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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Professor John Mearsheimer on the culpability for the war.

Anyone saying contrary to the mainstream version is some kind of traitor or lunatic or some appeaser.
Over the last weekend I went to a big city and met a WASP friend-couple (White Anglo Saxon Protestants). The Ukraine-Russia war came up. I said had we not launched the illegal war against Iraq in 2003, we would have some credibility. The wife in the couple said: 'Oh, it was G.W. Bush he did that'. And I retorted: 'And how many Democrats in the Congress opposed that??' Crickets! The husband in the couple finally said: I had supported the invasion but I know it turned out to be a disaster.

But people like @Wood in a post above HAVE to condone any action of the Military Industrial Complex because, as he clearly said in that post, Canada is part of the American alliance. How is that moral?? As long as some poor chaps get blown up in some remote regions and people in remote region seeing their bottom line staying fine, it is fine??

Stop the damn group-think! The only group think should be a human-centric one.
Anyone saying contrary to the mainstream version is some kind of traitor or lunatic or some appeaser.
Over the last weekend I went to a big city and met a WASP friend-couple (White Anglo Saxon Protestants). The Ukraine-Russia war came up. I said had we not launched the illegal war against Iraq in 2003, we would have some credibility. The wife in the couple said: 'Oh, it was G.W. Bush he did that'. And I retorted: 'And how many Democrats in the Congress opposed that??' Crickets! The husband in the couple finally said: I had supported the invasion but I know it turned out to be a disaster.

But people like @Wood in a post above HAVE to condone any action of the Military Industrial Complex because, as he clearly said in that post, Canada is part of the American alliance. How is that moral?? As long as some poor chaps get blown up in some remote regions and people in remote region seeing their bottom line staying fine, it is fine??

Stop the damn group-think! The only group think should be a human-centric one.
The media establish a false narrative. In this case the narrative is that this is all the cause of a madman called Putin. Anybody who disagrees with this is regarded as a traitor, or assisting in mass murder.
Macron is strategizing on how to effectively and quickly surrender. This is Macron getting on the phone and calling Putin up:
Macron: " Hello, Mr. President, we we the French surrender!!"
Putin: "But Russia is not at war with France, what are you surrendering for?"
Macron: "Well... We want to ensure that you know that we have surrendered and you go not need to invade France!"
Putin: "like I said, we have no plans to attack France, you are not a bordering state that is joining NATO and compromising or nation interests! You can relax... Take a deep breath."
Macron: "So you are telling me that you are not coming here?"
Putin: "No we are not. Besides you are a NATO allied country, if Russia comes to France, the rest of the NATO nation will come to France!"
Macron: "NATO here? Can we then surrender to NATO?"
Putin slams phone: "Idiot!!"

Thats pure idiocy. France in its history fought extreme brutal wars with extreme bravery. Go visit Verdun.
. .
The media establish a false narrative. In this case the narrative is that this is all the cause of a madman called Putin. Anybody who disagrees with this is regarded as a traitor, or assisting in mass murder.

Putin started a hitleresque war against a weaker neighbor. There is not much speculation left. Even more so that Europe plain and simple cant allow this to happen.
Thats pure idiocy. France in its history fought extreme brutal wars with extreme bravery. Go visit Verdun.

Macron is strategizing on how to effectively and quickly surrender. This is Macron getting on the phone and calling Putin up:
Macron: " Hello, Mr. President, we we the French surrender!!"
Putin: "But Russia is not at war with France, what are you surrendering for?"
Macron: "Well... We want to ensure that you know that we have surrendered and you go not need to invade France!"
Putin: "like I said, we have no plans to attack France, you are not a bordering state that is joining NATO and compromising or nation interests! You can relax... Take a deep breath."
Macron: "So you are telling me that you are not coming here?"
Putin: "No we are not. Besides you are a NATO allied country, if Russia comes to France, the rest of the NATO nation will come to France!"
Macron: "NATO here? Can we then surrender to NATO?"
Putin slams phone: "Idiot!!"

Militaries surrender or retreat all the time. No point killing more people when the writing is on the wall. America, at the height of its power, had to retreat twice in the Korean War.
Problem with the French is that a large number of them actively collaborated with the Nazis after the occupation and that, despite really not contributing to toppling Hitler, the French still gained too much: A part of Berlin AND a UNSC seat. Talk about rewarding too much for too little!!
Moscow was warned not to invade Ukraine or face sever consequences

He ignored it. And now his corrupt mafia abroad who working for him have had there entire assets frozen to put pressure on Putin to back down

What ever Putin does it’s pointless he can not fly these planes in most parts of the world they will be seized. Guy is an idiot

And Moscow first warned NATO and US not to meddle in Ukraine which it continued to do so until 2008, leading to the 2014 coup and a minority reppression by the new UkaGovt in the minority regions.

