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Report: Mossad working with Saudis on contingency plans for potential attack on Iran


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
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Report: Mossad working with Saudis on contingency plans for potential attack on Iran | JPost | Israel News

The Mossad is working with Saudi officials on contingency plans for a potential attack on Iran in the event that Tehran's nuclear program is not sufficiently curbed in the deal that may be concluded between Iran and world powers in Geneva this week, The Sunday Times reported.

Both Jerusalem and Riyadh have expressed displeasure at the deal being formulated between Iran and the P5+1 group of world powers that they see as doing little to stop Tehran's progress toward a nuclear weapon.

According to the Times, Riyadh has already given its consent for Israel to use Saudi airspace for a potential attack on Iran.

The paper quoted a diplomatic source as saying the Saudis were willing to assist an Israeli attack by cooperating on the use of drones, rescue helicopters and tanker planes.

Seriously? Does anyone believe this? I can't believe Saudi Arabia has sunk so low, not only that but after buying all those effective weapons for their Air Force they're still afraid to use them and want other people to do the work. So I don't get the point of those billion dollar arms deals.
Seriously? Does anyone believe this? I can't believe Saudi Arabia has sunk so low, not only that but after buying all those effective weapons for their Air Force they're still afraid to use them and want other people to do the work. So I don't get the point of those billion dollar arms deals.

To be honest I think these reports are just more about apperance. Like Saudi buying nukes from Pakistan thing.
They want to raise a lot of alarm noise to make a nuclear agreement very costly, or APPEAR costly.
Such an agreement would be detrimental to Israels strategic interets. Saudis hate it maybe even more.
It is pertinent to remember, however, that British Intel had made effective ingress into the Saudi family early 20th century through Col TE Lawrence and Lt Col Stewart Francis Newcombe. Such infiltration by a top Intel only becomes more intimate with time. CIA, Mossad and MI6&5 are close cousins.
Maybe but i dont think so @Yzd Khalifa @Arabian Legend ?

This news is nothing but a jock mate.

What a BS allow me to say. First there is no announcement released by either KSA or Israel as the article mentions. Secondly, Saudi Arabia has officially said that it will shoot down any Israel jet in a route to Iran through its airspace. Thirdly, Saudi Arabia has no relation with Israel of any kind nor does it recognize Israel as a state.

Fourthly, Saudi Arabia don't give a rat whether Iran gets its hand on a nuclear weapons and has already said it will follow suit. Also Saudi Arabia has spoken openly against Israel nuclear arsenal that should be dealt with in the first place before jumping to Iran. Yes we would like to see free WMD middle east but that doesn't mean we will cooperate with Israel against Iran when there are many things need to be solved, first, Israel occupation of Palestine.

Sorry but keep us out of this mess as nothing will make me happy but seeing both of you destroying each other while enjoying my hot buttered popcorn.

Also, If Saudi Arabia is worry about Iran nuclear weapons then it has the means and the skills to level Iran to the ground.


The above was my response.

Same news has been posted already.

Israel said to be working with Saudi Arabia on Iran strike plan
Where are the MOSSAD videos of Iran secretly working with Israel?:-)
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