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'Sare Jahan Se Achcha' poet Mohammed Iqbal remains pariah in India

Bhai Zakir

Jun 26, 2012
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'Sare Jahan Se Achcha' poet Mohammed Iqbal remains pariah in India

In The Discovery of India, Jawaharlal Nehru recollects his last meeting with poet Mohammed Iqbal a few months before his death in Lahore in 1938. Nehru says that an ailing Iqbal, comparing him with Jinnah, had remarked: "Jinnah is a politician and you are a patriot."

While that should have silenced Iqbal's critics in India, who continue to blame him for coming up with the idea of Pakistan, the poet who paid tribute to India's multiculturalism, called Lord Ram Imam-e-Hind (Leader of India) and celebrated its eternal beauty through numerous poems, including Sare Jahan Se Achcha, is still a pariah in India.

How else does one explain the country's collective amnesia about him on his birth anniversary -- November 9? While the government has completely forgotten Iqbal, the public at large also seems to be abandoning him. Barring a few Urdu literary organisations, the country has chosen to ignore the poet's birth anniversary.

Ignorance combined with doctored history has misled even many educated Indians to believe that the once great patriot later turned fanatical and chose Islamic Pakistan over secular India. Late scholar Rafiq Zakaria was shocked when Pramod Mahajan, then general secretary of the BJP, at a seminar at Nehru Centre in 1990, said that "a great Indian Muslim like Iqbal who penned Sare Jahan Se Achcha later divided India".

"I reminded Mahajan of his ignorance and decided that very day to try and set the record straight," writes Zakaria in Iqbal: The Poet And Politician. The book not only details Iqbal's love and admiration for India's iconic figures like Ram, Guru Nanak, Swami Ram Teerath and classical poets Vishwamitra and Bhartrahari but also traces the reasons for hatred against the poet.

The seed that sowed doubt about Iqbal's patriotism was in his 1930 presidential address at the Allahabad session of the Muslim League. Addressing a motley crowd at an old haveli, Iqbal proposed the creation of a Muslim province within the Indian federation, comprising the Muslim dominated areas of Punjab, North-Western Frontier, Sindh and Balochistan.

"Iqbal never demanded a separate home for Muslims outside India. He didn't include the Indians of Bengal or Central India," says Abdul Haq, Urdu scholar and professor emeritus at Delhi University. "In Independent India too, we have given special status to some north-eastern states and Jammu & Kashmir to safeguard their unique culture. Iqbal's demand should have been seen in that spirit."

Haq admits that since Iqbal's formulation suited the supporters of Pakistan, they lapped it up and declared him as the "ideological father" of the country—which too made him a detested figure among many Indians.

Mumbai-based Urdu scholar Abdus Sattar Dalvi, who translated Zakaria's book on Iqbal into Urdu, argues that years before Iqbal uttered the controversial plan at Allahabad, nationalist leader Lala Lajpat Rai had written a series of articles in Tribune favouring the creation of a separate Muslim state within India, comprising the Muslim-dominated north-west provinces. "Why doesn't anyone question Lala's patriotism for his views?" asks Dalvi.

Most scholars agree that as a politician Iqbal was a big failure. But that doesn't undermine his contribution as one of India's greatest poets.

Anwar Pasha, professor of Urdu at Jawaharlal Nehru University, says that even if Pakistan regards Iqbal as its founding father, India should not abandon him as he championed our struggle against foreign rule. Iqbal, says Pasha, attacked both Hindu and Muslim fanaticism, ridiculed orthodox mullahs and pandits and exhorted not only Indians but Asians against western imperialism. Acknowledging Iqbal's contributions, poet-freedom fighter Sarojni Naidu had called Iqbal the "poet laureate of Asia".

Iqbal fought communalism—attacking fundamentalist Hindus for questioning Muslims' loyalty to India, he wrote:

Patthar ki moorton mein samjha hai tu khuda hai/khak-ewatan ka mujhko har zarra devta hai (For you god is in stone's idol/To me every particle of the country's soil is a deity). Although he used Islamic metaphors extensively in his poetry, Iqbal attacked the sloth-filled Muslim masses and supremacist, narrow minded clergy.

