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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

By looking at the videos of the battles in Ukraine it is evident that Ukrainians are much wealthier and more civilized than their Russian counterparts. You can tell by the way the houses look and the how the neighborhood are organized. Many Russian single family homes are really poor and their suburbs are bad with really bad roads, in Ukraine it is the opposite.

Russia is 1 billion times larger than Ukraine. Much richer than Ukraine too whether it be natural and mineral wealth or actual wealth of its citizens. Ukraine is the poorest nation in Europe for a reason and poorer than many African nations even. Not only that, almost all the industrial areas of Ukraine were built by Russia (Imperial Russia) or USSR. Western Ukraine was built by Poland and the Polish and later Austria-Hungary.

Real Ukrainian culture are the civilized nomadic Cossacks who were famous for their barbarism and betrayals of Poland-Lithuania, Russia, Tatars and Ottomans.

Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Sochi etc. are like a total different continent even compared to Kiev. No comparison.

Let us see what modern-day Ukrainians have been famous for since WW1. Committing ethnic genocide against Polish civilians, the brutality of which triumphed Nazi and USSR crimes (words of Polish survivors, not mine, do some research on your own), largest percentage of Nazi collaborators during WW2 in Eastern and Central Europe, widely known for being some of the most brutal Nazi concentration camps guards (camps like Auschwitz etc. were filled with Ukrainian volunteers), horrors of Holodomor where they were eating each other alive, small children etc., some of the highest murder rates in Europe/world, insane crime rates and corruption, Chernobyl, prostitution, selling out your women to 60-70 year old Western perverts from the UK and elsewhere, anti-Muslim xenophobia (everything can recall how they treated non-European students during the beginning of the war and how some were even forced to die for Ukraine) etc.

Now this war and mass-trauma will create an even more messed up Ukranian society as well as the extreme nationalism, xenophobes, inferiority complexes, Bandera/UPA worship etc. A mess waiting to explode further.

Again, you are basically repeating the russian propaganda narrative. So be it. Most people do it simply because they dislike the West. Judging from your post, my guess is your reason is exactly that.
Nothing prevents Greenland from leaving Denmark. Now knowing your rant about Greenland is wrong, what does that tell us about the rest of your post?

Facts are not Russian propaganda. Was the mother tongue of the wast majority of the Ukrainian population banned or not banned? It was. Rest of my post, you could not answer.

Yes, I am sure that the Inuits, when they were colonized and taken advantage of by the Danes, had much say in what they wanted, lol.

Is that so? Only a theoretical chance of a possible independence, too much wealth and too many geopolitical interests for Denmark to allow such a thing to occur anytime soon. So much for democracy as I wrote.

Or what about the illegal invasion of Iraq that Denmark took part in?

The usual selective Western hypocrisy.

Similarly to how Donbas was being shelled (civilians) for 8 straight years, before Russia invaded last year, yet barely a coverage of that in the Western media.

Then you wonder why nobody outside of the West and their tiny puppets, are openly condemning Russia, China or whatever "new enemy" the West (sorry the US - their real actual master) deems to be the next enemy? Not even usually pro-US Muslim nations or states agree because they all can see the blatantly obvious Western hypocrisy, double standards etc. at play. Nobody buys it any longer.
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Russia is 1 billion times larger than Ukraine. Much richer than Ukraine too whether it be natural and mineral wealth or actual wealth of its citizens. Ukraine is the poorest nation in Europe for a reason and poorer than many African nations even. Not only that, almost all the industrial areas of Ukraine were built by Russia (Imperial Russia) or USSR. Western Ukraine was built by Poland and the Polish and later Austria-Hungary.

Real Ukrainian culture are the civilized nomadic Cossacks who were famous for their barbarism.

Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Sochi etc. are like a total different continent even compared to Kiev. No comparison.

Facts are not Russian propaganda. Was the mother tongue of the wast majority of the Ukrainian population banned or not banned? It was. Rest of my post, you could not answer.

Yes, I am sure that the Inuits, when they were colonized and taken advantage of by the Danes, had much say in what they wanted, lol.

Is that so? Only a theoretical chance of a possible independence, too much wealth and too many geopolitical interests for Denmark to allow such a thing to occur anytime soon. So much for democracy as I wrote.

