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Rice: It's Time for a New Middle East

ali ahmad

Jul 25, 2006
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As efforts to reduce the tension in the Middle East continue, US Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice surprisingly said, “It’s time for a new Middle East.”

Following her whirlwind talks with Lebanon, Israel and Palestine yesterday; Rice established her first contact in Jerusalem with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.

Before the start of discussions with Olmert, Rice said, “The people of this region, Israelis, Lebanese, and Palestinians have lived too long in fear, and in terror, and in violence.”

“A durable solution will be one that strengthens the forces of peace and democracy in the region,” she said.

“It is time to say to those that don't want a different kind of Middle East that we will prevail. They will not,” Rice continued.

The first reaction to the remarks of the US Secretary of State came from Hamas, the ruling power in Palestine, who condemned the US’s view of the Middle East.

Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh said, “It seems that from the American point of view, the new Middle East starts by destroying Lebanon, by killing the maximum number of our Palestinian people and by bringing down the resistance.”

Haniyeh said, “We ask the American administration to stop its blind support for the occupation... and not allow the continued killing of children, women and old people by American weapons on Palestinian and Lebanese lands.”

PM Olmert, on the other hand, stressed that the Israeli offensive in Lebanon will continue as the US did not openly call for a cease-fire.

Rice, arriving in Ramallah to meet Palestine leader Mahmoud Abbas after her talks with Olmert, said they should work for a peaceful Palestine living next to Israel.

Condoleezza Rice faced intense protests in Ramallah.
ali ahmad said:
As efforts to reduce the tension in the Middle East continue, US Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice surprisingly said, “It’s time for a new Middle East.”
Its also time for the US to review her ME policies, that would be a good start!

Following her whirlwind talks with Lebanon, Israel and Palestine yesterday; Rice established her first contact in Jerusalem with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.

Before the start of discussions with Olmert, Rice said, “The people of this region, Israelis, Lebanese, and Palestinians have lived too long in fear, and in terror, and in violence.”
US' military and financial aid to Israel, $10 billion p/a is the main reason Israel could arm itself to the teeth and harass its neighbors.
Lebanese and Palestinians have had no other choice than to grab poor mans weapon, i.e. terrorism and counter terrorism initiated by the very fathers of modern Israel...Ben Gurion.

“A durable solution will be one that strengthens the forces of peace and democracy in the region,” she said.
“It is time to say to those that don't want a different kind of Middle East that we will prevail. They will not,” Rice continued.
Put Irasel, palestie and Lebanon under UN peacekeeping forces till the roadmap has completed, develop some kind of Marshal Plan for Palestina and Lebanon to make them independant and cur military aid to Israel!

The first reaction to the remarks of the US Secretary of State came from Hamas, the ruling power in Palestine, who condemned the US’s view of the Middle East.

Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh said, “It seems that from the American point of view, the new Middle East starts by destroying Lebanon, by killing the maximum number of our Palestinian people and by bringing down the resistance.”

Haniyeh said, “We ask the American administration to stop its blind support for the occupation... and not allow the continued killing of children, women and old people by American weapons on Palestinian and Lebanese lands.”
Proove his views wrong under the current circumstances...

PM Olmert, on the other hand, stressed that the Israeli offensive in Lebanon will continue as the US did not openly call for a cease-fire.
Since when did Israel start to listen to the US?? :confused:

Rice, arriving in Ramallah to meet Palestine leader Mahmoud Abbas after her talks with Olmert, said they should work for a peaceful Palestine living next to Israel.

Condoleezza Rice faced intense protests in Ramallah.

Courageous move, I have to give her come credit on this!
Neo said:
Its also time for the US to review her ME policies, that would be a good start!

The missle east sucks?even without US interevention what different would have happened?

Neo said:
US' military and financial aid to Israel, $10 billion p/a is the main reason Israel could arm itself to the teeth and harass its neighbors.
Lebanese and Palestinians have had no other choice than to grab poor mans weapon, i.e. terrorism and counter terrorism iniatiated by the very fathers of modern Israel...Ben Gurion.

Pakistan also gets US aid, so do many others.

Neo said:
Put Irasel, palestie and Lebanon under UN peacekeeping forces till the roadmap has completed, develop some kind of Marshal Plan for Palestina and Lebanon to make them independant and cur military aid to Israel!

Lebeonon independant..ha ha they are busy exporting whores to other parts of the world that they dont have time to think about their country.Juts try speaking to a lebaneese and look at their opinion.

When asked "whats happening in Lebonon?" they reply..."yes yes we are being bombed..." they r arent even as bothered as somlians are about Lebonon. Only the ones left behind are the ones who are worried otherwise they dont care,i have collegues who dont donate 50 dhms for leboneese relief fund.
Bull said:
ha ha they are busy exporting whores to other parts of the world that they dont have time to think about their country.

What is this guys problem?
Bull said:
The missle east sucks?even without US interevention what different would have happened?

Get off your high horse, Egypt an arab nation in the middle east even without Oil has higher per capita income than India.

Countries like Syria without oil is poorer but it doesnt have the levels of extreme poverty seen in India, electrification is much better as is water and sanitation.
sigatoka said:
Get off your high horse, Egypt an arab nation in the middle east even without Oil has higher per capita income than India.

Countries like Syria without oil is poorer but it doesnt have the levels of extreme poverty seen in India, electrification is much better as is water and sanitation.

There are many many nations in the world which has higher per capita income than India without oil,srilanks for eg.
sigatoka said:
What is this guys problem?

I know that was bit too harsh.

But when u meet a lebaneese just ask him abt whats happening back in Lebonon. 8 out of 10 time s, you will get a answer which will surprise/shock you.
Bull said:
There are many many nations in the world which has higher per capita income than India without oil,srilanks for eg.

Then why are you sayiing the region sucks when it is doing better than India?
what do u think the new middle east should be.....can israelies and arabs live together with peace or there will war throughout middle east...
lets have a look on it..

america already occupiesd iraq....israel is going to occupy lebnon .....israel also have a hand on palestien .......usa heading towards iran or syria

now what could be their plans for new middle east
Neo said:
Put Irasel, palestie and Lebanon under UN peacekeeping forces till the roadmap has completed, develop some kind of Marshal Plan for Palestina and Lebanon to make them independant and cur military aid to Israel!
The only part of this I disagree with is the 'UN' bit. Kofi and his legion of mthrfckrs would hang the soldiers out to dry (the way the current unarmed observers are still there:mad: ) and still not resolve anything. Gotta be NATO or ABCA.
NATO or ABCA have zero legitamacy in that region and you know it. And any British PM who sends troops to defend Israel, will have his head on a pike at the tower by lunchtime.

It has to be the UN, but with proper firepower and rigourous ROE's. Like te PA has in the Congo.
US' military and financial aid to Israel, $10 billion p/a is the main reason Israel could arm itself to the teeth and harass its neighbors.

But the Egyptians are getting a whole lot of weapons from the USA too.Why is Egypt different from any other Islamic country in the region ?
sparten said:
NATO or ABCA have zero legitamacy in that region and you know it. And any British PM who sends troops to defend Israel, will have his head on a pike at the tower by lunchtime.

It has to be the UN, but with proper firepower and rigourous ROE's. Like te PA has in the Congo.

Either way it shud be UN sanctioned.otherwise it will be another war againt the crusaders.
Samudra said:
But the Egyptians are getting a whole lot of weapons from the USA too.Why is Egypt different from any other Islamic country in the region ?

10billion vs 3billion. Israel also gets lots of implicit aid in the form of cheaper weapons (with better technology.)
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