is still very comfortably in power - and he wouldnt be if 75% of the population decided they wanted him gone.
But then again if you want to believe hearsay over a man who grew up in Bahrain and was there not a month past -vthen its your choice.
I said probably - You should know that the Iranians would like nothing better than to see a regime change in Bahrain which would kick out the US 5th fleet which is currently residing there. Also there is the Shia Sunni angle.
What 75% are you talking about?? There has not been a single protest where the opposition could muster up more than a couple of thousand people - and there are people unhappy with the govt in every country ,doesnt mean that its the majority.
There is a reason that the king is still very comfortably in power - and he wouldnt be if 75% of the population decided they wanted him gone.
But then again if you want to believe hearsay over a man who grew up in Bahrain and was there not a month past -vthen its your choice.

some people are just very brainwashed and they don't any thing about reality, it is nice when some one who lives there in the hot spot clarifying things up.

on a side note, i want to say thanks for the adminstrator of this forum for this cleaning this topic and keeping it civilized and clean.
I said probably - You should know that the Iranians would like nothing better than to see a regime change in Bahrain which would kick out the US 5th fleet which is currently residing there. Also there is the Shia Sunni angle.
What 75% are you talking about?? There has not been a single protest where the opposition could muster up more than a couple of thousand people - and there are people unhappy with the govt in every country ,doesnt mean that its the majority.
There is a reason that the king is still very comfortably in power - and he wouldnt be if 75% of the population decided they wanted him gone.
But then again if you want to believe hearsay over a man who grew up in Bahrain and was there not a month past -vthen its your choice.
Of course a regime change is in favor of Iran.I didn't deny that,the same way a regime change in Syria is in favor of GCC countries.
You don't have a single proof that Iran is behind the uprising in Bahrain.Just because they are Shia?well it doesn't prove anything.And the population demonstrating in much time are in order of thousands of people,not hundreds.It's not so hard to estimate it from pictures and videos there,and also you should consider Bahrain's population,it's about only 1 million people.

some people are just very brainwashed and they don't any thing about reality, it is nice when some one who lives there in the hot spot clarifying things up.

on a side note, i want to say thanks for the adminstrator of this forum for this cleaning this topic and keeping it civilized and clean.
See who's talking about being brainwashed.first,Jon Snow is not living in Bahrain,second i can show you hundreds of Syrians who say everything media says about situation in Syria is a lie,and it's not like what shown in mainstream media.
How come i never heard anything against the massacres and genocide of defenceless civilians in Palestine from this puppet GOVERNMENT ... When did Saudi Arabia ever stood up for oppressed Muslims ??? Why so much sympathy all of a sudden for Syrians ??? Is it because what their Uncles want ???

Not that i am in favor of what is happening in Syria but we have more than enough examples of what will happen if these Western !@#$%#$#@ get things there way ...
Everything is happening due to Uncle SAM's.........If Russian's veto this .....just due to Uncle SAM coz they don't want to go their side.....This is what Uncle SAM is increasing his enemy day be day....US can put pressure on poor countries....can threaten them can put on war.....but there is limit.....from inside bascially they are increasing their enemies.
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