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Richard Nixon's on his support to Pakistan.


Dec 12, 2008
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United States
United States
"When Pakistan was being raped by India, I ordered support for Pakistan
at a time when opinion in this country was ten to one against us,
especially in Congress. Why did I do it, especially in an election year? I
did it because it was right. It was not right for India to destroy Pakistan.
Today Pakistan still survives. When I make a decision, such as today, it
will never be influenced by US domestic political concerns."

- President Richard Nixon, 1973. The latest volume of Foreign Relations of the United States has just been released, detailing the 1973 Arab-Israeli conflict, where policymakers drew parallels to the 1971 conflict between Indian and Pakistan: link
Fat good that did.

Thank you for trying but failing Mr President.

Too bad about the whole watergate deal.
Nixon was a foul mouthed idiot.

him and Mr. Kissinger sure as hell didnt have much flattering words for the whacked witch --that's for sure! :laugh:

Nixon (and the Republican Party itself, to some large extent) have always been more ''cooperative'' and friendly towards Pakistan....

a lot has changed since the Cold War days; as are alliances....

I'm happy to say that despite the challenges faced --some which were exacerbated by countries calling themselves our allies - Pakistan has been able to defend itself against enemy countries (7 times its size). The Chinese in those days helped to fill the gaps that were left unfilled by the Americans during our times of need.
I remember Ghulam Mustafa Khar saying in an interview that Zulifiqar Bhutto after comming to power was informed that 71 war has depleted the army to the extent that if every soldier were to sacrifice his life, Pakistan could only resist for 7 days against Indian aggression. Hence Bhutto sent Mustafa Khar to see Nixon who then agreed to help Pakistan.
Clinton was good domestically, despite the affairs scandal.. His role in the Balkans --liberating Muslim Albanians and fighting Serbian terrorism against Muslims was commendable and won him much respect. NATOs campaign there was largely a noble cause.

The Camp David Accord was a good initiative.

as far as Pakistan is concerned, he always was a bit of the indian-leaning types.......like most of those left-leaning democrat nincompoops in Washington.
sir clinton allowed Srebrenica in the first place.....intervention was just face saving....real damage was done to serbs by the mujahideen from the entire globe and i read somewhere Pakistan para dropped armoured personal carriers into bosnia and herzegovina former ugouslavia..

the only solution to kashmir cause is an intervention by mujahideen from all over the world...united nations wont enfore its resolutions and slumdog india wont give it in a peaceful way..and as Quiad e Azam said its the juggular vein there is no point we will ever leave it!
I remember Ghulam Mustafa Khar saying in an interview that Zulifiqar Bhutto after comming to power was informed that 71 war has depleted the army to the extent that if every soldier were to sacrifice his life, Pakistan could only resist for 7 days against Indian aggression. Hence Bhutto sent Mustafa Khar to see Nixon who then agreed to help Pakistan.

khar is a characterless man
Brigadier imtiaz busted this traitor

khar bastard was conspiring against Pakistan
"When Pakistan was being raped by India, I ordered support for Pakistan
at a time when opinion in this country was ten to one against us,
especially in Congress. Why did I do it, especially in an election year? I
did it because it was right. It was not right for India to destroy Pakistan.
Today Pakistan still survives. When I make a decision, such as today, it
will never be influenced by US domestic political concerns."

- President Richard Nixon, 1973. The latest volume of Foreign Relations of the United States has just been released, detailing the 1973 Arab-Israeli conflict, where policymakers drew parallels to the 1971 conflict between Indian and Pakistan: link

I wonder why he didn't mention the Archer Blood Telegram from Dhaka?
Archer K. Blood; Dissenting Diplomat (washingtonpost.com)
what about operation shudi karan 1984 and blue star when sikhs of india were being raped and genetically being modified to create a new race....why dident regan do anything?
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