So, technically.
It is the west that kept adding fuel to the fire and russia doing this is the consequence which everyone was aware of but i guess people in allied countries have short term memories and prefer to drink the wine sponsored by the media.
It's an open secret - one which the world chooses to ignore - countless academic and journalists papers have been written on the subject, I wrote a detailed post about this threat on page 604:

Say hello to the PetroYuan:

Saudi Arabia Considers Accepting Yuan Instead of Dollars for Chinese Oil Sales (WSJ).
This is inevitable due to USA strategic blunders in the MENA and western over use of financial weapons. The outcome to Ukraine conflict is known. NATO will have to yield Ukraine to Russia......just make it pay. Its the economic chess board that is most in play here. Western financial system can be used as a weapon.....many countries want a hedge against it. A Yuan system is the best option for this. If it is backed by oil and gas from GCC, OPEC and Russia, then it is hard to write off or dictate terms too.

Remember in CW1 USA had China and most of MENA on its side.....and it won. Is QUAD +UK+Israel a strong enough set of allies needed for CW2? Personally, I don't think so.

Thats pure idiocy. France in its history fought extreme brutal wars with extreme bravery. Go visit Verdun.
Macron did suggest a surrender earlier on in the negotiations pre war to exit NATO from the entire eastern flank which angered other nato members
And Moscow first warned NATO and US not to meddle in Ukraine which it continued to do so until 2008, leading to the 2014 coup and a minority reppression by the new UkaGovt in the minority regions.

So, technically.
It is the west that kept adding fuel to the fire and russia doing this is the consequence which everyone was aware of but i guess people in allied countries have short term memories and prefer to drink the wine sponsored by the media.

Fun fact, Russia is not Ukraine. And has as much to say about Ukraine as Tuvalu.

Anyways we now take russias ability away to opress its neighbors any longer
. .
This is inevitable due to USA strategic blunders in the MENA and western over use of financial weapons. The outcome to Ukraine conflict is known. NATO will have to yield Ukraine to Russia......just make it pay. Its the economic chess board that is most in play here. Western financial system can be used as a weapon.....many countries want a hedge against it. A Yuan system is the best option for this. If it is backed by oil and gas from GCC, OPEC and Russia, then it is hard to write off or dictate terms too.

Remember in CW1 USA had China and most of MENA on its side.....and it won. Is QUAD +UK+Israel a strong enough set of allies needed for CW2? Personally, I don't think so.

You forgot the EU which Germany alone is a complete economic behemoth.

Russia will be economic crushed.

Russian facist regime at work

But people like @Wood in a post above HAVE to condone any action of the Military Industrial Complex because, as he clearly said in that post, Canada is part of the American alliance. How is that moral?? As long as some poor chaps get blown up in some remote regions and people in remote region seeing their bottom line staying fine, it is fine??

Stop the damn group-think! The only group think should be a human-centric one.
I'm not sure where you've seen that I've given a big blank certificate to the Military Industrial Complex. I've never ever thought of the Iraq invasion as justified. Canada did not fight in the war, but even if it did - that is not something that I would condone. In fact, even the Afghan occupation is not something I support. This is despite the Canadian participation in the war.

You'll see that I have views that are contrary to mainstream Indian narrative all the time. Please don't mistake this to mean that I have lesser liking for India than the next Indian you'll come across in the street. My opinions are based on what I think is best for India and its people. Same is the case for Canada. There will be cases when what I think is best for Canadian and Indian interests do not align with what you would like to read. Please do not assume that to mean your views are morally superior because it is so :laugh:

ALL opinions that we hold stem from our personal biases, those who claim moral superiority over others have not understood this part of human nature. Politics is in effect a battle of competing interests after all. There is nothing in this world without it.

Morality itself is relative. A person from privileged family will say child labor is bad and brutal. But from the perspective of the poor family and children in labor, it is an existential necessity. If you think people on the internet are immoral because your views are not reflected by them, then that is your problem :undecided:

PS: I'd like to keep my views in this thread within the Russia vs Ukraine framework. So lets not drift away from that.
so all places that speak English in china belong to England?
1. You are off the topic. I was only addressing @Wood comment on the statistics.
2. The statistics is about the percentage of Ukrainians speaking Russian as their NATIVE language.

You really should read that wiki page so I don't have to educate you on the details.
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