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Resuming the Islamic Way of Life!


Sep 15, 2009
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Often one hears that we must rise to defend Islam or Islamic countries but actually it is the other way around. We need Islam to defend us from threats, be they military, political, economic, social, cultural or spiritual.

Pakistan was created on the slogan of Islam but everything other than Islam has been implemented in the country for the last seventy five years. From Western Democracy to Authoritarianism to Martial Law to Civil Martial Law to Socialism to Enlightened Moderation to rule by Capitalist-Political elites, all experiments have been done in this country. Trickle down economics has failed twice. Once during Ayub Khan's time and once during Musharraf's time. Now, we are off to creating a Banana Republic with large corporate farms controlling the economy and slave village labor.

Bhutto wanted to attract the capital from middle east and so constructed a Juwa Khana in Clifton where the Arabs could relax and spend their money and do other Ayyashi. Hunting areas were given to arab princes who built luxurious palaces and ayyashi addas and hunted endangered birds.

Now we are neck deep in debt and interest servicing and still bringing out the failed tricks from the magicians hat.

All these experiments have failed in Pakistan as well as in African and, South American and Asian countries.

IMF and World Bank are Western institutions whose real purpose is to keep poor countries in chains so that raw materials and labor intensive goods can be produced while devaluing the currency so that few dollars are spent to buy too many goods.

The only solution for the country and the Ummah is to resume the Islamic way of life by changing the political, economic and social systems to Khilafah and Interest free economy. The Islamic economic model is at the middle between Capitalism and Socialism, resembling the Scandinavian countries with a high level of social spending.

If we unite Afghanistan, Iran and Turkey with us in a European Union style Confederation then we will become a major economic and political power. Our energy problems would be resolved immediately with Iranian Oil. We need to change our export destinations to Asian, African and Arab countries but should try to keep as much European market as possible. We should concentrate on land based trade with Central Asia, Russia and China.

But this requires a bold decision by all the stake holders and the need to stand on the basis of our principles. Otherwise, there will be a succession of failed governments in the next ten years with a culmination in the loss of our nuclear assets on the orders of IMF and World Bank.
Often one hears that we must rise to defend Islam or Islamic countries but actually it is the other way around. We need Islam to defend us from threats, be they military, political, economic, social, cultural or spiritual.

Pakistan was created on the slogan of Islam but everything other than Islam has been implemented in the country for the last seventy five years. From Western Democracy to Authoritarianism to Martial Law to Civil Martial Law to Socialism to Enlightened Moderation to rule by Capitalist-Political elites, all experiments have been done in this country. Trickle down economics has failed twice. Once during Ayub Khan's time and once during Musharraf's time. Now, we are off to creating a Banana Republic with large corporate farms controlling the economy and slave village labor.

Bhutto wanted to attract the capital from middle east and so constructed a Juwa Khana in Clifton where the Arabs could relax and spend their money and do other Ayyashi. Hunting areas were given to arab princes who built luxurious palaces and ayyashi addas and hunted endangered birds.

Now we are neck deep in debt and interest servicing and still bringing out the failed tricks from the magicians hat.

All these experiments have failed in Pakistan as well as in African and, South American and Asian countries.

IMF and World Bank are Western institutions whose real purpose is to keep poor countries in chains so that raw materials and labor intensive goods can be produced while devaluing the currency so that few dollars are spent to buy too many goods.

The only solution for the country and the Ummah is to resume the Islamic way of life by changing the political, economic and social systems to Khilafah and Interest free economy. The Islamic economic model is at the middle between Capitalism and Socialism, resembling the Scandinavian countries with a high level of social spending.

If we unite Afghanistan, Iran and Turkey with us in a European Union style Confederation then we will become a major economic and political power. Our energy problems would be resolved immediately with Iranian Oil. We need to change our export destinations to Asian, African and Arab countries but should try to keep as much European market as possible. We should concentrate on land based trade with Central Asia, Russia and China.

But this requires a bold decision by all the stake holders and the need to stand on the basis of our principles. Otherwise, there will be a succession of failed governments in the next ten years with a culmination in the loss of our nuclear assets on the orders of IMF and World Bank.

Muslims have tried to unite via OIC but certain Islamic nations won't allow any genuine unity to be formed. If Pakistan gets close to Iran then Saudia/Uae blackmails them, then Usa does the same. The problems are much deeper than we believe.
Often one hears that we must rise to defend Islam or Islamic countries but actually it is the other way around. We need Islam to defend us from threats, be they military, political, economic, social, cultural or spiritual.