Or what about the illegal invasion of Iraq that Denmark took part in?

The usual selective Western hypocrisy.

Similarly to how Donbas was being shelled (civilians) for 8 straight years, before Russia invaded last year, yet barely a coverage of that in the Western media.
Again, russian was not banned and 2/3 of the population has ukrainian as their mother tongue, so you are repeating russian propaganda.
Greenland recieves an average block grant of $10.000 per inhabitant per year from the danish state. So forget about this fairytail of yours of Denmark exploiting Greenland.
All it takes is the population of Greenland to declare independence in order to leave the Kingdom if Denmark. So dont blame me.
Again, russian was not banned and 2/3 of the population has ukrainian as their mother tongue, so you are repeating russian propaganda.
Greenland recieves an average block grant of $10.000 per inhabitant per year from the danish state. So forget about this fairytail of yours of Denmark exploiting Greenland.
All it takes is the population of Greenland to declare independence in order to leave the Kingdom if Denmark. So dont blame me.

Russian lost its status as an official language despite it being the mother tongue of most Ukrainians. Historical Russian names of towns founded and built by Russians have been changed to fake/newly invented Ukrainian names. Rewriting of actual history taking place. Open worship of war criminals such as Bandera and criminal and fascist Nazi collaborator parties such as UPA. Their red and black flags are flying all over the 31 year old entity of Ukraine.

Yes, no exploitation, no colonization, no exploration of resources etc. I am sure that Denmark is keeping Greenland as part of the Kingdom of Denmark just for fun, not because it is a good business and the Arctic being an important geopolitical and ressource area of the world, lol. You probably also believe that Denmark is the happiest country in the world yet at the same time one of the biggest users of antidepressants.

A poll in 2016 showed that there was a clear majority (64%) for full independence among the Greenlandic people.[22]

Anyway, forget Denmark and Greenland, my main point about "selective outrage", Western double standards, (invading a sovereign country 10.000 km away such as Iraq, based on made-up lies, is legal and everything is fine with that, but God forbid that an imperial power and superpower like Russia intervenes in Ukraine with millions of ethnic Russians etc.), in return 24/7 one-sided propaganda of bad evil Russia and innocent, poor saintly Ukraine.

I repeat, where was the Western media when Donbas was being shelled by Ukraine for 8 + years (2014-2022) and which resulted in 1000's of civilian casualties by the hands of the Ukrainian army?

Looks like the end of the Ukrainian army in Bakhmut is approaching. At last.

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You are talking about Russia when I am talking about the millions of ethnic Russians WITHIN Ukraine and their sentiments prior to 2014 and post 2014 (Crimean annexation and post Euromaidan which began in 2013).

All I am saying is that I find it very hard to believe that majority-Russian areas such as Crimea and Donbas will ever return to Kiev. Only by force will that happen. Has Ukraine not banned the public use of Russian language, banned all pro-Russian parties and practically done everything to alienate pro-Russian Ukrainian citizens? They were doing all that long before Russia's invasion of Ukraine last year. There was great unrest post-Euromaidan between pro-Russia Ukrainians (mostly ethnic Russians) and Ukrainians who were anti-Russia. This occurred before the Crimean annexation. I posted a link to the riots in Odessa where pro-Russian Ukrainian citizens were burned alive in the local trade union house with the local police encouraging this behavior and looking passively.

Those narratives and stories were never told in the Western media. Or the 8 + years of shelling in Donbas from 2014 until the Russian invasion last year.

All this is without even mentioning political theories and how world powers/regional powers are and have been acting in their immediate neighborhood.

No need to explain how the US has acted within their neighborhood in cases of countries (freely or not freely) electing regimes/politicians who are not pro-USA. Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, invasion of Grenada etc. So no wonder that most of the non-Western world don't buy the Western/US narrative of evil bad Russia and saintl

many of them being celebrated to this day out in the open with tactic Ukrainian governmental support, Azov Battalion, Ukraine being one of the most corrupt nations, similarly ruled/dominated by oligarchs like Russia (read up on who helped elect Zelenskij) etc.

