According to a recent UN report more Hindus and Sikhs are migrating to India from Pakistan then Muslims going to Pakistan. About killing female infants,What about karo kari and killing of women in rural Sindh and rural balochistan. What about the attacks on Hindu temples and Sikhs guradwaras in Sindh. What about the historic Jain temple which was demolished in Lahore
Well the title "Rape capital of world" is given by Pakistanis on PDF. Rape is a crime but the situation is not that arlarming while Islamabad is known as the 'Land of Suicide bombers.
In pakistan, she would have faced death threats and would be forced to seek asylum in Western countries
in a mean while by the same UN and indian media indians are desperate to leave india

rest of your above coment are just rhethoric which no sane human outside of india believes
996% rise in Indians seeking political asylum in past 10 years
These are Indians who have requested other countries to grant them political asylum on the grounds that they feel fearful to continue living in India.

Mukesh Rawat
New Delhi
June 21, 2019
UPDATED: June 21, 2019 13:14 IST
More than 20,000 Indians sought political asylum in US since 2014
Seeking political asylum in these countries isn't surprising as they are all developed economies and have an image of being peaceful and prosperous.
But what may come as surprising to some is that Indians have also sought political asylum in countries like Yemen, Sudan, Burundi, Bosnia among others--countries which have routinely hogged headlines for war and armed unrest in recent times.
Overall, in 2018 there were 57 countries where Indians applied for political asylum.
UNHCR reports show that despite being the world's largest democracy, India is not a popular destination among political asylum seekers.
For example, in 2018 there were 35.03 lakh political asylum seekers in the world but only 0.34 per cent of them (11,957) sought political asylum in India.
What may come as surprising to some is that Indians have also sought political asylum in countries like Yemen, Sudan, Burundi, Bosnia among others--countries which have routinely hogged headlines for war and armed unrest in recent times.
The US, Germany and Turkey were the most favoured destinations for political asylum seekers with 7.18 lakh, 3.69 lakh and 3.11 lakh people applying to these countries respectively.
But this does not mean that no one is applying to India. When it comes to South Asia, India has the largest number of political asylum applications. In 2018, of the 11,957 political asylum seekers in India, 65 per cent (7,864) were from Afghanistan. This was followed by those from Myanmar (2,064) and Yemen (1,134).
Overall, people from 40 countries sought political asylum in India fearing threat to their lives in their native countries.
On analysing data for political asylum requests related to India, we find that the number of Indians seeking political asylum abroad is 334 per cent more than the number of people from other countries seeking political asylum in India in 2018.
These political asylum requests aside, by the end of 2018 India was sheltering close to 1.95 lakh refugees.
In South Asia, Pakistan had the largest population of refugees (14.04 lakh, mostly from Afghanistan), followed by Bangladesh (9.06 lakh, mostly Rohingya Muslims from Myanmar).
India is not a signatory to the 1951 United Nations Conventions on the status of refugees, neither has it signed the 1967 UN protocol on the same. These two detail the rights and protection that refugees can enjoy in host countries.
Besides this, India does not have a clearly defined domestic policy on refugees nor is there any law to guide authorities on how refugees must be treated in India. Their treatment so far has been subjective and varied from case to case.
The legal hurdle aside, global data on refugees and asylum seekers show that a majority of people who are forced to leave their native country prefer to take refuge in some neighbouring country.
UNHCR report titled "Global trends: Forced displacement in 2018" states that there were 25.9 million refugees in 2018. The report says nearly four out of five (i.e. 80 per cent) refugees live in countries neighbouring their country of origin.