However, he also received flak from a section for using Islamic metaphors extensively during his later years. Many even called him "reactionary". "He did have a streak of pan-Islamism in him. But the charge that he became a poet of Islam is wrong. The poetry of Kalidas and Tulsidas is inspired by Hindu mythology. Just as we don't call them communal Hindu poets, it is unfair to call Iqbal a fundamentalist Muslim poet," says Mumbai based Urdu critic Fuzail Jafri.

Perhaps those ignoring the poet's birth anniversary would do well to heed Tagore's words: "India just cannot afford to ignore Iqbal whose poetry has universal appeal."

'Sare Jahan Se Achcha' poet Mohammed Iqbal remains pariah in India - The Times of India
and indians are quick to complain about pakistan not honouring Bhagat singh.
Kabhi apne girhbano main bhi jhaank liya karo.
@ajtr........Just donot complain about Indianess in all threads...

@Zakir Bhai....I am empathetic towards the meaning and intent of the post...But the problem is that once Pakistan has accepted him as a leading think tank or innovator of idea of creation of Pakistan which is in turn breaking of India, then Indian people will start projecting him as a leader of other side of the border....Had he not been associated any way with Pakistan....He would have been considered as a great soul....

So the bottom line is that anyone who is associated with the thought of separation of any nation...or in particularly to Pakistan will unfortunately lead to the same fate as poet Iqbal got it...
@ajtr........Just donot complain about Indianess in all threads...

@Zakir Bhai....I am empathetic towards the meaning and intent of the post...But the problem is that once Pakistan has accepted him as a leading think tank or innovator of idea of creation of Pakistan which is in turn breaking of India, then Indian people will start projecting him as a leader of other side of the border....Had he not been associated any way with Pakistan....He would have been considered as a great soul....

So the bottom line is that anyone who is associated with the thought of separation of any nation...or in particularly to Pakistan will unfortunately lead to the same fate as poet Iqbal got it...

Bhai read again,

The news says:

1. Mohammed Iqbal respects Pundit Nehru more then MA Jinnah whom he takes as a politisian.

2. Iqbal was not for the separation of India but for the special rights for some Muslim majority state.

3. Personally I am not for two state theory. Proud and happy to be Indian.

@ajtr........Just donot complain about Indianess in all threads...

@Zakir Bhai....I am empathetic towards the meaning and intent of the post...But the problem is that once Pakistan has accepted him as a leading think tank or innovator of idea of creation of Pakistan which is in turn breaking of India, then Indian people will start projecting him as a leader of other side of the border....Had he not been associated any way with Pakistan....He would have been considered as a great soul....

So the bottom line is that anyone who is associated with the thought of separation of any nation...or in particularly to Pakistan will unfortunately lead to the same fate as poet Iqbal got it...

Bhai read again,

The news says:

1. Mohammed Iqbal respects Pundit Nehru more then MA Jinnah whom he takes as a politisian.

2. Iqbal was not for the separation of India but for the special rights for some Muslim majority state.

3. Personally I am not for two state theory. Proud and happy to be Indian.
Allama Muhammad Iqbal was a great poet and intellectual.In reality he was the person who presented the idea of separate state for muslims although he didn't use the world PAKISTAN but he gave the idea of separate country.So do not give a wrong image that he didn't proposed a separate state and secondly the poem sare jahan se acha was not for hindustan it was when india was one state and it was before Iqbal's Allahabad address.So you can not say that he wrote that poem in favour of present india.he wrote that poem when he thought muslims can live safely in india but when he looked at atrocities of hindus on muslims he gave his Allahabad address for separate state for muslims in muslim majority areas.
@ajtr........Just donot complain about Indianess in all threads...

@Zakir Bhai....I am empathetic towards the meaning and intent of the post...But the problem is that once Pakistan has accepted him as a leading think tank or innovator of idea of creation of Pakistan which is in turn breaking of India, then Indian people will start projecting him as a leader of other side of the border....Had he not been associated any way with Pakistan....He would have been considered as a great soul....