Where was the talk of legality when this

contain historically Polish, Hungarian and Russian lands.
It’s a fair point and it sucks. But thats what imperial powers do: they interfere and expand (or try to) and leave a trail of destruction when they fail. This is how Islam spreads all the way to SPain.

Btw, you should also put an equivalent list of where Russians have interfered since WWII and continue to do so, and one for Iran. List will be smaller because they have fewer resources, but they all follow the same pattern

Russia says military drone attempted to strike gas facility near Moscow​

Ukranian Drone flies 500km inside Russia undetected - so much for the fabled 400km range of the S400 !!!!
This is what the Turks gave up the F35 for and their industrial share? I hope India buys more
It’s a fair point and it sucks. But thats what imperial powers do: they interfere and expand (or try to) and leave a trail of destruction when they fail. This is how Islam spreads all the way to SPain.

Btw, you should also put an equivalent list of where Russians have interfered since WWII and continue to do so, and one for Iran. List will be smaller because they have fewer resources, but they all follow the same pattern

My main point, hence my open criticism of Russia in this thread as well. I just can't take the selective and fake outrage of what is going on in Ukraine and fake pro-Ukraine sentiments (it is more about weakening Russia, NATO STRONK and USA STRONK, WE MUST KEEP OUR HEGEOMONY INTACT) rather than empty slogans of democracy and what not. Most of the people in this thread have no clue about Ukraine, Ukrainian history, the negative sides of Ukrainian history, widespread toxic nationalism in both countries, racism, war crimes in Donbas prior to Russias invasion (hardly ever talked about in the Western media because it did not suit those in power) etc..

Arabs, USA (new modern imperial power), UK, Russia, Chinese, Iranians (Persia), Spaniards, French, Italians, Greeks, Mongols, Turks, etc. are all historical imperial powers and all have skeletons. The point is that only the West is hiding behind democracy and empty slogans when the end goal is the same, control, maintaining dominance, political, economic, military etc. Like it was throughout all of human history.
The US does not give a flying **** about Ukraine or the average Ukrainian, if they did, they would not have created Euromaiden but imposed their influence in a different way and allowed European neighbors such as Poland and the EU to take the lead in order to transform Ukraine for the better. That and not invading and meddling in 100's of countries since their existence.

Ukraine in an ideal world, should serve as a neutral buffer state between EU/West and Russia and Ukraine should take advantage of both blocs for their own benefit. This would require clever and pragmatic Ukrainian leadership, not a bunch of ultranationalists and corrupt oligarchs toying blindly the US line. It would require Russia not to be ruled by a equally corrupt oligarchy and a claustrophobic Putin who is alienating neighbors and peoples (Ukrainians) that share almost everything with Russians and vice versa.

In many ways it is a senseless conflict but this is what happens when local conflicts become global conflicts influenced by global powers (USA and others) who have totally different goals than what is in the best interests of Ukraine and Ukrainians.

What is the most funny thing about all this is, that the same West (countries like Germany, France etc.) are one of the main reasons why Russia attacked Ukraine in the first place. They never wanted Ukraine to become integrated with Europe or become a EU or NATO member, it was only mainly Poland, the Baltics etc. that were warning Europe from Putin's actions and called for the integration of Ukraine. Now their master (USA) said jump, and they are all jumping and suddenly big huge Ukrainian allies and patriots.:lol:

Politics is beyond a joke and yet so many people are blind sheep.
I find the nato cheerleader logic hilarious… this includes “think tanks” and fake generals..

ex: omgz f-16 better then su.. that means they slaughter russian airforce.. as if its a fucking video game where they all neatly 1 v 1 each other…

Those f16s would have a life expectancy of 10
Mins if they got anywhere near Russian air defenses…..

Example 2: omgzzz leopard so stronk.. t72 turret won flipping championship.. ukie can win with leo 1s!!! Omgzz west stronkkkk

Reality: russian atgms + air superiority + mediocre at best crews+ low numbers will mean they will be a drop in the ocean and fet slaughtered all the same

Now continue along fapping to nato propaganda and posting gore fetish pics of Russian soldiers that have fallen in battle wearing their countries uniforms. (Same people would have rectum explosions if one cheered nato invaders getting killed on one of their many invasions)
These same F-16s have been going all over Syria at will over the last twenty years who has Russian supplied air defences, with not one shot down. So I think the nato cheerleaders may have some reason behind it.

