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Russia, India to Start Construction of Transport / Passenger Airliner


Aug 9, 2014
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Russia’s Sukhoi Aviation Holding Company (JSC) and its Indian partners plan to embark on the joint construction of multipurpose transport airliner, United Aircraft Corporation’s President Mikhail Pogosyan said Saturday.

“In 2013 we finished the stage of preliminary design. Today we are at the stage of discussing further implementation program and shifting to engineering development,” Pogosyan said.

He added that the final schedule has yet to be defined “based on the talks that will be held between us and our colleagues.”
Sukhoi – is Russia’s major aircraft holding company, employing more than 26,000 people. 100 percent of stock of the Sukhoi Aviation Holding Company (JSC) belongs to the United Aircraft Corporation (JSC). The Company supports a complete cycle of work in aircraft engineering: from front end engineering to comprehensive aftersales support.
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Russia’s Sukhoi Aviation Holding Company (JSC) and its Indian partners plan to embark on the joint construction of multipurpose transport airliner, United Aircraft Corporation’s President Mikhail Pogosyan said Saturday.

“In 2013 we finished the stage of preliminary design. Today we are at the stage of discussing further implementation program and shifting to engineering development,” Pogosyan said.

He added that the final schedule has yet to be defined “based on the talks that will be held between us and our colleagues.”
Sukhoi – is Russia’s major aircraft holding company, employing more than 26,000 people. 100 percent of stock of the Sukhoi Aviation Holding Company (JSC) belongs to the United Aircraft Corporation (JSC). The Company supports a complete cycle of work in aircraft engineering: from front end engineering to comprehensive aftersales support.

Finally there is progress going on the project,i thought it was dead

Bhagwaan ka shukar hai.mein shoch raha tha project dead hogaya hai
From media one gets that impression that India is soon becomming a technological superpower, producing this & that. Starting new projects. Thats good for the region. Now we have China & India which are transforming region Asia from poverty to prosperity, alot is happening in Pakistan also, but once Pakistan implement robust tax system, the financial situation of pakistan will improve significantly.

Its very important that Pakistan & India solves the Issu of Jammu & Kashmir. according to the will of the people there. Both countries should at least agree on give independence to Jammu & Kashmir so they get independence at neither Pakistan or India keeps this area. This to avvoid future wars, Instead work on a European Union type of a working union between the countries of the region to lift up livving standard and life quality of the people of this area. If J & K issu counties it will trigger more wars. As Pakistan sees Indian control of J & K as occupation of their province by indian armed forces.
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