Pakistan was created on the slogan of Islam but everything other than Islam has been implemented in the country for the last seventy five years. From Western Democracy to Authoritarianism to Martial Law to Civil Martial Law to Socialism to Enlightened Moderation to rule by Capitalist-Political elites, all experiments have been done in this country. Trickle down economics has failed twice. Once during Ayub Khan's time and once during Musharraf's time. Now, we are off to creating a Banana Republic with large corporate farms controlling the economy and slave village labor.

Bhutto wanted to attract the capital from middle east and so constructed a Juwa Khana in Clifton where the Arabs could relax and spend their money and do other Ayyashi. Hunting areas were given to arab princes who built luxurious palaces and ayyashi addas and hunted endangered birds.

Now we are neck deep in debt and interest servicing and still bringing out the failed tricks from the magicians hat.

All these experiments have failed in Pakistan as well as in African and, South American and Asian countries.

IMF and World Bank are Western institutions whose real purpose is to keep poor countries in chains so that raw materials and labor intensive goods can be produced while devaluing the currency so that few dollars are spent to buy too many goods.

The only solution for the country and the Ummah is to resume the Islamic way of life by changing the political, economic and social systems to Khilafah and Interest free economy. The Islamic economic model is at the middle between Capitalism and Socialism, resembling the Scandinavian countries with a high level of social spending.

If we unite Afghanistan, Iran and Turkey with us in a European Union style Confederation then we will become a major economic and political power. Our energy problems would be resolved immediately with Iranian Oil. We need to change our export destinations to Asian, African and Arab countries but should try to keep as much European market as possible. We should concentrate on land based trade with Central Asia, Russia and China.

But this requires a bold decision by all the stake holders and the need to stand on the basis of our principles. Otherwise, there will be a succession of failed governments in the next ten years with a culmination in the loss of our nuclear assets on the orders of IMF and World Bank.
An even bolder and better decision is to.leavr Islam and revert to.Hinduism and join Bharat

Muslims have tried to unite via OIC but certain Islamic nations won't allow any genuine unity to be formed. If Pakistan gets close to Iran then Saudia/Uae blackmails them, then Usa does the same. The problems are much deeper than we believe.
OiC does not consider you guys as real.muslims. you are all the expendable.muslims.
Muslims have tried to unite via OIC but certain Islamic nations won't allow any genuine unity to be formed.
There is no such thing as Islamic nations, It's all about country interest irrespective of religion.
There are more Muslims in India than Pakistan, if war happens they will defend motherland Bharat at any cost.

Similarly Pakistan have no interest to support Xinjiang Uyghurs Muslims. We will support chinese government because this is in the best interest of country.
Country interest should be first,
As it is said, we pay the price when
special interest wins over the national(country) interest.
Muslims have tried to unite via OIC but certain Islamic nations won't allow any genuine unity to be formed. If Pakistan gets close to Iran then Saudia/Uae blackmails them, then Usa does the same. The problems are much deeper than we believe.
What kind of union ? Making one nation ? Even in Quran it is said that God creates many nations in order for human to know each other.

Even during last of Chaliphate period, the Syria has become the strongest province where the Governoor has its own policy and army and later defeat the Chaliphate under Ali and make Kingdomships. The level of Autonomy system under Chalipate is similar like current union under OIC.

OIC is already miracle as it is the first time Muslim are under one banner after Chalipate period. It is good to have OIC works at this level.

Each Muslim nation people has their own obligation to manage and protect their own country. When one nation under attack, the others are helping as we can see from Afghan and Bosnian war. Majority of Muslim nations for example are against USSR and sided with Western power during cold war and Afghan war. USSR also captured many Muslim nations in Central Asia like Kazachtan, Ajerbaizan, etc where all of them have become free nations now.

Muslim nations are raising and we can see on my thread how their nation, cities, and people become modern. Shocking transformation can be seen in previously poor Gulf nation with their desert nation has now looked like NewYork, the richiest city in USA.

We even make our sport games and it is the first time in history of human kind.
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Unity of the Islamic nations under one EU type union is one aspect of my solution which will help in strengthening the economic , political and military strength of the bloc. This has been done by the Europeans through EU and NATO. That is the political aspect of Khilafah.