So the bottom line is that anyone who is associated with the thought of separation of any nation...or in particularly to Pakistan will unfortunately lead to the same fate as poet Iqbal got it...

lol it really effects the greatness of Iqbal
Funny, i remember this song "saare jahan se achha" was always sung with great enthusiasm in my school days on 15th aug and 26th jan. Out of all the patriotic songs, this is the most famous sung by all citizens alike. The times of india must be reporting about some of high class schools in metropolitan cities. This song is played in almost all the schools. I personally dont buy this piece of news. Ant losers like Ajtr who are blinded by hatered cant see this simple fact and keep criticizing India at every turn. If you want to know the truth, come and visit india and see it yourself.
and indians are quick to complain about pakistan not honouring Bhagat singh.
Kabhi apne girhbano main bhi jhaank liya karo.

One fought for the freedom of a nation (including for the muslims of that country)
The other spoke for separation of 2 communities.
There is vast difference my dear.
and indians are quick to complain about pakistan not honouring Bhagat singh.
Kabhi apne girhbano main bhi jhaank liya karo.

Iqbal literary works are purely Islamic in nature, there is not much content for majority for Indians to learn from it.

While Bhagat Singh was a Socialist
Bhai read again,

The news says:

1. Mohammed Iqbal respects Pundit Nehru more then MA Jinnah whom he takes as a politisian.

2. Iqbal was not for the separation of India but for the special rights for some Muslim majority state.

The Allahabad Address, notable for Conception of Pakistan, was the Presidential Address by Allama Iqbal to the 25th Session of the All-India Muslim League on 29 December 1930, at Allahabad, India. Here he presented the idea of a separate homeland for Indian Muslims which was ultimately realized in the form of Pakistan."[1] Iqbal was the first person to officially announce the idea for a separate Muslim nation. He was the pioneer for all the freedom movements.

Allahabad Address - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

i personally prefer Sare Jahan Se Achcha to jane gane mane because i understand it and i feel passionate about my country.
Bhai Zakir,,, Tu rook zara, teri to may karta hu zara. Humesha half truth daynay walay hypocrite.

Nehru's bid to represent Iqbal as his admirer and Jinnah's critic was promptly foiled by Iqbal himself. Nazir Niyazi in his Iqbal Ke Hudur Men reports that when Nehru's version of the interview was laid before him, Iqbal explained that patriotism was a basic quality, but that politics demanded men of practical and realistic views and consequently an honest politician stood on a higher pedestal than a mere patriot.


And rest of the claims by Indian muslims are totally bull shyte. Trying to paint Allama Iqbal an indian friendly person. They totally twisted the whole facts. So Bhai Zakir next time do a proper research on iqbal ideology, his philosophy and his devotion to Muslim cause instead of opening cooked up facts.
Bhai Zakir since you created this thread, i'm gonna ask you to verify the claims made in article. Because you are an intelligent person and i expect you open only those articles which you knew you can defend and verify it's claims in a civilized manner. Let's start

While that should have silenced Iqbal's critics in India, who continue to blame him for coming up with the idea of Pakistan, the poet who paid tribute to India's multiculturalism, called Lord Ram Imam-e-Hind (Leader of India) and celebrated its eternal beauty through numerous poems, including Sare Jahan Se Achcha, is still a pariah in India.[/COLOR]

Reference where Allama Iqbal said it? I didn;t find it on the net. Searched it thoroughly

Iqbal never demanded a separate home for Muslims outside India. He didn't include the Indians of Bengal or Central India," says Abdul Haq, Urdu scholar and professor emeritus at Delhi University. "In Independent India too, we have given special status to some north-eastern states and Jammu & Kashmir to safeguard their unique culture. Iqbal's demand should have been seen in that spirit."

I would like to see the Punjab, North-West Frontier Province, Sind and Baluchistan amalgamated into a single State. Self-government within the British Empire, or without the British Empire, the formation of a consolidated North-West Indian Muslim State appears to me to be the final destiny of the Muslims, at least of North-West India.-Iqbal

The discussions between the Muslim delegates and Gandhi were held at the Ritz Hotel suite of The Agha Khan who says in his Memoirs (London, 1953): "The Mahatma sought to impose a first and fundamental condition that the Muslims should, before they asked for any guarantees for themselves, accept Congress interpretation of Swaraj [Self-Governmentnment] as their goal, to which Mr. Jinnah very rightly answered that since the Mahatma was not imposing this condition on the other Hindu members of the various delegations attending the Round Table Conference, why should he impose it on the Muslims ?


