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Russia threatens to bomb Qatar and Saudi Arabia

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Oct 28, 2012
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Saudi Arabia
United States
Recently Russian news websites are reporting these things:

Russia threatens to bomb Qatar and Saudi Arabia

A senior source in the Russian Air Force told to Moscow website Telegrafist that Russia had plans to bomb Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

He claims that the combat mission can be done by a unit of Su-27s, as well as by modern bombers Su-34s with extra fuel tanks, accompanied by the Su-27s.

"Today, the situation is such that even in case if the Su-34s do not have enough fuel to get out of Iran's airspace on return flight, they will be able to land right there", he said - "a combat radius of the Su-27s allows fly to the capital of Qatar and Saudi Arabia and return, the Su-34s do not have such radius".

On the question when and why these plans developed, the Russian Air Force officer replied:
"Saudi Arabia is a key US ally in the region, not Israel, as many suggest, namely the regime of King Abdullah who is willing to get involved where you want to please his masters, so of course the Soviet Union (They mean Russia) was preparing plans for the destruction of this regime because without it - Saudi Arabia will no longer be an integral state and Washington will get hordes of barbarians who destroy their bases by using the same US military hardware".

The Russians also claimed they needed no more than 24 hours for the entire operation to destroy the ruling circles of the two monarchies from the air.

For unfamiliar users: It is related to the recent changes of the Syrian issue. KSA is now in charge of Syria.

У Ð*оссии есть планы по бомбардировке Катара и Саудовской Аравии | Телеграфистъ

Russia threatens to bomb Qatar and Saudi Arabia - Kavkazcenter.com
I just have to say, I can't wait to see if this is true or not.

To Russian members here, lets not forget who funds the extremists in Chechnya and Dagestan that also kill moderate muslim clerics.

cut off the head of the snake, if you know what I mean!

It would be a regional war afterward! There will be a response. :)

Of course there will be a response from US . but not from ANY arab country.;)

and if Russia is smart about it, the Qataris and Saudis might not even know who did what....

and lets be serious can the US afford another war in the Middle East?

If Iran, Russia, and China make an alliance, lets just say , they can do ALOT.
Israel may join defense pact with Saudi Arabia, UAE | The Times of Israel

May 5, 2013

According to the report, Israel would gain access to radar stations in Saudi Arabia and the UAE and in exchange share its own early warning radar information and anti-ballistic missile defense systems, though it’s not clear in what form. The report details that Jordan would be protected by Israel’s Arrow long-range anti-missile batteries.

Not sure if the article is pointing at the current political situation or during the Soviet Union...the context appears to be confusing due to mention of Soviet Union!

Good catch!
I missed that part.
Not sure if the article is pointing at the current political situation or during the Soviet Union...the context appears to be confusing due to mention of Soviet Union!

current political situation, since they are mentioning iran as a place where those russian planes can land after such attack. if they would talk about during the soviet union, that would have been impossible, since iran was america's ally back then.
what are vodka prices in Russia now a days ?????:lol:

cute joke but many countries have contingency plans for striking other countries, the ones that don't are naive.

Trust me right now Russia has no guts to do that...and they won't do

Whenever someone starts off with 'trust me' it is usually best not to trust them.
Recently Russian news websites are reporting these things:

Russia threatens to bomb Qatar and Saudi Arabia

A senior source in the Russian Air Force told to Moscow website Telegrafist that Russia had plans to bomb Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

He claims that the combat mission can be done by a unit of Su-27s, as well as by modern bombers Su-34s with extra fuel tanks, accompanied by the Su-27s.

"Today, the situation is such that even in case if the Su-34s do not have enough fuel to get out of Iran's airspace on return flight, they will be able to land right there", he said - "a combat radius of the Su-27s allows fly to the capital of Qatar and Saudi Arabia and return, the Su-34s do not have such radius".

On the question when and why these plans developed, the Russian Air Force officer replied:
"Saudi Arabia is a key US ally in the region, not Israel, as many suggest, namely the regime of King Abdullah who is willing to get involved where you want to please his masters, so of course the Soviet Union (They mean Russia) was preparing plans for the destruction of this regime because without it - Saudi Arabia will no longer be an integral state and Washington will get hordes of barbarians who destroy their bases by using the same US military hardware".

The Russians also claimed they needed no more than 24 hours for the entire operation to destroy the ruling circles of the two monarchies from the air.

For unfamiliar users: It is related to the recent changes of the Syrian issue. KSA is now in charge of Syria.

У Ð*оссии есть планы по бомбардировке Катара и Саудовской Аравии | Телеграфистъ

Russia threatens to bomb Qatar and Saudi Arabia - Kavkazcenter.com

Russia hasn't threatened to bomb anyone and Kavkazcenter is an anti Russian web page that is directly linked to and supports terrorism.
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