The other aspect is removal of Capitalism and its excessive exploitation of the poor masses as can be currently seen in Pakistan and replacing it with sound Islamic economic principles. As I have said that for simplicity one can look at the welfare model of the Scandinavian countries which is similar to the Islamic Economic Model. Scandinavian model is a mix of Capitalism and Socialism with free education, health joblessness benefits and other such schemes.

The third aspect is the social aspect as we have borrowed the consumerism and high lifestyle of the West as opposed to the simplicity of Islamic Lifestyle. This is the root cause of corruption in Pakistan as everyone watches ostentatious display of wealth in TV dramas and in real life and thus wants to become a billionaire at any cost and thus indulges in all forms of financial corruption. The army and civil bureaucracy wants to have a lifestyle of the business tycoons and they forcefully extract the money from the budget or the public.

The fourth aspect is that we have to get out of the clutches of Western Imperialism which has made us slaves by giving us loans which are misappropriated and we are forced to support western policies for our country. If we make a bloc then we will have more independence and more shared resources to develop ourselves and become a member of the Security Council of the United Nations.

As for the OIC, we can use it to make the Khilafah Union or we can use the ECO for that purpose. Already we have got a military alliance headed by Gen. Raheel Shareef. We can expand that to make it a real protector of Muslim countries just like NATO.

Finally the problem of the TTP in Pakistan would be removed as we would ourselves implement Islamic rules in our Khilafah Union and they would become our unconventional force.
An even bolder and better decision would be to colonize Bharat and extract its resources, without letting the black people of India move across the border.
But that cannot be done in age of brain. That was doable in age of brawn.
What kind of union ? Making one nation ? Even in Quran it is said that God creates many nations in order for human to know each other.

Even during last of Chaliphate period, the Syria has become the strongest province where the Governoor has its own policy and army and later defeat the Chaliphate under Ali and make Kingdomships. The level of Autonomy system under Chalipate is similar like current union under OIC.

OIC is already miracle as it is the first time Muslim are under one banner after Chalipate period. It is good to have OIC works at this level.

Each Muslim nation people has their own obligation to manage and protect their own country. When one nation under attack, the others are helping as we can see from Afghan and Bosnian war. Majority of Muslim nations for example are against USSR and sided with Western power during cold war and Afghan war. USSR also captured many Muslim nations in Central Asia like Kazachtan, Ajerbaizan, etc where all of them have become free nations now.

Muslim nations are raising and we can see on my thread how their nation, cities, and people become modern. Shocking transformation can be seen in previously poor Gulf nation with their desert nation has now looked like NewYork, the richiest city in USA.

We even make our sport games and it is the first time in history of human kind.

A kind of union where the national interest of Indonesia is not different to the national interest of Algeria or Pakistan.

Muslim countries need to be controlled by a central authority figure - that is the Khalifa. You gave the example of the Governor of Syria having his own army - that caused fitna.

All economic and military power, all political authority needs to be central. The USA is an example - each state has it's governor, but the federation is where the real power lies, with the President.

We will not see it until we have people in power in each Muslim country who fear Allah more than they love power.

I think we can transition to this in an EU style model.
An even bolder and better decision would be to colonize Bharat and extract its resources, without letting the black people of India move across the border.
Why loot poor kafir mulk when your own momin are rich. Kafir work hard to get ahead and momin only thinks of looting, pillaging and converting. About black people, we all evolved from Africa.
Why loot poor kafir mulk when your own momin are rich. Kafir work hard to get ahead and momin only thinks of looting, pillaging and converting.

Bharat is a place with 1.4 billion people with no racial pride, docile and lacking testosterone, super amenable to any kind of authority, the perfect slaves basically. Whoever owns Bharat owns 1.4 billion slaves. Right now Brahmins own Bharat, and anyone who can replace them gets 1.4 billion slaves.
OIC is already miracle as it is the first time Muslim are under one banner after Chalipate period. It is good to have OIC works at this level.

OIC is bullshit.

For any kind of meaningful cooperation it's better to form a smaller grouping of Muslim countries that matter.

If Turkey, Egypt, Pakistan, KSA, Iran and Indonesia can jointly create an Islamic military "peacekeeping" force, so they can be deployed in zones of conflict within the Islamic world while keeping away Western forces, that would be a good start.

Meaningless educational and cultural exchanges can be done at a bilateral level, we don't need to create global organizations like OIC for that.

You could begin by starting a reverse merger of Pak into Afghanistan. They have always provided leadership to the IVC people starting from the days of Ghauri and Ghaznavi to Abdalis.

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