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Russia, America and China have the largest Shale Oil reserves


Jun 26, 2012
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Russian Federation
Russia Has Largest Shale Oil Reserves – EIA Report

Russia boasts 75 billion barrels of technically recoverable shale oil resources, followed by the United States with 58 billion barrels and China with 32 billion barrels, the [EIA] report says.
Russia’s richest shale oil source is the Bazhenov formation in West Siberia with total reserves estimated at 1.24 trillion barrels, of which only 74.6 billion barrels are currently considered as technical recoverable.
The top ten countries by shale oil reserves also include Argentina (27 billion barrels), Libya (26 billion barrels), Venezuela (13 billion barrels), Mexico (13 billion barrels), Pakistan (9 billion barrels), Canada (9 billion barrels) and Indonesia (8 billion barrels).
Global shale oil resources are estimated at 345 billion barrels, which represents about 10 percent of the world’s recoverable crude oil, the reports says.
Russia's future is safe in terms of energy resources sales. If only it could do something about the rampant corruption despite such a small population, Russian citizens could be as rich as Qatari nationals in terms of per capita. Not only that, Russia is the only energy-resource rich nation in the world that develops the most devastating military arsenal in the world parallel to USA. Which means no one can press Russians or threaten them with a war for their resources.

Russia's future is bright.
Russia's future is safe in terms of energy resources sales. If only it could do something about the rampant corruption despite such a small population, Russian citizens could be as rich as Qatari nationals in terms of per capita. Not only that, Russia is the only energy-resource rich nation in the world that develops the most devastating military arsenal in the world parallel to USA. Which means no one can press Russians or threaten them with a war for their resources.

Russia's future is bright.

Russia's only danger is its own politics. A distant second would be Chinese encroachment on Siberia.
Good news, if the pollution is not a big issues when drilling shale oil, it would be an ideal business.
When will shale gas displace oil if at all?

The gas form? Not really. Petroleum is not only a fuel, it is also a vital raw material in modern chemical industry. For example, petroleum is a raw material for producing organic polymers, which in turn makes plastics.
Pakistan is also within the top 10.

in over all reserves pakistan also ranks among the top with a total 51tcf of shale gas reserves
Pakistan is also within the top 10.

in over all reserves pakistan also ranks among the top with a total 51tcf of shale gas reserves

Yaar, those numbers don't mean anything as long as they remain underground. On top of that, those numbers sound unbelievable if international gas giants aren't racing to acquire a share of the pie.
Not much use for USA, a good portion of it is under highly populated area.
And to extract it (fracking) is a dirty process, esp to ground water.

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