My main point, hence my open criticism of Russia in this thread as well. I just can't take the selective and fake outrage of what is going on in Ukraine and fake pro-Ukraine sentiments (it is more about weakening Russia, NATO STRONK and USA STRONK, WE MUST KEEP OUR HEGEOMONY INTACT) rather than empty slogans of democracy and what not. Most of the people in this thread have no clue about Ukraine, Ukrainian history, the negative sides of Ukrainian history, widespread toxic nationalism in both countries, racism, war crimes in Donbas prior to Russias invasion (hardly ever talked about in the Western media because it did not suit those in power) etc..

Arabs, USA (new modern imperial power), UK, Russia, Chinese, Iranians (Persia), Spaniards, French, Italians, Greeks, Mongols, Turks, etc. are all historical imperial powers and all have skeletons. The point is that only the West is hiding behind democracy and empty slogans when the end goal is the same, control, maintaining dominance, political, economic, military etc. Like it was throughout all of human history.
The US does not give a flying **** about Ukraine or the average Ukrainian, if they did, they would not have created Euromaiden but imposed their influence in a different way and allowed European neighbors such as Poland and the EU to take the lead in order to transform Ukraine for the better. That and not invading and meddling in 100's of countries since their existence.

Ukraine in an ideal world, should serve as a neutral buffer state between EU/West and Russia and Ukraine should take advantage of both blocs for their own benefit. This would require clever and pragmatic Ukrainian leadership, not a bunch of ultranationalists and corrupt oligarchs toying blindly the US line. It would require Russia not to be ruled by a equally corrupt oligarchy and a claustrophobic Putin who is alienating neighbors and peoples (Ukrainians) that share almost everything with Russians and vice versa.

In many ways it is a senseless conflict but this is what happens when local conflicts become global conflicts influenced by global powers (USA and others) who have totally different goals than what is in the best interests of Ukraine and Ukrainians.
This point i will agree with you in terms of masking true intentions under moral justification. The same countries are glad to see Israel and Indian step over their own helpless population and looked silently by as Yemen got bombarded for 5 years. I want food prices to come down and oil prices to come down for third world countries and want this to end and I want NATO to win. But I am not coming at it from a morality standpoint Of freedom/democracy. Those were the same justifications used to go into Iraq to give IRaqis freedom
how did over 50 nations from ISAF+ NATO + US get on in Afghanistan after 20 years?

Russia is fighting 50 nations together + Ukraine a very very large nation with huge population compared to Iraq and Afghanistan

Do you blindly follow propaganda or do you at least exercise some of your own neurons. Ukraine is a smaller population than both Afghanistan and Iraq. Iraq and Afghanistan are not smaller population size.

At peak 130K soldiers were committed which is less than 5% of the combined NATO/ISAF vs. Russia has committed ATLEAST 50%.

And for the last decade Afghanistan remain occupied with less than 20,000 soldiers, was closer to 5000 in the last 3 years.

They should never have gone into Afghanistan. But your logic and points have holes with them
My main point, hence my open criticism of Russia in this thread as well. I just can't take the selective and fake outrage of what is going on in Ukraine and fake pro-Ukraine sentiments (it is more about weakening Russia, NATO STRONK and USA STRONK, WE MUST KEEP OUR HEGEOMONY INTACT) rather than empty slogans of democracy and what not. Most of the people in this thread have no clue about Ukraine, Ukrainian history, the negative sides of Ukrainian history, widespread toxic nationalism in both countries, racism, war crimes in Donbas prior to Russias invasion (hardly ever talked about in the Western media because it did not suit those in power) etc..

Arabs, USA (new modern imperial power), UK, Russia, Chinese, Iranians (Persia), Spaniards, French, Italians, Greeks, Mongols, Turks, etc. are all historical imperial powers and all have skeletons. The point is that only the West is hiding behind democracy and empty slogans when the end goal is the same, control, maintaining dominance, political, economic, military etc. Like it was throughout all of human history.
The US does not give a flying **** about Ukraine or the average Ukrainian, if they did, they would not have created Euromaiden but imposed their influence in a different way and allowed European neighbors such as Poland and the EU to take the lead in order to transform Ukraine for the better. That and not invading and meddling in 100's of countries since their existence.

