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Rubaish responds to Saudi Arabia's terrorism designations


Aug 1, 2008
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United States
That's the way to go, one can hope now the Saudi’s will also stop funding hard-core Madrasas.

Rubaish responds to Saudi Arabia's terrorism designations

By Oren Adaki
March 31, 2014

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) released an audio message over the weekend titled "And Allah is the best of planners" from al Qaeda ideologue and theologian Ibrahim al Rubaish. His message comes as a response to Saudi Arabia's royal decree on March 7 that designated several Islamist groups, including the Muslim Brotherhood, the Al Nusrah Front, and the Islamic State in Iraq and the Sham (ISIS) as terrorists. The Saudi statement also announced that Saudis and foreign residents who join or give moral or material support to the designated groups, as well as any of its citizens who insult other countries or leaders, will be punished under the law.

Although Rubaish's response comes a little late, he claims it is a necessary rejoinder to a Saudi statement that was contrary to the expectations of the majority of Muslims. He says he was surprised that the statement did not come from the King himself and instead was issued by the Interior Ministry after consultations with several other ministries, including the Ministry of Islamic Affairs. Rubaish explains this contradiction by mentioning Saudi Arabia's alliance with the US, charging that the Kingdom has taken "the employees of the White House as a god beside Allah."

Rubaish begins his discussion by asking rhetorically, "What is the cause for issuing this statement and list at this time?" He alleges that after the Saudi royal family managed to foil all the revolutions of the Arab spring, they are now ready to suppress the "winds of revolution" within their own borders. He asserts that the royal family considers allegiance to itself more important than allegiance to Allah, which is demonstrated, he argues, by the designation of the Yemeni Houthi movement and Saudi Hezbollah but not the Lebanese Hezbollah group. Rubaish claims that even though the three aforementioned groups are Shi'ite and therefore disloyal to Allah in his worldview, the Saudis did not designate Lebanese Hezbollah because they have shared interests with that group, especially since Hezbollah began fighting the mujahideen in Syria.

Rubaish criticizes Saudi Arabia's policy to combat atheism, which has spread widely, he claims. He says that if a campaign were waged against the atheists similar to the campaign that Saudi Arabia wages against the mujahideen, there would be no atheists.

Next, Rubaish tackles the part of the recent Saudi statement that stipulated the Kingdom would punish anyone found to be fighting outside Saudi Arabia or supporting such endeavors. "What is your position regarding fighting the Jews in Palestine?" Rubaish asks. "[D]oes he who fights them, or supports he who fights them, or sympathizes with he who fights them, deserve a punishment ... does he who hopes for the victory of the Muslims over the Jews deserve this punishment?" Rubaish says that although it is ridiculous, the Saudi prohibition on fighting is not surprising given that the Saudis have "imprisoned people simply for the intention."

In his discussion, Rubaish also asks if anyone who flies the "flag of monotheism," a reference to the black flag used by al Qaeda emblazoned with the Muslim testament of faith, is included in Saudi Arabia's prohibition. He argues that this flag is not simply the flag of al Qaeda but rather is the flag of all Muslims.

Rubaish particularly criticizes the section of the Saudi statement that calls for punishing "those who insult other countries or their leaders." Rubaish says that even America is more lenient with someone who speaks ill of his president and criticizes him. "You are truly more American than the Americans," he argues. Even more surprising, according to Rubaish, is that among the countries mentioned are the "government of rafidi [Shi'ite] Iraq and the government of the Zionist entity [Israel]."

Rubaish says that there is a message for all Islamic groups "who have conceded some of their principles" in Saudi Arabia's designation of the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization. According to Rubaish, "no matter how much they change and substitute, the heads of infidelity will not be satisfied with them till they announce their disavowal of anything related to Islam." He goes on to say, "We must stand firm till death, if we seek Allah's satisfaction."

Rubaish concludes his audio message with the statement: "The Saudi regime is like the one-eyed Antichrist" that sees only one side of things. He calls on all Muslims to pray to Allah to "shred" the Saudi regime and humiliate it with the glory of the believers. The disappearance of the Saudi regime would bring happiness to the believers, he claims, and anger and worry to the hypocrites and infidels.
He's right about the Saudi regime, it's anti Islamic. However, I find it fishy that he didn't threaten Saudi Arabia like they threaten other regimes.
He's right about the Saudi regime, it's anti Islamic. However, I find it fishy that he didn't threaten Saudi Arabia like they threaten other regimes.
Just curious, is Al-Qaeda pro Islamic?
Just curious, is Al-Qaeda pro Islamic?

