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Renewed Armenia-Azerbaijan military clashes threat Caucasus stability


Apr 10, 2012
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Renewed Armenia-Azerbaijan military clashes threat Caucasus stability

The threat of a renewal of war between Azerbaijan and Armenia became increasingly possible following an escalation in border clashes between the two countries since they ended their war with a cease-fire agreement in 1994. The truce left unsettled the region of Nagorno-Karabakh -- an Armenian enclave in the middle of Azerbaijan's territory, and tensions have been rising again. Russia is anticipating a war between Azerbaijan and Iran as early as this summer.


Russia preparing for a Caucasus war involving Iran

For the first time since the Georgia war in 2008, Russia is substantially reinforcing its military forces in the Caucasus, in expectation of a war involving Iran this summer, concerns that have only increased with the announcement of of the Israeli arms sale to Azerbaijan. However, it's not believed that the weapons were procured for use against Iran. Instead, the Foreign Ministry statement that the weapons were bought "to liberate occupied Azerbaijani land," means that the real danger is that Azerbaijan will launch a war with Armenia, and that will lead to a larger regional war involving Iran.

The Jamestown Foundation: single[tt_news]=39104&tx_ttnews[backPid]=7&cHash=3c263aad4582ad5b99b5e38603b979ba

Israel-Azerbaijan arms deal raises tensions with Iran

INTERNATIONAL - Iranian-Azeri tensions rising over Israeli deal

For that reason, Russia has been substantially reinforcing its military forces in the Caucasus. Russian forces invaded Georgia in 2008, and they are still occupying South Ossetia and Abkhazia -- Georgian provinces that Russia has hinted that it would like to annex to Russia. Russia is also occupying a portion of Georgia's southern Samtskhe-Javakheti province in the Akhalkalaki military base.

Much talk of war in the caucasus once again.
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