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Rocket ‘fired from Iran’ kills girl in border town in Pakistan


Jan 11, 2009
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Rocket ‘fired from Iran’ kills girl in border town - DAWN.COM

Rocket ‘fired from Iran’ kills girl in border town
Saleem Shahid
— File photo Published at
2013-11-26 06:51:44

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Receiver Email Sender Name Your Email Cancel 0 Comment(s) Print QUETTA, Nov 25: A girl was killed and six people were injured when a rocket fired by Iranian border forces hit three houses in Tump town of Kech district on Monday.

Balochistan Home Secretary Asadur Rehman Gilani confirmed the incident and told Dawn that the rocket fired from across the border had hit the houses in the town near Pak-Iran border.

Sources said the three houses were destroyed by the attack.

An official of Kech administration said that one of the houses belonged to Mullah Omer, believed to be a commander of an Iran-based religious outfit, Jaish-ul-Adl.

The two other houses were of Mullah Omer’s brother Abbas and his close relative Mohammad Arif Jaish-ul-Adl surfaced about two months ago and claimed killing 15 Iranian Pasdaran (border guards) whose bodies were found in an Iranian border area.

A group of people were arrested in Iran in connection with the killing of Pasdaran and 15 of them were hanged in the Iranian province of Sistan Baluchistan.

The sources said that the Iranian outfit came to the limelight after the hanging of Jundullah leader Abdul Malik Rigi in 2010.

He had been arrested by Iranian security officials while travelling in a Kyrgyzstan-bound passenger plane in February that year.

An official said people in Tump accuse Mullah Omer of being involved in drug business. But, he added, there were reports that he was a commander of Jaish-ul-Adl.

Balochistan Chief Minister Dr Abdul Malik Baloch took notice of the rocket attack from the Iranian side on a Pakistani area and said the provincial government had informed the federal government about it.

He said he had asked Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan to take up the border violation with Iranian officials.

Comment - I wonder what kind of a rocket was used, it seems guided as it hit pakistan based leader of Jaish-ul-Adl's house.
Seems Iran has got guts.Its kicked the sunni ruled Iraq in 80's and humiliated Saudi Arabia in Syria.Humiliated Israel via hezbollah in 2006 .

Now its preparing to humiliate the sunni pakistan where state sponsored terror butchers shias and ahmadi muslims every day for the sake of their saudi arab masters
Seems Iran has got guts.Its kicked the sunni ruled Iraq in 80's and humiliated Saudi Arabia in Syria.Humiliated Israel via hezbollah in 2006 .

Now its preparing to humiliate the sunni pakistan where state sponsored terror butchers shias and ahmadi muslims every day for the sake of their saudi arab masters

iran is a superpower , didn't ya know ?
They have hit a terrorists house. They have every right to do that given pakistans endless list of excuses.

well iran killed a girl

and pakistan has every right to retaliate, don't make excuses when we turn your home into nuclear dust terrorist
we will create hizbullah in iran which will bomb the shitt out of them

How do you plan to do that? If pakistan directly attacks iran,pakistan will have to divert forces and India could take advantage and grab kashmir and sindh.

well iran killed a girl

and pakistan has every right to retaliate, don't make excuses when we turn your home into nuclear dust terrorist

Lol,What if india gives a few nukes to iran for such event. Pakistan will be severely weakened and the indian union will annex Pakistan with relative ease.

yes , Persia been the superpower defacto , all this USA is superficial bullcrap.

I can't say superpower,but yes very major power for thousands of years. Though Iran was superpower under Zoroastrian religion.
well iran killed a girl

and pakistan has every right to retaliate, don't make excuses when we turn your home into nuclear dust terrorist

Unfortunate. But collateral damage is a reality of war, dont address it selectively. When pakistani f16 bomb taliban, collateral damage takes place too.
you're more than welcome to nuke Tehran , anytime , sir

thank you for your hospitality

How do you plan to do that? If pakistan directly attacks iran,pakistan will have to divert forces and India could take advantage and grab kashmir and sindh.

Lol,What if india gives a few nukes to iran for such event. Pakistan will be severely weakened and the indian union will annex Pakistan with relative ease.

pakistan needs to train its kids to fight iran, because even pakistani kids can defeat iran
I can't say superpower,but yes very major power for thousands of years. Though Iran was superpower under Zoroastrian religion.

Iran was many things before islam , none of them apply to today , before islam arabs fought for the Iranian cause now iran fights for the Arabian cause.
thank you for your hospitality

pakistan needs to train its kids to fight iran, because even pakistani kids can defeat iran

Pakistan could not defeat india in several wars. Iran successfully defeated Israel in 2006 via hezobollah and israeli forces are superior to indian forces. So like how will Pakistan defeat iran?
Pakistan could not defeat india in several wars. Iran successfully defeated Israel in 2006 via hezobollah and israeli forces are superior to indian forces. So like how will Pakistan defeat iran?

get your facts correct

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