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Researchers awarded patent for tokamak device, would turn nuclear waste into fuel

daring dude

Jul 22, 2013
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University of Texas at Austin physicists have been awarded a U.S. patent for an invention that could someday be used to turn nuclear waste into fuel, thus removing the most dangerous forms of waste from the fuel cycle.


The researchers—Mike Kotschenreuther, Prashant Valanju and Swadesh Mahajan of the College of Natural Sciences—have patented the concept for a novel fusion-fission hybrid nuclear reactorthat would use nuclear fusion and fission together to incineratenuclear waste. Fusion produces energy by fusing atomic nuclei, and fission produces energy by splitting atomic nuclei.

The process of burning the waste would also produce energy. The researchers' goal is to eliminate 99 percent of the most toxic transuranic waste from nuclear fission reactors.

"The potential for this kind of technology is enormous," said Mahajan, professor of physics. "Now that we have the patent, we hope this will open up opportunities to engage with the research and development community to further this potentially world-changing technology."

The researchers' patent covers a tokamak device, which uses magnetic fields to produce fusion reactions. The patented tokamak is surrounded by an area that would house a nuclear waste fuel source and waste by-products of the nuclear fuel cycle. The device is driven by a transformational technology called the Super X Divertor.

The Super X Divertor is a crucial technology that has the capacity to safely divert the enormous amounts of heat out of the reactor core to keep the reactor producing energy.

Toxic nuclear waste is stored at sites around the U.S., and the need to store nuclear waste is widely considered to be a major disadvantage associated with nuclear energy.

The physicists' invention could someday drastically decrease the need for any additional or expanded geological repositories, making nuclear power cleaner and more viable.

The patented hybrid reactor is currently in a conceptual phase.

The Super X Divertor, however, is being installed as the centerpiece of a $40 million upgrade of the MAST tokamak in the United Kingdom. This installation is a critical step forward in testing the Super X Divertor experimentally. It is not covered by the U.S. patent but is the technology invented by the University of Texas at Austin physicists.
The researchers—Mike Kotschenreuther, Prashant Valanju and Swadesh Mahajan of the College of Natural Sciences—have patented the concept for a novel fusion-fission hybrid nuclear reactorthat would use nuclear fusion and fission together to incineratenuclear waste.

another useless project that generates scholarship for foreign students... nuclear fusion?? okay, let them achieve this in the next 10 years.

besides, any reactor that uses nuclear fission is a obsolete idea.
another useless project that generates scholarship for foreign students... nuclear fusion?? okay, let them achieve this in the next 10 years.

besides, any reactor that uses nuclear fission is a obsolete idea.
Why you have so much hate for Indian or Indian origin people?
. .
was any of my previous post wrong technically??
You specially pointed out the name of Indian origin researchers & claim that its obsolete due to fission mechanism but it is hybrid.
You specially pointed out the name of Indian origin researchers

that is what generally happens, yes?? they are not there for the love of science but for getting some degrees and citations ( through any means ) so that they can get high-paying jobs... attitude of the typical indian, yes??

& claim that its obsolete due to fission mechanism but it is hybrid.

a hybrid of fusion with fission, like in a hydrogen bomb, as far as i know... why didn't they at least speak of other fusion research areas like "inertial confinement fusion"??

in fact, why not pursue other means of electric generation, like biofuel which is a renewable form of energy??
that is what generally happens, yes?? they are not there for the love of science but for getting some degrees and citations ( through any means ) so that they can get high-paying jobs... attitude of the typical indian, yes??

Its a attitude of any average person in the world. Why you tag only Indian for this ?

Does not you blanketly accuse any research conducted by Indian or Indian origin people as a Tea biscuit party type of reseach ?

a hybrid of fusion with fission, like in a hydrogen bomb, as far as i know... why didn't they at least speak of other fusion research areas like "inertial confinement fusion"??

in fact, why not pursue other means of electric generation, like biofuel which is a renewable form of energy??

as per news this research is not for new nuclear technology but for recycling of nuclear waste in nuclear fuel for reuse .
So, we don't need harmful nuclear waste to burried in sea or in sand.
Does not you understand a simple sentence ?
as per news this research is not for new nuclear technology but for recycling of nuclear waste in nuclear fuel for reuse .
So, we don't need harmful nuclear waste to burried in sea or in sand.
Does not you understand a simple sentence ?

1. this will be physically a different reactor to the present ones, and not some add-on kit that can be attached to current reactors.

2. for waste to be generated by this reactor, the fuel must go through the same old fission-fusion process.

so where's the innovation?? they are simply continuing the older complicated designs which really must be discarded.
. .
1. this will be physically a different reactor to the present ones, and not some add-on kit that can be attached to current reactors.

2. for waste to be generated by this reactor, the fuel must go through the same old fission-fusion process.

so where's the innovation?? they are simply continuing the older complicated designs which really must be discarded.

As I said previously it is for recycling for nuclear waste (one of the main concern of Environmentalists) for transform into fuel. You don't think it is a ground breaking then it's your opinion but it would solve one the major concern of Environmentalists & Governments regarding radio active nuclear waste if successful.
Indian rock every where. This will certainly change the perception and utility of Nuclear plants. Good luck!!!!!
biofuel - this erases this entire project off the table... there. :tup:
With increasing population , would it would be good for us to use as fuel instead of Food ?
Let me give you a example
Impact of ethanol conversion and speculation on Mexican corn imports | NECSI

My take is make more investment in FBR Technology.
Other non conventional sources are Energy through
  • Sea waves,
  • Geothermal,
  • Solar,
  • Hydro Electric ( But in sensible manner due to their silt problem )
  • Bio Gas ( We have largest Live stock population in the world)
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