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Saudi Arabia is 'biggest funder of terrorists'

King Solomon

Jun 6, 2011
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Saudi Arabia is 'biggest funder of terrorists'

Saudi Arabia is 'biggest funder of terrorists' - Middle East - World - The Independent

Saudi Arabia is the single biggest contributor to the funding of Islamic extremism and is unwilling to cut off the money supply, according to a leaked note from Hillary Clinton.

The US Secretary of State says in a secret memorandum that donors in the kingdom still "constitute the most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide" and that "it has been an ongoing challenge to persuade Saudi officials to treat terrorist financing emanating from Saudi Arabia as a strategic priority".

In a separate diplomatic cable published by WikiLeaks last night, the militant group which carried out the Mumbai bombings in 2008, Lashkar-e-Toiba, is reported to have secured money in Saudi Arabia via one of its charity offshoots which raises money for schools.

Saudi Arabia is accused, along with Qatar, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates, of failing to prevent some of its richest citizens financing the insurgency against Nato troops in Afghanistan. Fund-raisers from the Taliban regularly travel to UAE to take advantage of its weak borders and financial regulation to launder money.

However, it is Saudi Arabia that receives the harshest assessment. The country from which Osama bin Laden and most of the 9/11 terrorists originated, according to Mrs Clinton, "a critical financial support base for al-Qa'ida, the Taliban, Lashkar-e-Toiba and other terrorist groups, including Hamas, which probably raise millions of dollars annually from Saudi sources, often during the Haj and Ramadan".

These pilgrimages, especially the Haj, are described as a "big problem" in another cable dated 29 May 2009. Detailing a briefing from the Saudi interior ministry to Richard Holbrooke, the US envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan, it notes: "The Haj is still a major security loophole for the Saudis, since pilgrims often travel with large amounts of cash and the Saudis cannot refuse them entry into Saudi Arabia."

It also quotes one of the officials admitting that the Haj is "a vacuum in our security". The huge annual influx of Muslims from around the world offers a prime opportunity for militants and their donors to enter the kingdom to exchange funds, launder money through front companies and accept money from government-approved charities.

The memo underlines that the US supports the work of Islamic charities, but is frustrated that they are so easily exploited to fund terrorism.

"In 2002, the Saudi government promised to set up a charities committee that would address this issue, but has yet to do so," Mrs Clinton's cable reads, before seeming to admit with disappointment that merely "obtaining Saudi acknowledgement of the scope of this problem and a commitment to take decisive action" has proved hard.
You fool, because it is in the original news piece and the news is related to it. Did you even read the whole article before spouting this rubbish?
he's probably one of the graduates of the wahabi madarasas that these saudis fund. Either that or he's been living in a cave for the past few decades.

From NY to Pakistan, to Iraq and Africa, saudis are famous for one wonderful export: suicide bombers.
he's probably one of the graduates of the wahabi madarasas that these saudis fund. Either that or he's been living in a cave for the past few decades.

From NY to Pakistan, to Iraq and Africa, saudis are famous for one wonderful export: suicide bombers.

Quite true. I've also seen this Fasih khan supporting terrorists in Chechnya who murder innocents daily. Just another one of those wahabi it seems.

btw, what is "madrassa"?
This sounds really funny. Although i am not expert in this matter but i have attended couple of seminars pertaining to International relation wrt to Middle east. The funny is that although Iran is accused of so many - ve things in the western media...But most of the people know that these islamic jehadi motivated terrorists are most of the time sponsored and created by some rich Arab guy in Arab world...But the to make the matter worst...US and the whole western world starts blaming that it is Iran who is spreading terrorism....On the onehand SA and other countries are ally of USA and in other hand they are part of the sponsorship group to fight against westerners...The only differenece is that rich arab people will not fight directly rather they will use their pawns from the countries like Pakistan..Afaganistan ......Such a hypocracy...
religious schools

A "Madrassa" is a Islamic religious school. Some are known to brainwash children and turn them into a teenager mullah or some extreme Madrassa's can even turn some kids into suicide bombers

Oh thanks for the explanation.. Didn't know there were special 'religious schools' in pakistan. I think the govt. should ban them all immediately. I guess the taliban problem in pakistan is also due to these wahabi religious schools.
Oh thanks for the explanation.. Didn't know there were special 'religious schools' in pakistan. I think the govt. should ban them all immediately. I guess the taliban problem in pakistan is also due to these wahabi religious schools.
madrassahs arnt separate schools, they are parts of the mosques, yea, its sad that people use holy places to commit such barbaric acts, banning them would just give taliban another reason to wage war on us and create more anti-pakistanis, but government should start keeping its eyes on them using military or spies or something else.
KSA provide money, Pakistan provide education, and other country provide raw material. such as human resource.

i respect
pakistan and good pakistani though.

madrassahs arnt separate schools, they are parts of the mosques, yea, its sad that people use holy places to commit such barbaric acts, banning them would just give taliban another reason to wage war on us and create more anti-pakistanis, but government should start keeping its eyes on them using military or spies or something else.

These madarsas are not bad, they are good medium to provide cheap education to mass. Not all can afford costly education.

Iron is a metal, it depends what you make out of it, sword or gun.

Madarsas are like cristian missionary schools, where christians improved there schools, Muslims didn't.

all madarsas must implement modern education .
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