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Russia unhappy with India’s defence buys

Bamboo Castle

Mar 12, 2013
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As India is opting to buy weapon platforms from western countries like US in the last few years, Russia has expressed its displeasure and said it has stood by New Delhi for the last 50 years and built India’s defence industry.


Russia is the biggest defence partner of India and more than 70 per cent of inventory in the armed forces is of erstwhile USSR and Russian origin. However, the last one decade has seen India broad basing its options and has bought weapons from the US, France and Israel.
It has emerged as the second biggest supplier of weapons to India after diplomatic relations were established between the two countries in 1990. Israeli companies are now engaged in nearly all the projects like upgrading of planes, ships and guns besides providing electronic warfare equipment and hi-tech surveillance and avionics. Moreover, Israel is actively engaged in several strategic projects of Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).
Given this scenario, Komardin, chief of the Russian Government-owned Rosoboron export, said transfer of military technology over the last 50 years helped India develop its operational capabilities and industry.
Airing these views during the international aerospace exhibition ‘Aero India 2013,’ which ended in Bangalore on Sunday, he said Russia virtually created the Indian defence industry and lamented the fact that this contribution was ignored.

Criticising the media for wrong projection of Russia, Komardin, however, questioned India’s decision to buy more expensive and what he claimed less capable military equipment from western countries. “We are partners, deal with us like partners. Don’t be carried away by chocolates or sweets,” he said.
Giving an example, Komardin wondered about India’s decision to go in for US-made Chinook heavy lift helicopter over the Russian manufactured MI-26 and said “the Mi-26 cannot lose out to Chinook. Chinook is a baby. The Mi-26 can lift it and can drop it anywhere.”
His observation came in the back drop of NATO forces in Afghanistan often requisitioning a MI-26 to lift a snag-hit Chinook and drop it to the nearest base. “We don’t accept that the Mi-26 lost out to the Chinook. It’s all politics. A Mi-26 can transport 80 troops. The Chinook, in comparison, doesn’t have half of its capability,” Komardin said. “It is not the Boeing that is winning the tenders, the US State department is doing so...We have offered licensed production for all equipment since 1964, the US is doing sales without transfer of technology,” he said.
Stating that Russia will not sell weapons to Pakistan, the Rosoboronexport chief also questioned India’s decision to buy C-17 heavy lift transport aircraft from the US and said the cost of these planes is high and comes without transfer of technology. He said the US, Canada and Australia use these planes to ferry weapons and troops long distance and wondered about India going in for C-17.
India is buying 10 C-17s from the US through the foreign military sale(FMS) route and the first plane is expected to join IAF in June or July and the entire fleet will be operational by mid next year.
Stressing the point that Russia has always shared technology with India for frontline weapon system, Komardin said the list included SU-30MKI jets, T-90 main battle tank, Smerch rockets, BrahMos missile, the fifth generation fighter aircraft (FGFA) and the multi-role transport aircraft.
However, the Indian defence establishment justifies its decision to look for other countries besides Russia due to problems of assured supply of spare parts for weapon systems. In fact, the problems assume serious proportions sometimes and the top political leadership of the two countries had to intervene to sort out the matter.


about the intentions of thread starter 'some peopel are not sad deu to there losses but there naighbours fortunes and happy not deu to there gains but happy deu to there naighbours misfortunes':omghaha:
As India is opting to buy weapon platforms from western countries like US in the last few years, Russia has expressed its displeasure and said it has stood by New Delhi for the last 50 years and built India’s defence industry.


Russia is the biggest defence partner of India and more than 70 per cent of inventory in the armed forces is of erstwhile USSR and Russian origin. However, the last one decade has seen India broad basing its options and has bought weapons from the US, France and Israel.
It has emerged as the second biggest supplier of weapons to India after diplomatic relations were established between the two countries in 1990. Israeli companies are now engaged in nearly all the projects like upgrading of planes, ships and guns besides providing electronic warfare equipment and hi-tech surveillance and avionics. Moreover, Israel is actively engaged in several strategic projects of Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).
Given this scenario, Komardin, chief of the Russian Government-owned Rosoboron export, said transfer of military technology over the last 50 years helped India develop its operational capabilities and industry.
Airing these views during the international aerospace exhibition ‘Aero India 2013,’ which ended in Bangalore on Sunday, he said Russia virtually created the Indian defence industry and lamented the fact that this contribution was ignored.

