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Saleem Safi HATRED against PTI [Must Watch]


Oct 28, 2012
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There are two things he is very anti of...Army and PTI!

When everybody else says that rigging happened in Punjab and Sindh, he turns a blind eye to it and says that isolated incidents should not be blown out of proportion. But when the talk comes to Balochistan, he quickly goes on the offensive against the Army...even when Dr Abdul Malik Baloch and Mehmood Achakzai say that it was of very small magnitude and nothing serious or widespread happened!

I've stopped watching his shows...

If Saleem Safi is reading this, please don't think that this is another 18 year old fanatic PTI fan and you are being vilified here...this is just my honest opinion without any curses, after all, everybody has a right to their opinion, no?
He is a good journalist. Listen carefully what he has to say. I think he is very balanced.
I think he is very balanced.

Mostly balanced and composed, but a fair few times that I have watched him, he tends to go overboard and starts asking awkward and sometimes stupid things.
He is a big time supporter of Molanna Diesel. Before elections he was saying that JUIF will get majority in KPK as molanna is a clever person. He is a local journalist so don't know why people give him so much importance.
Saleem Safi is a veteran journalist. I read anything and everything he writes. He can be rhetorical at times and goes over-board to make a point. He is not fond of PTI. He is not fond of any party really. He has a particular view point and you may or you may not agree with him, but calling him names is emotional and childish.

Taking whatever he says out of context is an willful attempt to mislead. PTI kidos need to grow up and act mature. I have developed a distaste for PTI trolls and this behavior pattern needs attention from IK himself. He can not afford to have immature kids give PTI a bad name.

It is pointless to call him names. He described NS as the most egotistical politician (with some reason no doubt). He has also castigated JUI-F's Molana Fazalur-Rehman. A poster above has pointed out that Saleem Safi is not fond of Army either (and yet he is invited to every debrief for journalists by COAS). So, then from who does he accept his hypothetical lifafa? Who do PTI kidos think is his master? To whom does he sell his ink?

I doubt if any of the kids can find a satisfactory answer.

He is his own man. You may agree or disagree with him. But please excuse the rest of us, if we do not be like parrots for sake of PTI. This is a stupid thread and goes to show intolerant nature of PTI trolls.
He looked like a sensible and good educated journalist to me until now!
Offcourse because you came across a video of him criticizing your leader and PTI. Sharam karo thori si. Har gaye ho lakin begharti nahi gai
Saleem Safi knows the politics of KPK and Waziristan and he is right about PTI.

Shabhaz Sharif presented a part of PTI Manifesto in Punjab Assembly​

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To all PTI supporter please stop crying on each and every comments and take all comments in a mature behavior and check that are those comments are healthy or not and if these are something which can be good for you adopt it and if not then forget it. Be mature in politics and remember that you guys also make comments to other parties and they don't cry for that. You guys bashing PPP, PML-N, JI, MQM etc. but they don't start complaining and create huge drama's. If guys don't change your behavior than you guys will soon pay for that because now we have 57% literacy rate and increasing day by day and people now can have a power to analysis things.
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