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Russia doctored photos in shooting down of airliner, report finds

Theft and embezzlement occur at Russian military facilities. Igor Klimov, the acting general director of the anti-aircraft Almaz-Antey facility, initiated three criminal proceedings at three different locations, the Russian Moskovskiy Komsomolets newspaper reported Monday. Klimov was killed last Friday.
Analysis: Russian missiles for terrorists? - UPI.com

I wonder why...

Most notorious assassination of 2003 solved
Several directors of Almaz-Antey air defense enterprises were killed over a short period of time

The Russian Office of the Prosecutor General has solved one of the most notorious crimes of 2003 – the assassination of acting general director of the military concern Almaz-Antey Igor Klimov. The assassin has been detained and arrested on the base of the court warrant,” Interfax quoted a message from the Office of the Prosecutor General.
Igor Klimov was shot dead on June 6th, 2003, when he was leaving his house in Moscow. The assassin was shooting from a gun with a silencer. Directors of two other enterprises incorporated in the air defense concern have been killed before. In February of 2002 director of the commercial firm Rusma, Ruben Narimanov, was shot in St.Petersburg. Mikhail Ivanov, the general director of another factory, was killed in July of the same year.
Investigators found, all assassinations were connected with one motive –the redistribution of the concern's property.
A spokesman for the Office of the Prosecutor General said, the investigation of the three crimes had been united in one criminal file. Arrested people's names have not been exposed for the interests of the investigation.

Igor Klimov used to work in foreign intelligence and in the presidential administration. After that, he headed the air defense concern Almaz-Antey. On June 6th, 2003 Klimov went out of his house situated not far from the building of the Russian Interior Affairs Ministry. Two unknown men wearing camouflage uniform ran up to him. One of the criminals took a gun with a silencer out of the plastic bag and shot Klimov in the chest. Igor Klimov remained standing and attempted to defend himself. He managed to take the gun away from the assassin. The other criminal was trying to snatch away Klimov's case. Igor Klimov's wife ran out of the house during the fight and the criminals escaped. Klimov died over the wound.
The director of another company of the air defense concern, Ratep, was killed in the Moscow region the same day. First deputy director of the St.Petersburg-based enterprise State Obukhovsky Factory, which was also a member of the Almaz-Antey concern, was found hanged on January 12th.
Concern Almaz-Antey was established according to Putin's decree in April of 2003. It was a joint-stock company with the perspective of the foreign economic activity. It incorporates more than 40 Russian state and joint stock enterprises. The companies are specialized in the development and production of air defense systems for all kinds of Armed Forces. One of the central enterprises of the concern, the company Almaz, which created the renowned C-300 complex, has recently completed the works on the anti-aircraft emplacement Triumph. The emplacement is currently undergoing state tests. The new weapon took part in military exercises in May of the current year, when it destroyed a target flying 20 kilometers high and 200 kilometers far. According to experts’ estimates, Triumph's technical and combatant capacities surpass all other similar air defense systems in the world.
Most notorious assassination of 2003 solved - English pravda.ru

This here elaborates on the relationships between Putin, Ivanov, Klimov, Menshakov
Russian Foreign Policy toward Missile Defense: Actors, Motivations, and ... - Bilyana Lilly - Google Boeken

Some additional reading on the topic of company Russian defence executives getting killed
BUK is among the systems produced by state-owned Almaz-Antey, which also manufactures S-300, S-400, S-500 and Topol systems. Almaz-Antey was created in 2002, bringing together over 60 defense plants, design bureaus and research institutes from 17 Russian regions. The company specializes in development and production of small, medium and long-range anti-aircraft missile systems, basic radar reconnaissance and automated control systems.

Top to bottom: 9M38M1, 9M317 and 9M317ME surface-to-air missiles for the Buk missile system (9K37 Buk series)


This picture shows 9M38M1 being fired.
Source: Air Defence Troops : Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation
So why not your beloved war-criminals from USA do not release the information they have from AWACS and satellites to proof Russian fault then?What is stopping them?UN General assembly is good spot for your USA to release the information-but for almost 1 year they do nothing.

On July 22nd, 2014, US intelligence officials published a black and white satellite map image showing what they claimed to be the path of the Buk missile that downed MH17.


The image has been out there for a year
. .
On July 22nd, 2014, US intelligence officials published a black and white satellite map image showing what they claimed to be the path of the Buk missile that downed MH17.
You are aware till this day your USA is refusing to deliver full sat data to JIT right?And piece of info for you-even cheapest of commercial sats can produce much better image than your image(a proof for Russia fault in your mind).
The news magazine Der Spiegel had to admit that what Bellingcat did was in fact reading tea leaves. This whole story became a farce when real experts started to question Bellingcat's expertise. :lol: :rofl:
It means nothing for the likes of Vassnti/Penguin and rest of their kind.Bellingcat is the only one expert worth listenning and believing in their mind.Just wait and watch their behavior when truth officially come up who did shoot MH 17.
It means nothing for the likes of Vassnti/Penguin and rest of their kind.Bellingcat is the only one expert worth listenning and believing in their mind.Just wait and watch their behavior when truth officially come up who did shoot MH 17.


Quote the posts where I refer o Bellingcat. Else stfu
USA deceive East-Ukrainian militias with fake ADS-B positions of MH17 and militias shoot down it. End of story, enough lies about this story by both sides.

See the date of the next headline: (yes, before MH17 shooting down).

Russian pilots report new GPS failure over Ukraine
tass . ru /en/world/730090

And if you see flightradar24 forum, you'll see impossible ADS-B positions logged of MH17 flight.
Automatic dependent surveillance – broadcast (ADS–B)

a cooperative surveillance technology in which an aircraft determines its position via satellite navigation and periodically broadcasts it, enabling it to be tracked. The information can be received by air traffic control ground stations as a replacement for secondary radar. It can also be received by other aircraft to provide situational awareness and allow self separation. ADS–B is "automatic" in that it requires no pilot or external input. It is "dependent" in that it depends on data from the aircraft's navigation system. The system relies on two avionics components—a high-integrity GPS navigation source and a datalink (ADS-B unit).

Automatic dependent surveillance – broadcast - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

USA deceive East-Ukrainian militias with fake ADS-B positions of MH17 and militias shoot down it. End of story, enough lies about this story by both sides.

See the date of the next headline: (yes, before MH17 shooting down).

Russian pilots report new GPS failure over Ukraine
tass . ru /en/world/730090

And if you see flightradar24 forum, you'll see impossible ADS-B positions logged of MH17 flight.

Care to elaboratre on this scenario? Specifically,how ADS-B relates ot BUK fire control.
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