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Russia is now the biggest European Economy in the World ranking 5th

So Russia regaining it's past glory!! Congrata Russia!! Hope you become a Super Power again soon, along with US. Russia is the only country who can compete US in the current World!
Well your countries boundaries as known today were drawn up in 1947. Hardly 5000 years.
Besides, it is my understanding that India has been under control of one authority for very little time.
Europe is hardly dead, the EU is the largest economy in the world. It still churns out many innovations in arts, science etc etc.
Standard of living is high...Hell if this is us when we are dead, then I'd love to see us alive.

Is it a law that only European political concepts are the valid ones. How old is the concept of the nation state? A couple of hundred years at the most. India and China have always been civilizational nations and there is no need for us to try to squeeze into your artificial slots.
His saving grace was that he was on the 'good' side in WW2. No one is afraid of him...
Perhaps I worded that a bit strongly. However he did commit some monstrosities.
Yes well Kim jong il is considered a father, doesn't mean he was good.

On the good side? He was the only man on the good side. Yours WW2 is nothing comparising with our Great Patriotic War. But I truely respect the British sailors of "Northern Convoy" - they were brave warriors.
Just because Europe has evolved beyond the "enslave others,wage war" mentality that many still have in this world makes it appear like they're weaklings in some clowns eyes.

It has not really evolved. It has spent itself to incapacity. There is an Indian saying that a woman of 80 years is the most vocal about her chastity.
It has not really evolved. It has spent itself to incapacity. There is an Indian saying that a woman of 80 years is the most vocal about her chastity.

We are the most advanced society on this planet,educate yourself fool,you're buying US/european hardware in a desperate atempt to ward off the chinese.
If they put their economy in "war mode" western countries would steam roll India in a blink of an eye.
Is it a law that only European political concepts are the valid ones. How old is the concept of the nation state? A couple of hundred years at the most. India and China have always been civilizational nations and there is no need for us to try to squeeze into your artificial slots.
Okay...well the western civilization had its roots with the greeks thousands of years ago as well...What is your point?

On the good side? He was the only man on the good side. Yours WW2 is nothing comparising with our Great Patriotic War. But I truely respect the British sailors of "Northern Convoy" - they were brave warriors.

Your sacrifice was great, unprecedented in fact. But others played their part.
I still wouldn't call you a 'gentle' nation though.
Oh! getting personal, are we? Tell me, have you started learning Quran yet? And learning Arabic? You better hurry ...there may be openings for the early birds. And it is generally our third raters, the IT crowd, who goes to your place. If you find them bright, it tells a lot about your own intellectual caliber.

lol, indeed 3rd raters, there's a lot of expatriate Indians on this forum who will probably have a problem or two with what you've just said. Also it explains the glorious state of India managed by 1st and 2nd rate. :lol:
We are the most advanced society on this planet,educate yourself fool,you're buying US/european hardware in a desperate atempt to ward off the chinese.
If they put their economy in "war mode" western countries would steam roll India in a blink of an eye.

Ha! Ha! delusional.. Your soldiers cant even fight. Look at the thrashing they get in Afghanistan.

lol, indeed 3rd raters, there's a lot of expatriate Indians on this forum who will probably have a problem or two with what you've just said. Also it explains the glorious state of India managed by 1st and 2nd rate. :lol:

Very nice! The robbers asking the victim how come you are broke.
Just because Europe has evolved beyond the "enslave others,wage war" mentality that many still have in this world makes it appear like they're weaklings in some clowns eyes.
Indeed. We have finally learnt from history, no one really wins in war.
People take it as a sign of weakness. 'Euro pussies' they call us, maybe they should have a look back at history.
Ha! Ha! delusional.. Your soldiers cant even fight. Look at the thrashing they get in Afghanistan.

You are going too far mate. Without a real understanding of Europe or Russia.
Okay...well the western civilization had its roots with the greeks thousands of years ago as well...What is your point?

How come you guys always claim Greece? Nothing of your own? You were just a small fisherman's island hundreds of miles from Greece. Greece was in fact linked to Asia rather than to the barbaric darkness to the west. So, what is your connection?
Your sacrifice was great, unprecedented in fact. But others played their part.
I still wouldn't call you a 'gentle' nation though.

You wouldn't. But people of liberated Asian and African nations would.
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