Criticising the media for wrong projection of Russia, Komardin, however, questioned India’s decision to buy more expensive and what he claimed less capable military equipment from western countries. “We are partners, deal with us like partners. Don’t be carried away by chocolates or sweets,” he said.
Giving an example, Komardin wondered about India’s decision to go in for US-made Chinook heavy lift helicopter over the Russian manufactured MI-26 and said “the Mi-26 cannot lose out to Chinook. Chinook is a baby. The Mi-26 can lift it and can drop it anywhere.”
His observation came in the back drop of NATO forces in Afghanistan often requisitioning a MI-26 to lift a snag-hit Chinook and drop it to the nearest base. “We don’t accept that the Mi-26 lost out to the Chinook. It’s all politics. A Mi-26 can transport 80 troops. The Chinook, in comparison, doesn’t have half of its capability,” Komardin said. “It is not the Boeing that is winning the tenders, the US State department is doing so...We have offered licensed production for all equipment since 1964, the US is doing sales without transfer of technology,” he said.
Stating that Russia will not sell weapons to Pakistan, the Rosoboronexport chief also questioned India’s decision to buy C-17 heavy lift transport aircraft from the US and said the cost of these planes is high and comes without transfer of technology. He said the US, Canada and Australia use these planes to ferry weapons and troops long distance and wondered about India going in for C-17.
India is buying 10 C-17s from the US through the foreign military sale(FMS) route and the first plane is expected to join IAF in June or July and the entire fleet will be operational by mid next year.
Stressing the point that Russia has always shared technology with India for frontline weapon system, Komardin said the list included SU-30MKI jets, T-90 main battle tank, Smerch rockets, BrahMos missile, the fifth generation fighter aircraft (FGFA) and the multi-role transport aircraft.
However, the Indian defence establishment justifies its decision to look for other countries besides Russia due to problems of assured supply of spare parts for weapon systems. In fact, the problems assume serious proportions sometimes and the top political leadership of the two countries had to intervene to sort out the matter.


Asian Defense: Russia unhappy with India’s defence buys

OLD article dude and India already has 3 C17s, 2 more to come by the end of the year..... :yahoo:
about comparison between chinook and Mi-26,its true that Mi-26 is a mammoth.but we don't want mammoth which will barely fly due to spare shortage.we couldn't fully utilize existing Mi-26 due to this..plus,Chinook is more versatile than Mi-26,though carry less weight.remember,we need versatile,thats why we bought C-17 and not some An-225.AN-225 may even carry C-17,but that doesn't mean we need that.a truly biased article.
The Russian defence industry cannot meet Indian or Russian needs any more. Waiting years for spares and support, and massive time and cost over runs is not acceptable.
i think now Russians need to change their strategy

I think Russia will start offering its weapons to Latin America,China,Pakistan and some nations of Africa. Also I expect russians will not share strategic technology like nuclear submarines or their building expertise with India.
It is not that we have completely turned our back to Russian arms....Russia still has considerable amount of share in India's defence supplies...I guess Russia should understand and accept the changes wth time...You can not keep talking about the helped that you had extended in the past when we are talking about our present and future requirements...historically we focused only on Pakistan hence Russian supplies were enough but now that we are dealing with China which has access to Russian arms, we have no choice but to look around for the best tech which China cant procure even it is ready to pay for it.....
Russia is our friend and I wish we always remain good friends!
It is not that we have completely turned our back to Russian arms....Russia still has considerable amount of share in India's defence supplies...I guess Russia should understand and accept the changes wth time...You can not keep talking about the helped that you had extended in the past when we are talking about our present and future requirements...historically we focused only on Pakistan hence Russian supplies were enough but now that we are dealing with China which has access to Russian arms, we have no choice but to look around for the best tech which China cant procure even it is ready to pay for it.....
Russia is our friend and I wish we always remain good friends!

Only on paper.India is welcome to procure whatever it likes.But I doubt russians will share sensitive technologies in coming years now with India in coming times.

Or just watch out for western sanctions .
Only on paper.India is welcome to procure whatever it likes.But I doubt russians will share sensitive technologies in coming years now with India in coming times.

Or just watch out for western sanctions .

Well, we are the tech partners in FGFA and MTA...we have developed our on Nuke Sub...we have developed our own MBT, we have developed our own AC....we have now access to techs from NASA for space missions....we are co-developing products with Israel, Russia...we are getting tech for Rafale from France...we are getting tech for Scorpean Diesel Subs from France...we have developed our ICBM (range is debatable)...our SLBM is taking shape...so what else sensitive tech you want going forward?
Well, we are the tech partners in FGFA and MTA...we have developed our on Nuke Sub...we have developed our own MBT, we have developed our own AC....we have now access to techs from NASA for space missions....we are co-developing products with Israel, Russia...we are getting tech for Rafale from France...we are getting tech for Scorpean Diesel Subs from France...we have developed our ICBM (range is debatable)...our SLBM is taking shape...so what else sensitive tech you want going forward?

Nuke sub Ariahnt was developed with Russian technicians and their technical expertise and partly based on Akula sub design.
Only on paper.India is welcome to procure whatever it likes.But I doubt russians will share sensitive technologies in coming years now with India in coming times.

Or just watch out for western sanctions .
Money will talk mate, anyways what sanctions are you taking about?
Money will talk mate, anyways what sanctions are you taking about?

Like the ones in the 1990's when the nuclear test happened.

and the dollar is heading for the dust bin of history in next ten years.The next currencies are yuan and gold.
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