So Indian muslim scholars hesitation to call spade a spade can be understood that in secular india they can't speak the truth openly
Bhai Zakir,,, Tu rook zara, teri to may karta hu zara. Humesha half truth daynay walay hypocrite.


And rest of the claims by Indian muslims are totally bull shyte. Trying to paint Allama Iqbal an indian friendly person. They totally twisted the whole facts. So Bhai Zakir next time do a proper research on iqbal ideology, his philosophy and his devotion to Muslim cause instead of opening cooked up facts.

Then why we wrote Sare jaha se achchha Hindustan Hamara, if he really wanted a separate country. :blink:
Wow...just wow ! :blink:

I hope these letters by Iqbal put the two assertions to bed :

28th May, 1937

My dear Mr. Jinnah,

Thank you so much for your letter which reached me in due course. I am glad to hear that you will bear in mind what I wrote to you about the changes in the constitution and programme of the League. I have no doubt that you fully realise the gravity of the situation as far as Muslim India is concerned. The League will have to finally decide whether it will remain a body representing the upper classes of Indian Muslims or Muslim masses who have so far, with good reason, no interest in it. Personally I believe that a political organisation which gives no promise of improving the lot of the average Muslim cannot attract our masses.

Under the new constitution the higher posts go to the sons of [the] upper classes; the smaller go to the friends or relatives of the ministers. In other matters too our political institutions have never thought of improving the lot of Muslims generally. The problem of bread is becoming more and more acute. The Muslim has begun to feel that he has been going down and down during the last 200 years. Ordinarily he believes that his poverty is due to Hindu money-lending or capitalism. The perception that equality [is (?)] due to foreign rule has not yet fully come to him. But it is bound to come. The atheistic socialism of Jawahar Lal [Nehru] is not likely to receive much response from the Muslims. The question therefore is: how is it possible to solve the problem of Muslim poverty? And the whole future of the League depends on the League's activity to solve this question. If the League can give no such promises I am sure the Muslim masses will remain indifferent to it as before.

Happily there is a solution in the enforcement of the Law of Islam and its further development in the light of modern ideas. After a long and careful study of Islamic Law I have come to the conclusion that if this system of Law is properly understood and applied, at last the right to subsistence is secured to every body. But the enforcement and development of the Shariat of Islam is impossible in this country without a free Muslim state or states. This has been my honest conviction for many years and I still believe this to be the only way to solve the problem of bread for Muslims as well as to secure a peaceful India.

If such a thing is impossible in India the only other alternative is a civil war which as a matter of fact has been going on for some time in the shape of Hindu Muslim riots. I fear that in certain parts of the country, e.g. N.W. India, Palestine may be repeated..Also the insertion of Jawarhar Lal's socialism into the body-politic of Hinduism is likely to cause much bloodshed among the Hindus themselves. The issue between social democracy and Brahmanism is not dissimilar to the one between Brahmanism and Buddhism. Whether the fate of socialism will be the same as the fate of Buddhism in India I cannot say. But it is clear to my mind that if Hinduism accepts social democracy it must necessarily cease to be Hinduism.

For Islam the acceptance of social democracy in some suitable form and consistent with the legal pnncp!es of Islam is not a revolution but a return to the original punty of Islam. The modern problems therefore are far more easy to solve for the Musllms than for the Hindus. But as I have said above in order to make it possible for Muslim India to solve the problems it is necessary to redistribute the coun.ry and to provde one or more Muslim states with absolute majorities. Don't you think that the time for such a demand has already arrived? Perhaps this is the best reply you can give to the atheistic socialism of Jawahar Lal Nehru.

Anyhow I have given you my own thoughts in the hope that you will give them serious consideration either in your address or in the discussions of the coming session of the League. Muslim India hopes that at this serious juncture your genius will discover some way out of our present difficulties.