Depends, no such single Al Qaeda organization exists, it's all splinter groups with their own agendas. Most of them do worse for Islam therefore against Islamic interests. Some of them are used as tools by Saudi Arabia and the US to serve their interests which is why they stay a shadowy ideology to me.
Depends, no such single Al Qaeda organization exists, it's all splinter groups with their own agendas. Most of them do worse for Islam therefore against Islamic interests. Some of them are used as tools by Saudi Arabia and the US to serve their interests which is why they stay a shadowy ideology to me.
Interesting, so is there any Al Qaeda splinter group that you consider is more pro-Islamic?

You say that some of them are used as tools by the US, could you elaborate more, please?
Interesting, so is there any Al Qaeda splinter group that you consider is more pro-Islamic?

You say that some of them are used as tools by the US, could you elaborate more, please?

You should do more research on your own to answer these questions of yours before creating threads on affairs you're not familiar with.
You should do more research on your own to answer these questions of yours before creating threads on affairs you're not familiar with.
You’re the one who was making big claims, I just asked you simple questions, and if you don't want to answer them it is okay with me.

You’re the one who was making big claims, I just asked you simple questions, and if you don't want to answer them it is okay with me.


Saudi Arabia exports Al Qaeda with the acknowledgement of the UnitedStates, who are you joking? Everybody in the Arab knows this, they use them then dump them.
Idiots roaming freely around in yet another thread.

KSA is the most Islamic society by virtue of their laws than any other country. That not everyone follows those rules, but the vast majority, is a different matter. Anyone claiming otherwise is an ignorant idiot that has never stepped on KSA land nor does he have a clue about the rules of KSA which are based on Islamic law.

Anyway nobody gives a pfuck about those Al-Qaeda scums. We killed most of those rats 10 years ago and we will exterminate them again if they ever show up. Anyway the few hundred brainwashed individuals that are unfortunately KSA nationals (those that have not been stripped off their citizenship) either escaped to Yemen, Iraq or other failed states, have been sentenced to death or are imprisoned.

Half of the people there have pre marital relationships and you know that. Customs and laws won't change people, the hearts of the people lead them to do good.

Half of the people there have pre marital relationships and you know that. Customs and laws won't change people, the hearts of the people lead them to do good.

No, I don't know that but what I know that it is better than in any other Muslim country aside from maybe Yemen and that people on average are the most knowledgeable about Islam.
No, I don't know that but what I know that it is better than in any other Muslim country aside from maybe Yemen and that people on average are the most knowledgeable about Islam.

Gaza is number one on earth.
Gaza is number one on earth.

I highly doubt that. Anyway that's not my point. You made a false claim. I don't know where you get this nonsense from having never visited KSA before. This is not the UAE, Iran or other majority Muslim countries where people do not care about Islam or have only read the Noble Qur'an 1-2 times in their life.

KSA is the most Islamic country on earth based on law alone and most people follow that law willingly and proudly. A minority of atheists exists everywhere. In Palestine too.

Anyone questioning the Islamic adherence of the people who inhabit the land of the Two Holy Mosques and the land of Prophet Muhammad (saws) and all the Prophets before him is a certified clown.

Sometimes this deep belief creates misguided idiots such as the ones that have joined AQAP.
I highly doubt that. Anyway that's not my point. You made a false claim. I don't know where you get this nonsense from having never visited KSA before. This is not the UAE, Iran or other majority Muslim countries where people do not care about Iran or have read the Noble Qur'an 1-2 times in their life.

KSA is the most Islamic country on earth based on law alone and most people follow that law willingly and proudly. A minority of atheists exists everywhere. In Palestine too.

Anyone questioning the Islamic adherence of the people who inhabit the land of the Two Holy Mosques and the land of Prophet Muhammad (saws) and all the Prophets before him is a certified clown.

Sometimes this deep belief creates misguided idiots such as the ones that have joined AQAP.

I know many teens there who told me what I said. Anyways ...

انا مش ضد العرب وانت بتعرف ذالك، لاكن اولاد الكلب العرب هنا يقفون يعزون الحتلال ، هدول مجنين بحترموش انفسهم، بس بطلب منهم يكونو مع الجانب الفلسطيني لاكن يحفظو الحتلال
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