Ukraine in an ideal world, should serve as a neutral buffer state between EU/West and Russia and Ukraine should take advantage of both blocs for their own benefit. This would require clever and pragmatic Ukrainian leadership, not a bunch of ultranationalists and corrupt oligarchs toying blindly the US line. It would require Russia not to be ruled by a equally corrupt oligarchy and a claustrophobic Putin who is alienating neighbors and peoples (Ukrainians) that share almost everything with Russians and vice versa.

In many ways it is a senseless conflict but this is what happens when local conflicts become global conflicts influenced by global powers (USA and others) who have totally different goals than what is in the best interests of Ukraine and Ukrainians.

What is the most funny thing about all this is, that the same West (countries like Germany, France etc.) are one of the main reasons why Russia attacked Ukraine in the first place. They never wanted Ukraine to become integrated with Europe or become a EU or NATO member, it was only mainly Poland, the Baltics etc. that were warning Europe from Putin's actions and called for the integration of Ukraine. Now their master (USA) said jump, and they are all jumping and suddenly big huge Ukrainian allies and patriots.:lol:

Politics is beyond a joke and yet so many people are blind sheep.

Well stated on many points.
Russian lost its status as an official language despite it being the mother tongue of most Ukrainians. Historical Russian names of towns founded and built by Russians have been changed to fake/newly invented Ukrainian names. Rewriting of actual history taking place. Open worship of war criminals such as Bandera and criminal and fascist Nazi collaborator parties such as UPA. Their red and black flags are flying all over the 31 year old entity of Ukraine.

Yes, no exploitation, no colonization, no exploration of resources etc. I am sure that Denmark is keeping Greenland as part of the Kingdom of Denmark just for fun, not because it is a good business and the Arctic being an important geopolitical and ressource area of the world, lol. You probably also believe that Denmark is the happiest country in the world yet at the same time one of the biggest users of antidepressants.

A poll in 2016 showed that there was a clear majority (64%) for full independence among the Greenlandic people.[22]

Anyway, forget Denmark and Greenland, my main point about "selective outrage", Western double standards, (invading a sovereign country 10.000 km away such as Iraq, based on made-up lies, is legal and everything is fine with that, but God forbid that an imperial power and superpower like Russia intervenes in Ukraine with millions of ethnic Russians etc.), in return 24/7 one-sided propaganda of bad evil Russia and innocent, poor saintly Ukraine.

I repeat, where was the Western media when Donbas was being shelled by Ukraine for 8 + years (2014-2022) and which resulted in 1000's of civilian casualties by the hands of the Ukrainian army?

Looks like the end of the Ukrainian army in Bakhmut is approaching. At last.

Like I said, you have chosen to side with the russian narrative simply because you dislike the West. I could probably ask you the same question: where were you when all these alleged atrocities against the Donbas population were taking place?
The western media wasnt around because Russia didnt allow them access. But no true conspiracy theorist cares about that. Western media didnt parrot russian propaganda stories spread on social media, so they most be hidding the truth, right?
. .
This point i will agree with you in terms of masking true intentions under moral justification. The same countries are glad to see Israel and Indian step over their own helpless population and looked silently by as Yemen got bombarded for 5 years. I want food prices to come down and oil prices to come down for third world countries and want this to end and I want NATO to win. But I am not coming at it from a morality standpoint Of freedom/democracy. Those were the same justifications used to go into Iraq to give IRaqis freedom

Yemen has never been bombarded for 5 years. How many times shall it be written that 90% of the damage in Yemen is done by Yemeni parties? It is a civil war for a reason. KSA's intervention in Yemen has been limited to aerial bombardments of Houthis of which vast, vast majority have hit Houthis and not civilians. The few civilian bombardments, like in any war with an insurgency that hides among civilians and in cities, have been widely published and studied. The West hardly play any role in that conflict, not comparable to Israel at all.

