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Russia Eyes Kamov Helicopter Assembly Plant in India


Mar 29, 2013
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SOURCE : RIA Novosti


Moscow suggests that New Delhi should consider a possibility of setting up a joint venture to assemble Russia’s Kamov helicopters in India, Russia’s deputy prime minister said Saturday.

“We have a serious proposal for India which refers not only to purchases of Russian helicopters. Russia as India’s strategic partner proposes setting up a joint venture, including on India’s territory,” Dmitry Rogozin said.

Rogozin said the agreement was reached after talks between India’s prime minister Manmohan Singh and President Vladimir Putin last month.

“We are ready to make such an proposal on the Kamov helicopters,” he said.

India is now the world’s largest arms importer and Russian-made military equipment makes up some 70 percent of India’s arms purchases
Russia Eyes Kamov Helicopter Assembly Plant in India | idrw.org
This is a very good opportunity, Russian are famous for their helicopter design (cheap and good) --- it would be even better for they offer Joint production license (manufacture and sale) rather than just assembly facility --- similare to the line of Brahmos (Russia) or Dornier (Germany)
This is a very good opportunity, Russian are famous for their helicopter design (cheap and good) --- it would be even better for they offer Joint production license (manufacture and sale) rather than just assembly facility --- similare to the line of Brahmos (Russia) or Dornier (Germany)
i totalli agree with you but i dont think it will get thru as

1. HAL has started building its own helicopters

2. russians as always will create trouble in transfer of technology and since we have israelies and americans ready to oblige then i dont thing MOD will let kamov get its way

but anything is possible if they are ready to adress owr legitimate concerns
This is a very good opportunity, Russian are famous for their helicopter design (cheap and good) --- it would be even better for they offer Joint production license (manufacture and sale) rather than just assembly facility --- similare to the line of Brahmos (Russia) or Dornier (Germany)

No it's not, because the benefit for India would only be there, if Indian forces or other export countries would order Kamov helicopters in higher numbers, but that isn't the case. Infact the whole offer is aimed on getting orders for Kamov helicopters from India, most likely as part of an offer for IN, but they already are looking towards western helicopters and most likely in high numbers, which leaves no market for Kamov anymore.
Kamov as a whole is not exporting that many helicopters, where a co-production would add benefits and if at all, we should have got such an offer long ago from Mil, in return for the huge Mi 17 fleet we will have, but the Russians keep that production in Russia of course. So this offer is just an attempt to get some help from India, for parts of the Russian industry that have not too many orders currently (be it from Russia or export countries), see recent Mig Scat co-development offer, or the offer to help on our carrier.
A real co-development for a NG helicopter for example would be interesting (the Ka 92 would be a great base to start such a project), but seems not very likely at the moment.
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This is a very good opportunity, Russian are famous for their helicopter design (cheap and good) --- it would be even better for they offer Joint production license (manufacture and sale) rather than just assembly facility --- similare to the line of Brahmos (Russia) or Dornier (Germany)

Yes and NO !
Yes; nice to sit together and talk over some shots of Vodka and Indian Dark Cane Rum.
NO; no need to manufacture jointly. Rather try to make one's own Helos. If need be, take some consultancy and designs from any good design bureau/manufacturer.
Russian Helicopters are rugged and cheaper when compared to Western helicopters.

India has human resources to build these helicopters cheaply and export them to other countries, This deal is aimed at making India and export hub as well as joint development.

India should consider this offer, India also needs helicopters in high numbers particularly Kamov for surveillance.
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