Yours Sincerely,
(Sd.) Mohammad. Iqbal

P.S. On the subject-matter of this letter I intended to write to you a long and open letter in the press. But on further consideration I felt that the present moment was not suitable for such a step.


Private and Confidential
June 21st, 1937

My dear Mr. Jinnah,

Thank you so much for your letter which I received yesterday. I know you are a busy man; but I do hope you won't mind my writing to you so often, as you are the only Muslim in India today to whom the community has a right to look up for safe guidance through the storm which is coming to North*West India and perhaps to the whole of India. I tell you that we are actually living in a state of civil war which, but for the police and military, would become universal in no time.

During the last few months there has been a series of Hindu-Muslim riots in India. In North-West India alone there have been at least three riots during the last three months and at least four cases of vilification of the Prophet by Hindus and Sikhs. In each of these four cases, the vilifier has been murdered. There have also been cases of burning of the Qur'an in Sind. I have carefully studied the whole situation and believe that the real cause of these events is nither religious nor economic. It is purely political. I.e., the desire of the Sikhs and Hindus to intimidate Muslims even in the Muslim majority provinces. And the new constitution is such that even in the Muslim majority provinces, the Muslims are made entirely dependent on non-Muslims.

The result is that the Muslim Ministry can take no proper action and are even driven to do injustice to Musiims partly to please those on whom they depend, and partly to show that they are absolutely impartial. Thus it is clear that we have our specific reasons to reject this constitution. It seems to me that the new constitution is devised only to placate the Hindus. In the Hindu majority provinces, the Hindus have of course absolute majorities, and can ignore Muslims altogether. In Muslim majority provinces, the Muslims are made entirely dependent on Hindus. I have no doubt in my mind that this constitution is calculated to do infinite harm to the Indian Muslims. Apart from this it is no solution of the economic problem which is so acute among Muslims.

The only thing that the communal award grants to Muslims is the recognition of their political existence in India. But such a recognition granted to a people whom this constitution does not and cannot help in solving their problem of poverty can be of no value to them. The Congress. President has denied the political existence of Muslims in no unmistakable terms. The other Hindu political body, i.e., the Mahasabha, whom I regard as the real representative of the masses of the Hindus, has declared more than once that a united Hindu*Muslim nation is impossible in India. In these cirecumstances it is obvious that the only way to a peaceful India is a redistribution of the country on the lines of racial, religious and linguistic affinities. Many British statesmen also realise this, and the Hindu-Muslim riots which are rapidly coming in the wake of this constitution are sure further to open their eyes to the real situation in the country. I remember Lord Lothian told me before I left England that my scheme was the only possible solution of the troubles of India, but that may take 25 years to come.

Some Muslims in the Punjab are already suggesting the holding of [a] North-West Indian Muslim Conference, and the idea is rapidly spreading. I agree with you, however, that our community is not yet sufficiently organised and disciplined and perhaps the time for holding such a conference is not yet ripe. But I feel that it would be highly advisable for you to indicate in your address at least the line of action that the Muslims of North-West India would be finally driven to take.

To my mind the new constitution with its idea of a single Indian federation is completely hopeless. A separate federation of Muslim provinces, reformed on the lines I have suggested above, is the only course by which we can secure a peaceful India and save Muslims from the domination of non*Muslims. Why should not the Muslims of North-West India and Bengal be considered as nations entitled to self-determination just as other nations in India and outside India are?

Personally I think that the Muslims of North-West India and Bengal ought at present to ignore Muslim[-minority] provinces. This is the best course to adopt in the interests of both Muslim majority and minority provinces. It will therefore be better to hold the coming session of the League in the Punjab, and not in a Muslim minority province. The month of August is bad in Lahore. I think you should seriously consider the advisability of holding the coming session at Lahore in the middle of October when the weather is quite good in Lahore. The interest in the All-India Muslim League is rapidly growing in the Punjab, and the holding of the coming session in Lahore is likely to give a fresh political awakening to the Punjab Muslims.

Yours sincerely,
(Sd). Mohammad Iqbal


(Source : http://www.columbia.edu/itc/mealac/pritchett/00islamlinks/txt_iqbal_tojinnah_1937.html )

Love him or hate him lets not distort him !
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