NATO to win what exactly? Regardless who "wins", none of it will directly impact Pakistan. The damage to the global economy is already done. A new "Iron Curtain" emerging as well. All this is due to the US hegemony declining and what happens when a power is losing power and is slowly disintegrating internally and externally? Wars/chaos.

The next possible chapter is Taiwan.

I am neutral, because being otherwise would be plain hypocrisy. My main problem with the West/NATO here is not them helping Ukraine (legitimate move), it is the fake/insulting propaganda of talk about democracy, rule of law, etc. and hiding behind beautiful slogans when the end goal is the same as usual, namely keeping your hegemony intact, political, economic and military power, hurting your adversaries etc. That and the completely one-sided reporting since the Euromaidan began in 2013.

I mean here in this very thread I was discussing with supposed educated people about whether or not, a large portion of ethnic Russians within Ukraine were pro-Russia or not. Stating the obvious (Crimea and Donbas) is apparently some kind of Russian conspiracy. Everything that does not suit their fairytale is Russian propaganda.

I wonder what kind of ridiculous lies they will invent when they start to talk about Taiwan? That Taiwanese are not Chinese but some kind of American offspring?

Like I said, you have chosen to side with the russian narrative simply because you dislike the West. I could probably ask you the same question: where were you when all these alleged atrocities against the Donbas population were taking place?
The western media wasnt around because Russia didnt allow them access. But no true conspiracy theorist cares about that. Western media didnt parrot russian propaganda stories spread on social media, so they most be hidding the truth, right?

Dislike the West? According to whom? You, some anonymous PDF user. Disliking mainly US foreign policy and the blatant hypocrisy that most educated Westernes also see for what it really is (even though it is not politically correct to admit it in public), does not equal "disliking the West". Unless the West makes up the tiny political elites of mainly the US, because if we are to be honest, the US is the only truly independent country in the West, most others are satellite states of the US indirectly, at least as far as it comes to an independent foreign policy. Excluding maybe UK, France and a few others.

Denmark for instance is just that. Usually blindly toying the American line and looking for protection from the US. Ever since WW2.

The only reason why more Danish soldiers per capita outside of the US, had to die in Afghanistan and Iraq, was solely due to little Denmark wanting to gain favors from the big powerful USA. Basically political extortion.

The whole point of paying 2% of your GDP to NATO is also part of that. The entire world already knows that in an all-out war against the likes of Russia or China, only the US can come to the aid of NATO. Rest have no chances due to their small size. France and the UK are the only ones with nuclear weapons. It is basically the US telling those NATO members to pay up or we won't guarantee that we will come to your aid or protection.

Everyone can see what blatant and public disrespect the US treats a NATO member state like Turkey with. The supposedly second largest land army in NATO after the US, lol.

What are you talking about? Western media such as VICE, one of the few critical medias back in the day, had access to Donbas and made critical reports about just that, Ukrainian war crimes in Donbas since 2014. I am talking about mainstream US media and other Western media. Hardly a word. Yet they all knew what was occurring.

You keep hiding about Russian propaganda, indeed there is a lot of that, but you are completely ignoring the Ukrainian propaganda which is just as bad or at least massive on scale as well. You are clearly anti-Russian because that is what your mainstream media has told you to be. You are incapable of looking at this conflict from both sides. Unlike what I am doing. Anyone that does not toy the 100% official US line (mainly) is some kind of Russian bot, Russian propaganda etc. as if I give a flying **** about Putin and his oligarchy or if I had any horses in this war or some kind of connection to Donbas, Crimea etc.

I am a neutral observer with no ties to either Ukraine or Russia but who says it how I see this conflict in the wider picture.
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On the other hand, Iraq and Afghanistan both have similar population than Ukraine, Ukraine pre-war population is 45.7 millions, Iraq population is 40.4 millions in 2022 and Afghanistan is 38.3 millions in 2022, the population is similar because 8 million Ukrainian left Ukraine........And then don't forget NATO is fighting Iraq AND Afghanistan AT THE SAME TIME.........

And also those countries had support from Iran and Pakistan. so NATO was essentially fighting a block of about 300 million people.all sharing one long border. It just wasnt publicised.

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