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Russia makes formal S-400 offer to India

Each regiment will have 4 systems/battery..
One battery can protect an area of 500 km+ frontage... That means ..
NE..1 regt
J&K and upper half punjab..1 regt
Rajasthan and Gujarat and upper half Punjab.. 2 regt..
Fifth regt will have 4 system ..all for four metroes..

India already have 2-3 S300 systems... Which can then be shifted to other imp structure..

We may need 3 more regiments
1 for Eastern UP/Sikkim
1 for A&N and laksdweep
1 regt as stand by....

In total 8 regt of S400 will give India a very good AAD system...
Adding to it will be
Barak8ER in vulnerable sectors or high risk sectors..
Barak 8 for imp tier 2 cities with air bases
Akash/SPYDEr as MR Sam for critical establishment/airbases/storgae areaa defence
. .
What happened to the aad and pad that was going to protect Delhi
Looks like it's delayed hence the s400
Each regiment will have 4 systems/battery..
One battery can protect an area of 500 km+ frontage... That means ..
NE..1 regt
J&K and upper half punjab..1 regt
Rajasthan and Gujarat and upper half Punjab.. 2 regt..
Fifth regt will have 4 system ..all for four metroes..

India already have 2-3 S300 systems... Which can then be shifted to other imp structure..

We may need 3 more regiments
1 for Eastern UP/Sikkim
1 for A&N and laksdweep
1 regt as stand by....

In total 8 regt of S400 will give India a very good AAD system...
Adding to it will be
Barak8ER in vulnerable sectors or high risk sectors..
Barak 8 for imp tier 2 cities with air bases
Akash/SPYDEr as MR Sam for critical establishment/airbases/storgae areaa defence

Each full scale regiment has 4 battalions, each battalion has 4 fire units of 4 launchers each or 64 launchers per regiment. S-400 will not be used for defending cities, that job is good the home made PAD & AAD. S-400 will be used to defeat threats way before they get close enough in to our territory. We can expect atleast around 11 regiments inducted over the next 10 years
Kamov 226s are happening because Reliance is involved. Same is the case with the frigates deal where Pipavav (Reliance) is involved.

On the other hand s-400s and FGFA do not have any private players.

Have you just landed on earth or you was sleeping in last 2 years?

An agreement was signed in December 2015 for the creation of a joint-venture between Rostec, Russian Helicopters and Hindustan Aeronautics to build the helicopters at a new factory to be built at Tumakuru in India.
& work on that factory has already began few months back.
Have you just landed on earth or you was sleeping in last 2 years?

An agreement was signed in December 2015 for the creation of a joint-venture between Rostec, Russian Helicopters and Hindustan Aeronautics to build the helicopters at a new factory to be built at Tumakuru in India.
& work on that factory has already began few months back.

Are you saying Reliance is not involved in this project?

BTW I hail from Tumakuru.:D
Are you saying Reliance is not involved in this project?

BTW I hail from Tumakuru.:D
Yes, AIK Reliance is not involved in project, as Russian companies are mostly like PSU they mostly choose to go with PSU than private companies, it doesn't matter if you are from Tumakuru or not, for me what matters is information given by you is correct or not because it seems you are against BJP govt(that doesn't matter for me like INC just to oppose without any matter). As of today I think Reliance is not involved in Ka226T manufacturing.
Some people still saying that Ka-226 may not be attractive to India as HAL LUH is coming but still govt gave order.
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