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Russia is now the biggest European Economy in the World ranking 5th

Russia's Youth Population
Reports like this why i said it.And more news that russian army finding difficulty recruiting enough young men .Thats why,surely u guys over there will know better than from india.No question about that.

I would give you third option. It's 5'o clock, and 90% of my brain has stopped functioning. Chill dude, I didn't get the context of your post before replying. I was thinking about his post from a different angle, that why Indians despite having such good relations do not emigrate to Russia. Didnt thought about Slavic issues.

Sorry then :cry: Was early morning for me and i'm grumpy at that time.

Gerard Depardieu - the first man in future immigration wave.

Running from French taxation not some love for your Russian bastion of Christianity and iirc he is a citizen of 8 countries already out of protest.
Running from French taxation not some love for your Russian bastion of Christianity and iirc he is a citizen of 8 countries already out of protest.

For now he is sitizen of France and Russia.
Geography does decide history. Russia is a great nation and will always be. And unlike the other pygmy hyenas of Europe (UK, France mainly), Russia has always been a gentle giant.
Geography does decide history. Russia is a great nation and will always be. And unlike the other pygmy hyenas of Europe (UK, France mainly), Russia has always been a gentle giant.

What a load of crap,just because your country hasn't suffered at the hand of the russians you get to speak in the name of others.Russia is one of the most agressive,war like country out there ,they have invaded,killed and plundered their way through Europe and Asia in the last 300 years in a manner similar to their mongol forefathers.Gentle giant my a@@,more like a rabid hyena bitting its way left and right.
Geography does decide history. Russia is a great nation and will always be. And unlike the other pygmy hyenas of Europe (UK, France mainly), Russia has always been a gentle giant.

your words sank into my soul. Thank you :smitten:
your words sank into my soul. Thank you :smitten:
No need to thank him brother after all most of us Indians feel the same about Russia,we would just love the Bear once again rise to its former position in the world order.:cheers:
What a load of crap,just because your country hasn't suffered at the hand of the russians you get to speak in the name of others.Russia is one of the most agressive,war like country out there ,they have invaded,killed and plundered their way through Europe and Asia in the last 300 years in a manner similar to their mongol forefathers.Gentle giant my a@@,more like a rabid hyena bitting its way left and right.

Not a wanton aggressor like the imperialist powers of Europe. And it has a soul unlike the other mercenary nations.
Not a wanton aggressor like the imperialist powers of Europe. And it has a soul unlike the other mercenary nations.

That's what i think of the chinese,noble,good people,hope they get a big chunk of India,they surely deserve it,they'll probably treat the likes of you very well once they take over.
That's what i think of the chinese,noble,good people,hope they get a big chunk of India,they surely deserve it,they'll probably treat the likes of you very well once they take over.

Dont project your barbaric tendencies on to other nations. China and India have coexisted for thousands of years and none is a militaristic nation.
Dont project your barbaric tendencies on to other nations. China and India have coexisted for thousands of years and none is a militaristic nation.

That doesn't stop them from raiding indian borders whenever they feel like it or trashing you in a war like in 1962.:))
That doesn't stop them from raiding indian borders whenever they feel like it or trashing you in a war like in 1962.:))

I know since Europe's testosterone has been sucked by Muslim immigrants, you have wet dreams on other's behalf.
I know since Europe's testosterone has been sucked by Muslim immigrants, you have wet dreams on other's behalf.

Neah,Europe's just tired of kicking a## left and right,we're on a break right now,on the other hand indians seem not to get tired beeing kicked around by other nations.You guys can't catch a break,can you?They just came in waves.Must be the smell of weaklings.

You can come on me with your retarded remarks when some foreign nation keeps invading a EU's nation borders every week just for the fun of it like China does to India you simple minded buffoon.
Neah,Europe's just tired of kicking a## left and right,we're on a break right now,on the other hand indians seem not to get tired beeing kicked around by other nations.You guys can't catch a break,can you?They just came in waves.Must be the smell of weaklings.

Its a permanent break...so relax... your women don't produce babies any more.. they have better things to do. Europe is finished...its a graveyard. In the end, you were only a bunch of mechanics... made good machines but were terrible at managing your families and society. Thank you for those machines. India and China are not foolish like you and have no wish to self destruct. We have always been there and will always be there.
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