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Saudi Arabia Army

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No one is going to fight you dont worry ::
Well when you look at the equipment of Egypt+Saudia+UAE etc . . it feels like they are gonna take out that little country (Israel) within 3 days maximum !

But I think we all know the reality :cheers:

Anyways,great video

Plus : Is it true that only member of Saudi Royal family can be an officer or commander of Saudi Army etc?
KSA $45 billion per year defence expenditure. They should heavily invest in commercial and military R&D...
Before you make a war with S.Arabia bla bla bla..:sarcastic::sarcastic:
It just amazes me how much these guys have to rely on the US for defense needs.Most of their weapons are American made.In case he Sauds are thrown out by an Islamic fundamentalist group , the US will stop supplying spares and all these will be junk.That is what happened with Iran after the revolution.Good weapons does not necessarily mean good soldiers.During the Mecca uprising in 79 the Saudi army god whooped in the arse by a few Bedouins. At that time too they had good weapons.
Saudi Arabia is a powerful county since they are Pakistan's brother. We stand with them 24-7.

Yeah my a$$ ! The kind of fuckin resources they have..they should be atleast a $2/3 trillion dollar economy ! What are their major industrial sectors other than petroleum,offcourse? What advance universities they have? How much money do they pour in R&D? Just buying fancy toys doesn't make them "powerful" . . . .
why should any country attack saudi when it has given so much opportunities to the world and its people.
Why do all the military videos on youtube have the same background music:confused:
With $45 billion defence expenditure KSA should have produced an indigenous stealth aircraft fighter by now or something equivalent to the F-35 II. They have abundant resources practically limitless they haven't fully capitalized on their potential. Instead of investing in military and commercial R&D and producing an indigenous fifth-generation fighter aircraft they decide to buy at least 72 Eurofighter typhoons from the UK.

This is Saudia Arabia, keeping western defense companies busy and their workers employed meanwhile their own indigenous defense companies are lacking. This is really hurting Saudia Arabia.

By now they should have indigenously produced nuclear submarines, fifth-generation aircraft, NACs (nuclear armed camels), air craft carrier (at least one), and military active personnel of at least 750,000 soldiers, etc.
KSA $45 billion per year defence expenditure. They should heavily invest in commercial and military R&D...

they should be building everything --from small arms, to aircrafts to armour......you would think they would have done that, given the amount of financial resources. Even if they had to import skilled labour.
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